
更新时间:2023-05-17 08:03:17 阅读: 评论:0

Unit 2
Text A
A Wedding Gift
Elizabeth Economies
I had always dreamed of being propod to in a Parisian cafe, under dazzling stars, like the one in a Van Gogh knockoff that hangs in m y studio apart m ent. Instead, m y boyfriend asked me to m arry him while I was wandering the bathroom mirror.
At 40 years old, it was m y turn. 1 had gracefully stepped aside and watched both m y twin sister and our baby sister take the m atrimonial plunge before m e? 1 had been a bridesmaid ven times and a m aid of honor three times. 1 had more pastel-colored, taffeta dress than a consignment shop.
My fiancé, George, and I are Greek-Am erican, but we wanted a sim ple, elegant affair. No entourage of bridesmaids and groomsmen. No silly slideshow revealing details of our courtship. This would be an intimate gathering, neither big nor fat, with 100 or so guests. In our families that is intimate.
My job as a publicist to a m onomaniacal orchestra conductor had just vanished, so 1 had lots of tim e to devote to m y new project. George, who worked 60 hours a week as a pharmacist, now had a cond job: listening to m e whine about the wedding. After all, this was m y show, and 1 was the director.
But the m ore time and effort 1 put in, the m ore the univer tried to thwart m e. The Greek band from Los Angeles that 1 wanted wasn't available. The stitching 1 had requested for m y cathedral veil was all wrong. My ivory silk gown was being quarantined somewhere in Singapore. And with our wedding just a few weeks away, 1 was annoyed that m ost of m y guests were responding after the deadline.
Then 1 received the call from m y mother, petite and brimming with energy at 68, who a few days before had been so thrilled about the wedding. She’d been to the doctor for her annual checkup. Although she felt fine, the diagnosis was stom ach cancer.
Over the next few days, the question becam e not "What kind of wedding?" but "Wedding?" I had thought of it as m y Big Day. I realized that a Big Day without m y mother would be no day at all. Not having m y dad, who pasd away three years before, to walk m e down the aisle was painful, but the thought of not having Mom there was unbearable.
辽宁警察学院Within a few days, 1 m oved back hom e to Seattle from New York City and postponed the cerem ony. 1 switched from navigating wedding plans to navigating the health-care system. I had picked out the song to be played for our first dance as a husband and wife, but now 1 was hard-presd to remember what it was. My wedding, like a dream, was vanishing against the harsh reality of illness.
Meanwhile, my two sisters and I, who lived in three different cities, were united once again in a hospital waiting room. My twin sister flew in from Chicago despite being eight m onths pregnant. Our baby sister, who'd been looking after Mom since Dad's death, was gripped by fear as the familiar sights and smells were eerily reminiscent of his final days. After consulting with doctors, we learned that stom ach surgery was Mom's only option. We took the first opening.
On a drab autumn morning, as sheets of rain relentlessly poured over Seattle, Mom was admitted to the Swedish Cancer Institute. During a five-hour operation, surgeons removed two thirds of her stom ach. Pacing in the waiting room, terrified, I wondered what the future held for all of us.
George flew out to be with m e. "There's no place I'd rather be," he said. For three nights he slept on the dank floor in the hospital waiting area wrapped in a tattered sheet with a soiled sofa cushion under his head. A week after the operation, the surgeon gave us his prognosis: "The cancer has not
spread," he said. Tho were som e of the loveliest words in the English language. George squeezed m y hand as tears trickled down m y face.
The weeks that followed were exhausting. My m other had to rethink her diet, and I had to figure out what to prepare. Decadent Greek m eals were replaced by tiny portions and lots of protein, which would help mend the six-inch incision that ran from her breastbone past her navel. Protein would also bolster her immune system for the chemo and radiation that might follow.
Until then, m y idea of cooking had been microwaving the doggie bag from the chi-chi restaurant I'd eaten at the night before. But after two m onths, I mastered poached eggs and T-bone steaks. What's m ore, caring for my Mom made m e realize how consummately she had cared for all of us. I'll never forget when I went to e her in the intensive-care unit, just a few hours after her surgery. She was strung out with a m yriad of plastic tubes protruding from her arms, no, and mouth." Liz, make sure you eat som ething," she said in a strained, raspy voice.
Forget Paris. Mom's full recovery was m y dream now.
Recently, she went for a follow-up C-T scan. As she rem oved her gold wedding band for the exam, her fragile 98-pound frame trembled. There would be this scan, and m any m ore. But the doctor sai
d," Everything looks good." Soon, m y mother will be walking me down the aisle. I've forgotten what kind of stitching is in my veil. But when I remove it from my face , I’ll be staring at the two people I love beyond all reason: m y soon-to-be husband and the wom an who showed m e what' s really important.
Text B
Wedded Dis
Amy Wathen
In February,I got engaged to a guy who I believe to be the m ost amazing man alive.I feel so lucky,and I am very much in love.I cannot wait to be m arried·
Since I have been engaged,while I have gotten a lot of congratulatory wishes from friends,some older,more cynical people just won’t let m e be. I have heard the following comments, knocking m e from m y I’m-getting -m arried -to -the -love -of -m y –life pedestal: "It will never last," "You won't even m ake it to the altar," "Marriage is so difficult," "It's so hard to m ake it work" and m y favorite,
accom panied by an eye roll and a horribly sarcastic tone, "Good luck to you!" I get lectures on the struggles that lie ahead, looks of sym pathy, and speeches on how terrible my life will be in about l0 years when I will apparently hate m y husband. Can't anyone just let m e be happy? Peop le love my fiancé and no one has ever said that I am not ready. So why is this such a mistake? Why do som e adults who have had bad experiences dec ide to kill m y happiness with nasty rem arks instead of just saying congratulations?
Don’t get m e wrong,I have not allowed m y happiness to overpower m y common n. I know all about the struggles of m arriage.I know all about the heartache:that children can strain a m arriage,that m oney issues can blow up,that a couple can lo their connection,that job stress can take a toll and that changing and growing older can aid in the dissolution of what once was real love.I know it’s not always easy or fun,and that it's not perfect forever.
I saw this firsthand when my parents were divorced last year. I watched their once -perfect union fall apart amid unhappiness, pain, desperation, frustration, sadness and anger. Marriage can be a beautiful journey,but it isn’t for everyone.My mom and dad are much happier apart.I thought I wouldn’t want to be m arried after living through that until I m et the m an of m y dreams and he changed m y mind.
My fiancé has incredible parents. They have been together sinc e they were in high school, m ore than 30 years, and they have five children, crazy work schedules, and the sam e issues as everyone el. But they are an exception becau they are still madly in love. It's a breath of fresh air to be with them. I e in them a love that is different and I think that I have that as well. You never know where life will take you, but I think it is a dangerous assumption that a m arriage can never work out, or that it isn't worth a try. It can last. My future in-laws are proof that a m arriage can withstand the m any potential catastrophes and last a lifetime.
My relationship with my fiancé is not perfect. But it is fantastic.Being with him brings out a better and happier version of me.He makes me laugh harder than anyone el.We have a healthy and wonderful way of communicating.But m ost
importantly,I love him without condition.And he loves m e for who I am without judgment, without complaining about how messy I am or getting annoyed at how crazy and neurotic I can be.We always put each other first and always m ake tim e for each other no m atter how busy our world gets.He is as excited as I am to get married,and together we are confident in our com patibility and our ability to last forever.We have the example of his parents and mine,examples to learn from,what m istakes not to m ake,and how to create a stable foundation that will last beyond the prent tim e.
One day,I may look back with stale,wrinkled eyes and e a silly little girl who didn’t know what she was talking about.One day m y relationship may not be as wonderful as it is now.But I am not going to go into m arriage waiting for everything to fall apart.I’m not planning ahead for m y divorce or im agining m ylf as a walking statistic。When I say “I do,”I am saying I promi to love forever;not “until this isn’t perfect and l want out.”I m ean forever.
When l was younger, I dreamed about getting m arried.I dresd up in m y mom’s wedding dress and veil,put on ridiculous am ounts of poorly-placed pink blush,carried a bouquet of fake flowers from the va on the kitchen table and thought about how wonderful it would be to do that for real.I know now that the dream I had of m arried life was a little too optim istic and hopeful to say the least.
我是特种兵之子弹上膛Now I have a gorgeous wedding dress of m y own.I’ll wear it proudly and say“I do!” and dance and eat cake that costs way too m uch m oney.I will enjoy that one am azing day with all of m y being.But I know that day will end, and once it’s over,I have to m ake plans for the future,and my husband and l will have to work hard to reach our m utual goals.And I’ll try with everything I am to prove to everyone that we can m ake it work,to m ake the 6-year-old version of m e proud.
So, for all of you divorced folk out there,or tho of you unhappily m arried, or tho who are just plain cynical, I am sorry that you aren’t crazy in love anymore. I’m sorry if you never found someone who m akes you catch your breath. But for
now, let m e have m y fun,let m e back in the glory of ridiculous,consuming,

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