1 A aging 老化
2 B battery charger 充电器
3 black-fleck 黑斑
4 C cap 盖板
仙音缥缈5 capacity density 能量密度
6 capacity grading 分容
7 cathode tab welding 极耳超焊
8 cell 电芯
9 charge(capacity) retention 荷电(容量)保持
10 checking code 检码
11 concave spot 凹点
12 constant current charge 恒流充电
13 constant current discharge 恒流放电
14 constant voltage charge 恒压充电
15 corrective measures 纠正措施
16 crack 裂纹
17 cut-off voltage 终止电压
18 cycle life 循环寿命
19 D dark trace 暗痕
20 degrade 降级
21 dent 凹痕
22 discharge depth 放电深度
23 distortion 变形
键盘驱动24 drape 打折
25 E Electrical and MechanicalServices Department 机电部
26 electrolyte 电解,电解液
27 empaistic 压纹
怎样做面条28 end-off voltage 放电截止电压
29 environmentally friendly 对环境友好
30 equipment first inspection 设备首检
31 erode 腐蚀
32 explosion-proof line 防爆线
33 F first inspection 首检
34 formation 化成
35 fracture 断裂
36 I inspection 检验
37 insulate 绝缘
38 internal resistance 内阻
39 J jellyroll 卷芯
40 joint 接缝,结合点
42 lar reticle 激光刻线
43 lar welding-flatwi weld 激光焊接-平焊
lar welding-standing weld 激光焊接-立焊
44 leakage 漏液
45 leak-checking 测漏
46 leaving out of welding 漏焊
47 limited charge voltage 充电限制电压
48 local action 自放电
琢磨的意思49 M margin turnly 翘边
50 measuring the dimension of cells 电芯卡尺寸
51 meet requirement 达到要求好句100个
52 memory effects 记忆效应
53 N nick 划痕
54 nominal voltage 标称电压
55 notice-board confirmation 看板确认
56 nugget 硬块
57 O obver 正面
58 open circuit voltage 开路电压
59 over charge 过充
60 over discharge 过放
61 over the thickness 超厚
62 P particle 颗粒
63 PE membrane PE膜
64 pit 坑点
65 placing cells into the box 电芯装盒
66 point inspection 点检
67 preventive measures 预防措施
68 pricking the tapes 扎孔青海大学录取分数线
69 process inspection 制程检验
70 put the battery piled up 将电芯叠放在一起
71 Q qualified products 合格品
72 quality assurance 质量保证
73 quality control 质量控制
74 quality improvement 质量改进
75 quality match 品质配对
76 quality planning 质量策划
77 R rated capacity 额定容量
78 recharge 再充电
79 refitting the can of cell 电芯壳口整形
80 requirment 要求
81 rever 背面,反面
82 rework 返工
83 ringing cells into pyrocondensation films 套热缩膜
85 sand aperture 砂眼
86 scar 疤痕
87 condary battery 二次电池
88 lect appearance 选外观
sharp-t 批锋
89 short circuit checking 测短路
90 smudginess 污物
91 spot welding by lar 激光点焊
92 spot welding place 点焊位置
93 spraying the code 喷码
94 spur 毛刺
95 sticking the PVC cover boards 贴面垫
96 storing 陈化
97 storing with high voltage 高压储存
98 T tabs deflection 极耳歪斜
99 tabs excursion 极耳错位
100 technics requiment 工艺要求
101 U ultrasonic welding 超声波焊接102 ultrasonic welding strength 超焊强度103 unqualified products 不合格品
104 W wave 波浪
105 working procedure 工序
盖板cover board
钢珠steel ball
压钢珠press steel ball
防爆阀valve preventing explosion
大电流(倍率)放电discharge in high rate current
标称电压Normal voltage
标称容量normal capacity
放电容量discharge capacity
充电上限电压limited voltage in charge
放电下限电压terminating voltage in discharge
恒流充电constant current charge
恒压充电constant voltage charge
恒流放电constant current discharge
放电曲线discharge curve
充电曲线charge curve
放电平台discharge voltage plateau
容量衰减capacity attenuation
起始容量initial discharge capacity
传送带carrying tape
焊极耳welding the current collector
贴胶带stick tape
点焊spot welding
超声焊ultrasonic welding
三元素Nickle-Cobalt-Mangane Lithium Oxide three elements materials 钴酸锂Cobalt Lithium Oxide
锰酸锂Mangane Lithium Oxide
真空烘箱vacuum oven
搅拌机mixing device vacuum mixing device
涂布机coating equipment
裁纸刀paper knife ,,,,,,cutting knife
分条机equipment for cutting big piece to much pieces
辊压机roll press equipment
电阻点焊机spot welding machine
超声点焊机ultrasonic spot welding machine
自动叠片机auto laminating machine
激光焊机lar welding machine
注液机infusing machine
真空注液机vacuum infusion machine
预充柜pre-charge equipment
化成柜formation systems
分容柜grading systems
测试柜testing systems
内阻仪battery inner resistance tester
转盘式真空封口机turntable type vacuum aling machine
自动冲膜机automatic aluminum membrane shaper
Capacity 容量Battery Thickness 电池厚度Battery width 电池宽度Battery length 电池高度Impedance 内阻
Can thickness 壳体厚度Can wall thickness 壳体壁厚Can bottom thikness 壳体底部厚度Can lid thickness 壳体盖板厚度PP film thickness PP胶厚度
Ni (AL) tab thickness Ni(Al)极耳厚度Battery width 电池宽度
Can width margin 电池宽度留边Can length 壳体长度Can cross area 壳体体积Winding pin width 卷针
宽度Can Side residue 壳边残余Naked battery thickness 裸漏电池厚度Naked battery width 裸漏电池宽度Naked battery length 裸漏电池高度Cathode formulation 阴极含量Cathode material specific capacity 阴极克比容量Cathode 阴极装填Cathode area density 阴极面密度Cathode bulk density 阴极体积密度Cathode weight 阴极重量Cathode thickness 阴极厚度Cathode elongation rate 延伸率Cathode actual length 阴极实际长度Cathode design length 阴极设计长度Cathode width 阴极宽度Cathode Scratched area width 阴极涂片宽度Al foil density 铝箔密度Al foil thickness 铝箔厚度Cathode weight 阴极重量Separator thickness 隔离膜厚度Separator length 隔离膜长度Separator width 隔离膜宽度Separator density 隔离膜密度Separator weight 隔离膜重量