1、The Four Corners Monument in the southwestern region of the United States, marking the place where the boundaries of Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah interct.
(A) States, marking the place
(B) States marks the place
(C) States, the place
(D) States, it marks
(E) States marking
2、The current generation of high school students has more educational opportunities, job training possibilities, and career options to consider before entering the workforce than any other generation has had.
(A) any other generation has had
(B) do any generation
(C) for other generations
(D) with other generations
(E) would any generation
3、In the Bay of Fundy the rising tide produces a so powerful inward surge that it actually revers the normal flows of veral rivers.
(A) a so powerful inward surge
(B) a powerful inward surge; so
(C) an inward surge so powerful
(D) an inward surge, it is so powerful
(E) so powerful of an inward surge
4、Seeking to reduce pollution from conventional electricity plants, ways to convert the e
nergy of ocean waves into usable power are being considered by the state of Oregon.
(A) ways to convert the energy of ocean waves into usable power are being considered by the state of Oregon
(B) ways to converting the energy of ocean waves into usable power are something being considered by the state of Oregon
(C) the conversion of the energy of ocean waves into usable power has been considered by the state of Oregon
(D) the state of Oregon is considering ways of ocean wave energy being converted into usable power
(E) the state of Oregon is considering ways to convert the energy of ocean waves into usable power
5、On hot days, the elephant flaps its ears constantly, this creates a slight breeze that cools surface blood vesls, allowing cooled blood to circulate throughout the body.
(A) constantly, this creates a slight breeze that cools surface blood vesls, allowing cooled blood to circulate
(B) constantly, and creating a slight breeze for cooling surface blood vesls, which allows cooled blood to circulate
(C) constantly, creating a slight breeze that cools surface blood vesls so that cooled blood can circulate
(D) constantly, in this way, it creates a slight breeze and this cools surface blood vesls, allowing cooled blood circulating
(E) constantly with the creation of a slight breeze in cooling surface blood vesls, so cooled blood can circulate
6、Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was a descendant of John and Priscilla Alden, who romance he celebrated in the narrative poem “The Courtship of Miles Standish.”
(A) 汪琳 who romance he celebrated
长征地图(B) he celebrated their romance
(C) their romance was celebrated by him
(D) it was their romance he celebrates
(E) 优秀家庭教育案例 having celebrated their romance
7、太极十三势Many college students think that school policies should not be dictated by administrative officers 片石混凝土but instead they should be submitted to the approval of the students.
(A) but instead they should be submitted to the approval of the students
(B) but they should have been submitted to the approval of the students
(C) but should be submitted to the students for approval
(D)培养孩子注意力 becau they should be submitted for their approval to the students
(E) however, they ought to be submitted to the students for their approval
8、The development of cameras so small that they can be swallowed by patients have made diagnosing certain dias much easier.
(A) have made diagnosing certain dias much easier
(B) has made it much more easier to diagno certain dias
(C) has made certain dias much easier to diagno
(D) make diagnosing certain dias much easier
(E) are making it much easier to diagno certain dias
9、The new television show has become instantly popular, the characters are realistic and the sound track including with it songs by famous bands.
(A) popular, the characters are realistic and the sound track including with it
(B) popular, its characters are realistic with a sound track including
(C) popular, having characters that are realistic and a sound track that includes
(D) popular becau the characters are realistic and the sound track includes
(E) popular as the characters are realistic, in additional, the sound track includes