教 学 设 计 | ||
授课时间:2019 年 月 日 | 备课时间:2019 年 月 日 | |
年级: 学科:英语 课时:2 | 学生姓名: | |
课题名称 | 高中英语语法之后置定语 | 授课教师: |
教学目标 | 学习并掌握后置定语的用法,以利于句子的理解。 | |
教学重点 教学难点 | 1.后置定语的理解;2.介词短语做后置定语的理解和掌握。 | |
设计意图 | ||
教学过程 | 一、形容词做后置定语 形容词(Adjective)的主要功能之一就是作定语(Attribute),用来修饰名词或代词。其位置一般放在所修饰的词之前,作前置修饰语(Pre-modifier),或称为前置定语(Pre-attribute)。如:a funny story(一个有趣的故事),a good teacher(一位好老师)。但在一些特殊情况下却可以放在所修饰的词之后,有的甚至只能放其后,作后置修饰语(Post-modifier),或称为后置定语(Post-attribute)。现就此特殊现象作以简要归纳分析。 (一)形容词修饰由 some-, any-, every-, no- 构成的复合不定代词时,只能作后置定语。如: (1)He wanted to get someone reliable to help in the work.他想找一个可靠的人来帮助做这项工作。 (2)There is something unusual in her voice. 她的声音有些反常。 (3)They provided us with everything necessary.他们向我们提供了各种必需品。 (4)Is there anything important in the paper?报纸上有什么重要消息吗? (5)There is nothing wrong with your words. 你的话没有错。 (6)Anyone intelligent can do it. 任何一个聪明的人都能做到。 (二)形容词与介词短语、动词不定式短语或其他附加词连用作定语时,需放在所修饰的词之后,作后置定语。这类词 有:easy(容易的)、difficult(困难的)、impossible(不可能)、different(不同的)、similar(类似的)、 equal(相等的)、responsible(负责的)、suitable(合适的)、sufficient(充足的)等。如: (1)It was a conference fruitful of results. 这是一个富有成效的会议。 (2)He is one of the leading members responsible for the work.他是负责这项工作的领导之一。 (3)People brave enough to climb Everest derve to succeed.敢于攀登珠穆朗玛峰的人应该获得成功。 (4)The girl is married to a man greedy for money.那女孩嫁给了一个贪财的人。 (5)English is a language easy to learn but difficult to master.英语是一门易学而难精通的语言。 注:形容词词组作定语时一般后置,但有些则可以部分前置,部分后置,形成名词修饰语不连续的现象。如: a.They have facilities comparable to ours. 他们有和我们相同的设备。 They have comparable facilities to ours. b.Tom is the student easiest to teach. 汤姆是最容易教的学生。 Tom is the easiest student to teach. (三)形容词与表示数量或程度的短语连用作定语时,需放在所修饰的词之后,作后置定语。这类词有:deep(深的), long(长), wide(宽的), tall(高的), short(短的), high(高的), thick(厚的), thin(薄的)等。如: (1)Plea fetch me a rope ten meters long.请给我拿来一条10米长的绳子。 (2)a swimming pool nine feet deep 一个9英尺深的游泳池 (3)A lar beam can produce a temperature far higher than that of the surface of the sun. 激光能产生出远远超过太阳的温度。 这类词也常放在表示度量的名词之后作后置定语。如: a. That building is 40 stories high. 那栋楼高40层。 b. The novel is 600 pages thick. 这本小说厚600页。 c. The river is 100 meters wide. 这条河宽100米。 (四)两个表示相对或相反意义的形容词连用作定语时,需放在所修饰的词之后,作后置定语。如: (1)I have never en a film more interesting and instructive.我从未看过这样有趣而又富于教育意义的影片。 (2)All the workers, old and young, are studying science.老少工人都在学科学。 (3)He suggested a method economical and practical.他提出了一个经济而可行的方法。 (4)All countries, big and small, should be equal.不论大小国家都应一律平等。 (6) We are building a socialist country, prosperous and flourishing.印度神 我们正在建设一个繁荣的社会主义国家。 (五) 一些特定意义的形容词作定语时,需放在所修饰的词之后, 作后置定语。这类词有: prent (出席的)、abnt(缺席的)、proper(适当的、纯粹的)、necessary(必要的)、general(首席的)、 concerned(有关的、焦急的)、involved(有关的、复杂的)、opposite(相对的)、nearby(附近的)、elect(当选的)、enough (充足的)等。如: 脸皮薄(1)All the people prent began to sing the International Song.在场的人都高唱《国际歌》。 (2)The speed necessary is 200km per hour. 所需速度为每小时二百公里。 (3)There is food enough for everybody. 有足够的食品给大家吃。 (4)The people in the hou opposite never draw their curtains.对面房子里的人从来不拉窗帘。 这类词有些既可作后置定语又可作前置定语,一般来说含义不变。如: a. It is the only solution possible.(=It is the only possible solution.) 这是唯一可能的解决办法。 b. I've got money enough to buy a car.(=I've got enough money to buy a car.) 我有足够的钱买辆车。 c. He works in the factory nearby.(He works in the nearby factory.)他在附近的一个工厂工作。 但有些形容词作后置或前置定语含义则不同。如: a. ① The employees prent(= tho here now) should vote on the issue. 在场的雇员应对这一问题进行表决。 ② the number of the prent employees (= tho currently employees) 现有的雇员人数 b. ① The girl responsible (= who can be blamed) was expelled.负有责任的那个姑娘被开除了。 ② Janet is a responsible girl (= she has a n of duty). 珍妮特是一个负责任的姑娘。 c. ① All parties concerned (= responsible) should attend the discussion.有关各方都应参加讨论。 ② The concerned (= worried) doctor rang for an ambulance.心情焦虑的医生打电话叫救护车。 d. ① The man involved (= connected with this) has run away. 该人已跑掉。 ② It is an involved (= complicated ) ntence.这是一个复杂的句子。 次字组词(六) a-形容词(即表语形容词Predictive Adjective)作定语时,多位于所修饰的词之后。这类形容词有:awake (醒着的)、asleep(睡着的)、alone(孤独的)、alive(活着的)、ahead(前面的)、alike(相似的)、ashamed(羞耻 的)、askew(歪斜的)、astir(骚动的)、aslant(倾斜的)、ablaze(燃烧的)、abuzz(嗡嗡叫的)、aflutter(飘扬 的)、afloat(飘浮的)、aglitter(闪耀的)、aglow(发光的)、awhirl(旋转的)、abloom(开着的)、afire(着火 的)、aplenty(丰富的)、athirst(渴望的)、awing(飞翔的)、afoot(步行的)、aloof(孤零的)、afraid(害怕 的)、alert(明智的)、agog(热望的)、akimbo(双手叉腰的)等。如: 视频播放器有哪些曲线方程公式(1)The hou ablaze is a bar. 着火的房子是个酒吧。 (2)The road ahead is full of stones. 前面的路上到处是石头。 (3)Tho alive should memorize the dead forever. 活着的人要永远记住那些死去的人们。 (4)Time alone will show who is right. 唯独时间能证明谁是对的。 (5)the rumor afloat 流言飞语 (6)Who is the greatest man alive? 当今活着的最伟大的人是谁? (7)The girl awake is Kate. 那个醒着的 女孩是凯特。 (8)The girl asleep soundly is my younger sister. 正熟睡的小女孩是我的小妹妹。 (9)He is the greatest writer alive. 他是当代最伟大的作家。 一般不可说: (1) the asleep child (2) the awake patient 但是这类形容词有时可作前置定语: A. 必须有别的词修饰,此时通常表示抽象的意义。如: a. the half-asleep children 半睡的孩子们 b. the wide awake patient 完全醒着的病人 c. a very ashamed girl 一个非常腼腆的女孩 d. an artistically aware person 一个具有艺术感的人 e. a somewhat afraid soldier 一个有些恐慌的士兵 B.个别词也可单独作前置定语。如:aloof(孤零的)、alert(明智的)等。可以说: a. an aloof building /church /character孤零零的大楼/教堂/ 孤独的性格 b. an alert manner 明智的行为 (七)以 -ible 和 -able 结尾的形容词一般作后置定语。这类词有:possible(可能的)、suitable(合适的)、visible(可见的)、 responsible(负责的)、imaginable(想象的)、preferable(喜爱的)、obtainable(获得的)、 available(可用的)、adaptable(适应的)等。如: (1)Try to help them in every way possible. 尽力用一切可能的方法帮助他。 (2)Now we have the greatest difficulty imaginable. 现在我们遇到了难以想象的极大困难,我们该怎么解决呢? (3)There are no tickets available for Sunday. 没有星期天的票。 但有些又可作前置定语,其意义与作后置定语没有区别。如: a. the finest obtainable cloth 能得到的最好的布料 b. We can complete our contract in the available time. 我们能在现有的时间内完成合同。 c.It is one of the visible stars to the naked eyes.它是肉眼可看见的恒星之一。 (八)在一些外来语、固定词组及一些“头衔”中,形容词也常作后置定语。如: Asia Minor 小亚细亚 body politic 政治统一体 some total 总计 time immemorial 史前时期 court martial 军事法庭 letters patent 专利证书 cretary general 秘书长 Governor General 总督 President Elect 总统当选人 third person singular 第三人称单数 二、现在分词短语做后置定语 英语中现在分词做定语可以前置,也可以后置。但现在分词短语做定语时,一定放在被修饰成分的后面,构成后置定语。例如: They built a highway leading into the mountains. 他们修建了一条通往山里的公路。 We met a group of pupils returning from school. 我们碰到了一群从学校回来的孩子。 现在分词短语做后置定语,在意义上相当于一个定语从句。但在转换时,要注意动词的主语和时态。例如上述两句可转化为: They built a highway which led into the mountains. We met a group of pupils who returned from school. 巩固练习:翻译下列句子 1.Do you e the road leading into the mountain? __________________________________________________________ 2.The girl playing the guitar there is a genius who is really good at puffing bubbles. __________________________________________________________ 3.The poor man needing help finally stood back on his feet. __________________________________________________________ 4.The man growing up in the small village made big money 10 years after he had left there. __________________________________________________________ 5.The girl holding a comic in her hand is my best friend. __________________________________________________________ 6.The students spending too much time playing phone games have less possibility to have good grades. 投篮练习__________________________________________________________ 7.The girl waiting in line to buy a train ticket home looks very excited. __________________________________________________________ 8.The girl looking unhappy just doesn’t know how to express her feelings. __________________________________________________________ 9.The man telling a story to the crowds is a liar. __________________________________________________________ 10.The girl feeling mixed-up and embarrasd kept wondering what to do. __________________________________________________________ 11.我认识那个走过来的女孩。 __________________________________________________________ 12.借给你书的那个图书管理员已经被辞退了。 __________________________________________________________ 13.正在驶离的列车的目的地是上海。(leave for) __________________________________________________________ 14.在练习弹钢琴的那个女孩是我的知己(confidante)。 __________________________________________________________ 15.在建的那栋建筑有25层。 __________________________________________________________ 三、过去分词短语做后置定语 过去分词短语做后置定语时,表示被动意义、完成意义或状态意义。例如: What’s the language spoken in that area? 那个地区讲什么语言? Is there anything planned for tonight? 今晚有什么活动吗? 巩固练习:翻译下列句子 1.What's the language spoken in that area? __________________________________________________________ 2.I know the boy named Tom. __________________________________________________________ 3.Is there anything planned tonight? __________________________________________________________ 4.The movie,called Hero,was famous for its special techniques. __________________________________________________________ 5.Prices of goods bought through a computer can be less than store prices. __________________________________________________________ 6.The student dresd in white is my daughter. __________________________________________________________ 7.This will be the best novel of its kind ever written. __________________________________________________________ 8.Who were the so-called guests invited to your party last night? __________________________________________________________ 9.This is the funniest news found in the Internet. __________________________________________________________ 10.Most people died from the illness connected with heart. __________________________________________________________ 11.由这次交通事故导致的死亡人数超过了16人。 __________________________________________________________ 12.那个图书管理员想出的主意被经理接受并采纳了。 __________________________________________________________ 13.种植在那个菜园里的植物非常受欢迎。 __________________________________________________________ 14.被我当作知己(confidante)的那个人背叛了我。 __________________________________________________________ 15.爸爸给我买的新电动车真的太棒了(awesome)。 __________________________________________________________ 四、动词不定式做后置定语 动词不定式做后置定语与被修饰成分之间表示不同的语义关系。 1. 表示动宾关系。 做修饰语的动词不定式为逻辑谓语,被修饰的名词为动词不定式的直接宾语。例如: I have a lot of work to do today. 我今天有很多活要干。 He had a big family to support. 他有一个大家庭需要他来养活。 2.表示主谓关系。 被修饰的名词表示逻辑主语,修饰它的动词不定式结构表示逻辑谓语。例如: He’s always the first to come. 他总是第一个来。 Among the men to take part in the work, he is probably the most active. 在要参加这项工作的人中,他恐怕是最积极的。 3.表示修饰关系。 动词不定式对其修饰的成分起一种描绘、阐述作用。例如: It’s already time to start planting trees.已经到了植树的季节。 He had no chance to go school in tho years.那时候,他没有机会上学。 4. 表示同位关系。 不定式和被修饰的名词处于平行关系,只对其起一种解说作用。例如: Soon came the order to start the general attack.很快下达了发起总攻的命令。 We got no instructions to leave the city.我们没有接到离开这座城市的指示。 巩固练习:翻译下列句子 1.We don't have enough paper to write on. __________________________________________________________ 2.He has a lot of homework to do today. __________________________________________________________ 3.The poor man had a big family to support. __________________________________________________________ 4.The man to help you is John. __________________________________________________________ 5.It's already time to start planting trees. __________________________________________________________ 6.He had no chance to go to school in tho days. __________________________________________________________ 7.He's always the first to come. __________________________________________________________ 8.Soon came the order to start the general attack. __________________________________________________________ 9.We got no instructions to leave the city. __________________________________________________________ 10.He bought a hou for the children to live in. __________________________________________________________ 11.即将建造的那栋建筑将用来作为礼堂。 __________________________________________________________ 12.即将出发去上海的火车10发车。 __________________________________________________________ 13.即将被引进的新电影叫流浪地球(The Wandering Earth)。 __________________________________________________________ 14.他赢的机会不大。 __________________________________________________________ 15.这个将要做的决定将会影响你的一生。 肺结核复发有什么症状__________________________________________________________ 五、介词短语做后置定语 在意义上表示时间、地点、范围、类别、来源、动宾、同位等语义关系。例如: The weather in Beijing is colder than that in Guangzhou.(地点)北京的天气比广州冷。 People in the world play basketball.(范围)世界上的人们都打篮球。 His love for his country is very great.(动宾)他很热爱自己的国家。 The city of New York is very large.(同位)纽约城很大。 【补】大量使用后置定语也是科技文章的特点之一。常见的结构有以下五种: 1、介词短语 The forces due to friction are called frictional forces.由于摩擦而产生的力称之为摩擦力。 A call for paper is now being issued .征集论文的通知现正陆续发出。 2、形容词及形容词短语。 In this factory the only fuel available is coal.该厂唯一可用的燃料是煤。 In radiation, thermal energy is transformed into radiant energy,similar in nature to light. 热能在辐射时,转换成性质与光相似的辐射能。 3、副词 The air outside presd the side in.外面的空气将桶壁压得凹进去了。 The force upward equals the force downward so that the balloon stays at the level. 向上的力与向下的力相等,所以气球就保持在这一高度。 4、单个分词,但仍保持较强的动词意义。 The results obtained must be checked .获得的结果必须加以校核。 The heat produced is equal to the electrical energy wasted.产生的热量等于浪费了的电能。 5、定语从句 During construction, problems often ari which require design changes. 在施工过程中,常会出现需要改变设计的问题。 The molecules exert forces upon each other, which depend upon the distance between them. 分子相互间都存在着力的作用,该力的大小取决于它们之间的距离。 Very wonderful changes in matter take place before our eyes every day to which we pay little attention.我们几乎没有注意的很奇异的物质变化每天都在眼前发生。 (定语从句to which we pay little attention 修饰的是changes,这是一种分隔定语从句。) To make an atomic bomb we have to u uranium 235, in which all the atoms are available for fission.制造原子弹,我们必须用铀235,因为轴的所有原子都会裂变。 巩固练习:翻译下列句子 1.The girl in red is really lovely. __________________________________________________________ 2.The tower up there is known for its ancient history. __________________________________________________________ 3.The poor man inside the room was abandoned by his parents. __________________________________________________________ 4.The animals in danger should be protected by making new laws. __________________________________________________________ 5.The meeting to be held next week in the lecture hall will be given by a famous actress. __________________________________________________________ 6.Any chance available for success should be grasped. __________________________________________________________ 7.Do you know the boy in need? __________________________________________________________ 8.There will be a talk on teenager problems next Monday. __________________________________________________________ 9.Some workers in the Green Vegetable Company have left their jobs. __________________________________________________________ 10.The development of Chine economy in the early 2000s is relatively rapid. __________________________________________________________ 11.全世界的人都热爱和平,除了少数极端分子(extremist)。 __________________________________________________________ 12.桥下的水很深。 __________________________________________________________ 13.穿羽绒服(down coat)的人常常会被认为是生活在北方的。 __________________________________________________________ 14.那个穿白色T恤的男孩真帅。 __________________________________________________________ 15.落在车里的这个笔记本一定是Jannie的。 __________________________________________________________ | |
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