Articles of Association
Chapter 1: General Principle
第一条依据《中华人民共和国公司法》(以下简称《公司法》)及有关法律、法规的规定,由_______方共同出资,设立____________公司(以下简称“公司”),特制定本章程。Article 1. In accordance with the PRC Company Law (hereinafter referred to as the "Company Law") and other relevant laws and regulations, ________, in total ____ (___) parties, jointly make capital contributions to establish ________ (hereinafter referred to as the "Company"), and the articles of association are hereby formulated.
Article 2. In the event that the terms and conditions of the articles of association conflict with any law, regulation or rule and other legislative, executive or judicial interpretation or pronouncement of the PR
C currently in force and applicable to the Company (the "Applicable Laws"), the Applicable Laws shall prevail.
可尚Chapter 2: The Establishment of the Company
Article 3. The name of the Company is:
Article 4. The address of the Company is:
Article 5. The form of organization of the Company shall be a limited liability company. The liability of
a shareholder of the Company shall be limited to the registered capital contributed by or committed to be contributed by such shareholder to the Company. Unless otherwi specifically agreed in writing by the shareholders, creditors of the Company shall only have recour to the asts of the Company, and shall not ek repayment from the shareholders of any debt, liability or obligation of the Company.
Article 6. The Company shall be an independent legal person under the Company Law. The
Company shall be subject to the jurisdiction of, and shall be protected by the Applicable Laws. The activities of the Company shall comply with the Applicable Laws.
Chapter 3: Business Scope of the Company
Article 7. The business scope of the Company is (subject to approval in business licen):
conference planning; conference rvices; economic information consultation and translation rvice.
Article 8. The Company shall conduct its business as an independent economic entity and will operate autonomously.
Article 9. The Company shall have the power, including without limitation, to:
(1) enter into lea, land u transfer and/or grant agreements to obtain office premis or any other business premis and technology or equipment for the Company;
(2) enter into any other contracts with any person, entity or organization, whether existing under relevant laws in the PRC’s jurisdiction, or the laws of any other country or region required for the efficient operation of the Company, including contracts for the provision of utilities, labour, furniture, appliances, equipment, machinery and any other supplies;
(3) borrow money or give guarantees for any of the purpos of the Company and, from time to time without limitation as to amount, to draw, make, accept, endor, execute and issue bills of exchange and other negotiable or non-negotiable instruments and evidences of indebtedness in accordance with the Applicable Laws;
(4) to cure the payment of any of the foregoing and of any interest thereon by granting a mortgage, pledge, or other curity interest over any whole or part of the property of the Company
乐谷卫浴in accordance with the Applicable Laws;
(5) carry on business in connection with the foregoing, and do any or all of the things t forth above;
用拟声词写一句话(6) take out and maintain all necessary insurances for the Company and its asts in accordance with the Applicable Laws; and
(7) engage in any other lawful act or activity within the approved business scope of the Company or which it is, from time to time, otherwi permitted to engage in under the Applicable Laws.
第四章公司注册资本及股东的姓名(名称)、出资方式、出资额、出资时间Chapter 4: The Registere
d Capital of the Company, Names of the Shareholders, the Type, Amount and Schedule of Capital Contribution
Article 10. The registered capital of the Company shall be:.
Article 11. The personal (or corporate) names of the shareholders, subscribed and actually paid capital contribution amount, schedule for making the contribution, and the types of such contribution are as follows:
The personal names of the shareholders
Subscribed capital contribution
Actually paid capital contribution amount at the establishment (date of application for alteration registration) of Company
Contribution by installment
Capital contribution amount and percentage
Schedule for making contribution
Type of the contribution
Capital contribution amount
Schedule for making contribution
Type of capital contribution
Capital contribution amount
Schedule for making contribution
Type of capital contribution
第十二条公司成立后,应当向股东签发出资证明书。出资证明书应当载明下列事项:Article 12. When the Company is formed, the investment certification should be issued to each shareholder. The investment certificate shall specify the following particulars:
(1) the name of the Company;
(2) the date of establishment of the Company;
(3) the registered capital of the Company;
(4) the name of the shareholder, the amount of his capital contribution made and the date of capital contribution; and
(5) the rial number and date of issuance of the capital contribution certificate.
The capital contribution certificate shall be affixed with the al of the Company.
Chapter 5: The Company's Organizational Structure, its Establishment and Power, and Procedures
Article 13. The shareholders’ meeting of the Company shall be compod of all the shareholders. The shareholders' meeting shall be the organ of authority of the Company and shall exerci the following functions and powers:
(1) to decide on the business policies and investment plans of the Company;
(2) to elect and replace the executive director and the supervisor, and to decide on matters concerning the remuneration of the executive director and the supervisor;
(3) to review and approve reports of the executive director;
(4) to review and approve reports of the supervisor;
(5) to review and approve the Company's propod annual financial budgets and final accounts;
(6) to review and approve the Company's profit distribution plans and plans for making up loss;
(7) to pass resolutions on the increa or reduction of the Company's registered capital;
(8) to pass resolutions on the issuance of corporate bonds;
(9) to pass resolutions on matters such as the merger, division, dissolution, liquidation or change of the corporate form of the Company; and
苏联元帅(10) to amend the articles of association of the Company.
Article 14. The first shareholders' meeting shall be convened by, and presided over by,(1)出资最多的股东;或(2)如果各股东的出资相同,由朱凯先生召集和主持。
(1) the shareholder who made the largest capital contribution; or (2) if all shareholders have made a
n equal capital contribution, then by _______).
Article 15. Shareholders shall exerci their voting rights at shareholders' meetings in proportion to their respective shares of capital contributions.