Ambulance help for the physical body, which can be brought into play (137-6). Other possibilities: Impending emergency.
锚:停留在某处研修、理解(900-158, A-2)。其它解释:1,羁绊住;2,稳定性;3,解决问题的决定性的力量来自于内心深处;4,想安定下来的欲望;
Anchor staying in one spot in understanding (i.e., "taking up anchor" means starting to learn) (900-158, A-2). Other possibilities: 1. tied down. 2. stability. 3. power of determination and resolve from deep within. 4. desire to ttle down.
七年级下册作文天使:真理之光(262-9) 。其它解释:1,智慧;2,指导;3,临近的出生或死亡
Angel the light of truth (262-9). Other possibilities: 1. wisdom. 2. guidance. 3. a coming birth or death (literally or figuratively)
盔甲:“上主的盔甲” 可以使人免于困苦和(294-185) 。其它解释:1,僵化;2,自我防护
Armor "the armor of the Lord" that can protect a person from difficulties and temptations (294-185). Other possibilities: 1. rigidity. 2. barriers we put up to people in lf-defen.
婴儿:1,新的冒险(538-24) ;2,新的个人关系(551-12) ;3,那些看来是少量的、微小的确具有巨大的价值(294-139);4,灵性真理(294-159) ;5,需要教育、指导、引路(900-98);6,两个人和谐的结晶;7,开放、无畏,如耶稣所讲:“除非成为孩童…”(900-386) 。其它解释:1,待开发、未成熟;2,刚开始;没有责任;3,需要照看和鼓励。
Baby 1. a new venture ( 538-24). 2. a new interpersonal relationship (551-12). 3. that which appears to be small or of little account but may be of the greatest value (294-139, A-5). 4. the spiritual truth (294-159, A-6). 5. that which requires teaching, guidance, and direction (900-98, A-2). 6. the harmonious union of two people (dreamed that he and wife had triplets; Cayce Interpreted as harmo
nious relations between the two at physical, mental and spiritual levels) (900-183, A-2). 7. becoming open and unfearful, in the n. that Jesus spoke. "except
you become as " (900-386, A-12,-13). Other possibilities: 1. undeveloped, immature. 2. something just getting started. 3. free of responsibilities. 4. something needing nurturance and encouragement.
毕业鉴定班主任球:1,完美的空间、理想或合一的概念(900-104) ;2,这个世界上与宇宙无限能量有关的力量(900-104) ;3,一个完整的、考虑周全的方法(900-140) ;4,目的的合一(900-142);5,孩童的游戏(137-61) 。其它解释:完成;竞争
Ball 1. the "perfect sphere"-some Ideal or concept of wholeness (900-104). 2. the forces of this world as they relate to the Universal Force (900-128, A-3). 3. a whole, or well rounded, approach to things (900-140, A-6). 4. the oneness of purpo (900-142, A-1). 5. childhood games (137-61, A-2). Other possibilities: 1. completeness. 2. competitiveness.
沐浴:1,清洗和从旧想法中解放出来;2,清理和加强外在的自我(与来自上帝的内在的力量不同)( 900-110) 。其它解释:1,身体清洗;2,放弃意见或偏见
Bath 1. cleansing and freeing from old ideas (900-189). 2. a cleansing and strengthening of the outer lf, which should not be confud with the inner strengthening that comes from God (900-110). Other possibilities: 1. physical cleansing. 2. letting go of opinions and prejudices.
熊:包含了两个方面:一是有破坏性,再有玩耍、爱抚、爱心(294-87) 。其它解释:1,坏脾气;2,过分的保护;3,熊市;4,冬眠。
Bear that which has two sides: one destructive and the other playful, caressing, and loving (294-87). Other possibilities: 1. grumpy. 2. over protectiveness. 3. failing stock prices ("bear market"). 4. hibernating, retreating.
床:1,性活动(136-4) ;2,污浊的状况应据一个人的道德标准来清理(294-56);3,对他人关闭(梦中人与死去的父亲在床上被解释为两个灵魂有了接触)(900-159) 。其它解释:1,休息、睡觉;2,无意识状态。
Bed 1. xual activity (136-4, A-2). 2. dirty conditions in the bed-care must be taken that by moral standards one's life appears to be clean and open (294-56, A-2). 3. cloness to another or intimacy (discarnate father In bed with the dreamer Is Interpreted as actual soul-to-soul Contact) (900-159, A-2). Other possibilities: I. rest or sleep.2. unconsciousness.
鸟:1,信息传递者(900-37);2,闲聊是对自我发展的障碍(281-7);3,鹰---最高的威力才行动(900-117) 。其它解释:1,自由于物质约束;2,灵魂;3,理想知识;4,心轮;5,激励的思想、愿望;6,心灵感应;7,高我。
Bird 1. the bearer of a message (900-37). 2. canaries- idle talk (like chirping and twittering) that is a hindrance to lf (281-7). 3. an eagle-the highest elements of power and might in action (900-117). Other possibilities: 1. freedom from materials ties. 2. the soul. 3. spiritual knowledge食不语
. 4. the heart chakra.5.aspirations, thoughts, and Ideals. 6. telepathy. 7. the higher lf.
Black man a truth which is submerged and still in one's own unconscious (dreamer was a white female, age 48) (106-10, A-2).
毯子、被子、床罩:1,家庭的行为模式(900-142) ;2,帮助性的态度去面对或掩盖一个困难的局面(900-180) 。其它解释:与个人安全和舒适有关。
Blanket, quilt. bed cover 1. the "cover" or mode of conduct in the home (900-142). 2. helpful attitudes to make the best of or to cover a difficult situation (900-180).
血:1,身体的物理动力,表明健康与否(900-262) ;2,一个人的想法和理想(就是说输血是思想的交流) ;3,生命的动力(136-83) ;4,力量之源(基督之血带来的力量)(900-327) 。其它解释:1,血缘关系;2,基督之奉献;3,坏血意味着憎恨。
Blood 1. the physical forces of the body itlf, indicative of relative level of health or Imbalance (900-262). 2. the Ideas and Ideals of a person (e.g., a blood transfusion reprenting their transmission) (900-271). 3. life-giving, vital force (136-83). 4. strength (i.e., as In the strength which comes to u through the blood shed by Christ) (900-327). Other possibilities: 1. kinship, as In "blood ties." 2. the sacrifice of Christ. 3. "bad blood" meaning animosity.
船:生命的航程(136-41) ;2,人们可以进入畅游的一个学说派别或思想体系(900-102) ;3,来自于其它源泉(就是从海外来的)(900-142) ;4,临近的旅行(136-67) ;5,一个上了船的关于灵性真理的信息;6,渡船离岸---一个进入另一类层面的航程;其它解释:1,与同船的人面临同样的问题;2,一个冒险历程;3,开始探索非意识思想;4,一个机会(例如误了船) 。
Boat 1. the voyage of life (136-41). 2. a body of thought which one can enter into and travel upon (900-102, A-2). 3. something that comes from a foreign source (i.e., from across the waters) (900-142, A-7). 4. a forthcoming trip (136-67). 5. a message about spiritual truth to be carried abroad (900-
267, A-4). 6. ferryboat parating from a pier-a voyage into the afterlife, the paration into a new realm (900-370).Other possibilities: 1. having common problems or challenges as tho other people depicted in the boat (i.e., "in the same boat"). 2. an adventure. 3. beginning to explore the unconscious mind. 4. an opportunity (e.g., "missing the boat").
Book 1. knowledge (900-196, A-5; 900-156,A-15). 2. lessons gained (900-217, A-1). Other possibilities: 1. memories. 2. Ideas. 3. Akashic records.
Box 1. that which holds and protects (257-130 Supplement). 2. the conditions surrounding a person's life (900-97, A-1). 3. hedged in or boxed in (900-216, A-3; 900-17, A-3). 4. being hemmed in by the cares of the world (900-178).
Bread 1. the most basic sustaining force of life; the staff of life; that which permits development ("morally, mentally, spiritually, financially") (136-16, A-2). 2. positive efforts invested in the prent which may have future benefits (i.e., Biblical metaphor: casting bread upon the waters, and "it shall be returned to thee") (900-257, A-2). Other possibilities: 1. that which has been learned from life. 2. money.
酒英语砖头:几句话、几个行为慢慢地建立起(大厦) 。其它解释:固化了的想法和情感。
Bricks little words or little deeds that can slowly be built up (900-376, A-4).
Bridge 1. our way of passing through material life (900-64). 2. the foundation for a way of life (900-112). 3. a transition (288-14). Other possibilities: 1. a link between opposites. 2. a way of overcoming a difficulty.
公牛:1,顽固不化;2,牛市;其它解释:1,性或性欲;2,海底轮(第一灵性中心) 。
Bull 1. hardheadedness or stubbornness (i.e., "bull- headed") (294-36, A-2). 2. bull market (i.e., drea
mer was a stock investor) (137-113).Other possibilities: 1. xuality or xual appetite. 2. the first chakra or spiritual center.
Bull's-eye attunement to one's ideals or goal (900-106, A-1).
Burglar a warning about someone who may try to take advantage of the dreamer (195-51, A-2). Other possibilities: 1. negative attitude or emotion that is stealing one's energy or vitality. 2. guilt about having taken something (literally or metaphorically) from someone. 3. desire to take something from someone (e.g., power, prestige, etc).
Cake aggrandizement of physical appetites (900-94, A-6). . Other possibilities: 1. something luxurious or not practical. 2. reward. 3. celebration.
Candle 1. singleness of purpo and heart (900-322, A-1). 2. stages of development (900-252). Other possibilities: 1. personal physical re- sources (e.g., "burning a candle at both ends"). 2. enlightenment, wisdom.
Candy 1. one's own physical satisfaction; lf-indulgence (136-23, A-7). 2.improper,indulgent eating (136-60, A-3). 3. a luxury (900-230, A-1). 4. sweets- diet reference to amount of sweets (136-21).
拐杖:提供的帮助(特别是对身体) ,但可以被用来作秀或者理解性的帮助。其它解释:1,支持;2,自律;3,男性器。
Cane that which provides aid or assistance (especially in a physical way) but which can be ud either as mere "show' or as genuine and understood help (i.e., some people carry a cane only for show, others really need It to walk) (137-63, A-4). Other possibilities: 1. support. 2. discipline. 3. male x organ.
Captain the one in charge (e.g., boat captain) and accountable for the lives and well-being of Others (900-267, A-4). Other possibilities: 1. higher lf. 2. Intellect. - 3. source of guidance. 4. authority, power.
汽车/车辆:1,我们经历生命历程的运载工具;2,汽车股票;3,车祸---灾难倾向的警告(并不意味着一定是车祸) ;4,开快车---匆忙的事件。其它解释:1,物理身体;2,以太身体;3,一个人的思想或思想体系;4,野心和动力;5,社会地位;6,自我---控制或失去控制(如别人在驾驶) 。
Car/automobile 1. the vehicle or means by which we move through the journey of life (294-159, A-4). 2. automobile stock (dreamer was stockbroker) (900-209). 3. car accident-general warning about upcoming period of being accident-prone (not necessarily a car accident) (136-21, A-5). 4. speeding car-hurrying or forcing an Issue (900-115, A-1). Other possibilities: 1. physical body. 2. etheric body. 3. one's Ideas or mind-t. 4. ambitious and driven. 5. status or social standing. 6. lf- control or lack of It (who is driving?).
Carpet a subrvient state; being walked on (294-36, A-2). Other possibilities: 1. Insulation against u)worldly Influences. 2. softness, comfort. 3. the handiwork of God. 4. hiding or covering up some- thing.
Cat 1. xuality (900-308, A-8). 2. kitten-prankster (900-259, A-7). Other possibilities: 1. Independent. 2. gossipy.