Issued by
A.Unt Date 16.12.2008
1. Optical characteristics Optical characteristics
N Characteristic Characteristic Test cond Test condi i tion tion
Symbol Symbol Min Min
Typ Typ
Max Max
Unit Unit红楼梦殇之风月无边
1 Mode of operation Puld
2 Polarization
Nominal average output power
Pnom 19 20 21 W 4
Output power adjustment range
10 100 % 5
Central emission wavelength
Pout=Pnom λ 1055 1064 1070 nm 6 Emission Bandwidth FWHM ∆λ 5 10 nm 7 Pul duration FWHM
Pout = Pnom PRR = 20 kHz ∆τ 90 100 120 ns 8
Lar switching ON/OFF time
祝你平安歌词0%–>90% Pnom 100%–>10% Pnom 170 250 µc 9 Pul repetition rate
PRR 20 200 kHz 10 Pul energy
Pout = Pnom PRR = 20 kHz
1 mJ 11
Long-term average power instability
Pout = Pnom over 5 hrs 5 % 12
Red guide lar power (optional) λ=660nm
0.3 0.5
Optical o Optical output (with buil utput (with buil utput (with built t -in opti in optical isolator)cal isolator)cal isolator)
N Characteristic Characteristic Test condition Test condition
Sy Sym m bol bol Min Min Typ Typ Max Max Unit Unit
13 Protection cable metal shielded/ PVC coated
14 Cable diameter 6 7 mm 15 Beam Quality
M 2 1.5 2.0 16 Output fiber cable length
3.0 m 17 Output beam diameter 1/e 2 level 6 7.5 9 mm 18 Output beam ellipticity 10 20 % 19 Output beam offt
1 1.5 mm 20
Output beam misalignment 8 12 mrad 21
Output beam divergence adjustment
minimum of divergence袁世凯后人
Electrical c Electrical characteristics haracteristics haracteristics
N Characteristic Characteristic
Test condition Test condition Min Min Typ Typ Max Max Unit Unit 22 Lar module supply voltage
可爱漫画头像女生23 24 25 VDC 23 Current consumption
Pout = Pnom
4. Control i Control interface nterface nterface, type B , type B , type B1.1.1.
Pin description. Control connector: DB25Pin description. Control connector: DB25--plug.plug.
ALL levels are TTL compatible, unless otherwi is noted in the pin description. PIN No.
PIN No. Description Description 1-8
Power Setting (0-FFh in hexadecimal or 0…255 in decimal formats). LSB (D0) corresponds to Pin number 1, MSB (D7) corresponds to pin 8.
00h (0): Minimum output power
FFh (255): Maximum output power Disconnected corresponds to 00h.
9 Latch. Latches power tting simultaneously with rising edge. 10-15, 24 Ground
16, 21
Lar alarms status. Pin 16 Pin 21 Status
LOW LOW Lar temperature is out of operating temperature range LOW HIGH Normal operation
HIGH LOW Lar has automatically switched OFF due to high optical “Back Reflection” returned to the lar HIGH
MO failure
17 Auxiliary 5±0.25VDC power supply input for independent guide lar operation. 18
Master Oscillator (MO) ON/OFF signal. HI: MO ON LOW or disconnected: MO OFF
19 Lar Modulation input (Booster ON/OFF input). HI: Booster ON LOW or disconnected: Booster OFF
20 Pul Repetition rate (Synchronization) input, square wave. Refer to the specification for operating PRR range. 22
Guide Lar (red diode) ON/OFF input. HI: ON LOW or disconnected: OFF 23 Emergency Stop Input HI: OK (Normal operation) LOW or disconnected: STOP (Lar automatically switches OFF emission) 25
Delivery options Delivery options
● Red guide lar
● Power supply 100/240 AC
● Alteration of the output beam diameter ● Alteration of the output fiber length
USB Remote control, laboratory grade (including PC software)
General c General characteristics haracteristics haracteristics
N Characteristic Characteristic
Min Min Typ Typ Max Max Unit Unit 24 Module operating temperature range ● 100% emission time ● 50% emission time 0 0
+36 +42 °C 25 Storage temperature -10
°C 26 Cooling method 3 built-in fans
27 Warm-up time: ● to start of operation ● to full stabilization 0.1 10 min
28 Humidity (non-condend) 10
% 29
Lar Module dimensions
7. Certificat Certification ion ion
梦见雷电Test data shipped with each lar:
1) Nominal output average power, W 2) Pul repetition rate, kHz 3) Operating wavelength, nm
4) Pul duration (at 20 kHz, nominal output power), ns 5) Output power instability, % 6) Beam diameter (1/e 2 level), mm
7) Lar ON/OFF delays (nominal output power), µc 8) Nominal current consumption, A
8. Output head dimensions Output head dimensions
9. Lar module dimensions Lar module dimensions
1 – 25 pin D-shape control connector,
2 – power supply cable,
3 – optical output