Organization 组织名称: | |||
Address 组织地址: | |||
Audit Scope 审核范围: | |||
Visit Type and Visit Number 访问类型和访问次数: | RAU 1 须注明:/再认证 | Actual Visit Date 实际访问日期: | |
Visit Due by Date 访问到期日期: | For auditor information only仅供审核员信息: | ||
Standard(s) 审核标准: | ISO 9001:2015 | Accreditation Body(s) 认可机构: | |
EAC Code EAC代码: | 23 | NACE Code NACE代码: | |
TA code 技术领域代码: | 23.1 | CNAS Code CNAS代码 (小类): | 仅适用CNAS证书 |
Audit Team审核组: | Name姓名 | 工业小区CCAA Qualification No. CCAA注册号: | 须注明:谁是专业审核员和技术领域代码 |
Audit Team Leader: 审核组长: | W | 2013-2-NQ82611 | |
Team Member(s) 审核组成员: | 2015-2-NQ20065须 | ||
Team Member(s) 审核组成员: | 2015-N1QMS-2062117 | ||
Additional Attendees and Roles其他参加者和角色: | 婴儿吃什么补钙NA | Audit Language 审核语言: | Chine/English中文/英文 |
Date 日期 | Time 时间 | Auditor 审核员 | Area / Department / Process / Function 区域/部门/过程/职能 | Key Contact 主要接触人 |
2016-07-28 | 09:30 | 杏仁豆浆 All | Arrival on site 抵达现场 | / |
09:30-10:15 | All | Open meeting 首次会议及巡厂 | / | |
10:15-12:00 | All | Top Management Interview 最高管理层交流 - Context of the organization 组织的环境 - Needs and expectations of interested parties 相关方的需求和期望 - Leadership and Commitment 管理作用和承诺 - Actions to address risks and opportunities应对风险和机遇的措施 - General requirements (通用要求) - Management commitment (管理承诺) - Management system planning (管理体系的策划) - Policy and objective (方针和目标) - Roles, Responsibility and authority(岗位、职责和权Provision of resources / Infrastructure (资源/基础设施的提供) - Planning of change(变更的策划) - Internal audit (内部审核) - Management review (管理评审) - Continual improvement (持续改进) - Communication for stage 1 findings 沟通第一阶段审核发现 - Certification claims and u of certification marks (认证声明及认证标识的使用) - Operating licen and Qualifications(经营许可及资质) -Customer satisfaction 客户满意 | ||
A | Business Dept. 销售部 - Actions to address risks and opportunities(应对风险与机遇的措施) - Quality objectives and planning to achieve them(质量目标及其实现的策划) -Operational planning and control(运行策划与控制) - Customer communication(顾客沟通) - Determination of requirements related to products and rvices(与产品和服务有关的要求的确定) - Review of requirements related to products and rvices (与产品和服务有关的要求的评审) - Changes to requirements for products and rvices(产 品和服务要求的更改) - - Control of production and rvice provision(生产和服务提供的控制) - Control of externally provided products and rvices (外部提供产品、服务和过程的控制) - -Property belonging to customers or external provide (顾客及外部供方的财产) -Control of Post-delivery activities(交付后活动的控制) --Customer satisfaction(顾客满意) | |||
B | Purcha Dept. 供应部 -Actions to address risks and opportunities(应对风险与机遇的措施) - Quality objectives and planning to achieve them(质量目标及其实现的策划) - 什么是版式设计Control of externally provided products and rvices (外部提供产品、服务和过程的控制) -Relea of products and rvices(产品和服务的放行) | |||
属马的C | 技术开发部 - Actions to address risks and opportunities(应对风险与机遇的措施) - Design and Development Control 设计开发控制 - Samples Control 样板管理 - Technical Documents control 技术文件管理 - Technical aid for production line 生产技术支援 - Fixture making and control 工装夹具制作及管理 | |||
12:00-12:30 | All | Light working lunch 茁壮成长什么意思简便工作午餐 | / | |
12:30-13:00 | All | Auditor review in private审核员内部沟通 | 标书是什么工作 / | |
13:00-17:30 | A | Production Dept. 生产部 - Actions to address risks and opportunities(应对风险与机遇的措施) - Quality objectives and planning to achieve them(质量 - 目标及其实现的策划) - Operational planning and control(运行策划与控制) - Control of production and rvice provision(生产和服务提供的控制) -Environment for the operation of process (过程运行环境) - Equipment management (设备管理) - Identification and traceability(标识与可追溯性) - Prervation(防护) - Control of changes(更改控制) - Relea of products and rvices(产品和服务的放行) - Control of nonconforming process outputs, products and rvices(不合格输出的控制) - Identification and traceability(标识与可追溯性) - Prervation(防护) | ||
B | Quality Dept. 质检部 - Actions to address risks and opportunities(应对风险与机遇的措施) - Quality objectives and planning to achieve them(质量目标及其实现的策划) - Control of Monitoring and measuring resources (监视和测量资源的控制) - Relea of products and rvices(产品和服务的放行) - Post-delivery activities(交付后活动) - Control of changes(更改控制) - Control of nonconforming process outputs, products and rvices(不合格输出的控制) - Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation(监视、测量、分析和评价) -Improvement(改进) -Documented information(形成文件信息) | |||
C | 技术开发部 继续未完成部分 Production process板式车间 - Actions to address risks and opportunities(应对风险与机遇的措施) - Quality objectives and planning to achieve them(质量 - 目标及其实现的策划) - Operational planning and control安阳市图书馆(运行策划与控制) - Control of production and rvice provision(生产和服务提供的控制) -Environment for the operation of process (过程运行环境) - Equipment management (设备管理) - Identification and traceability(标识与可追溯性) - Prervation(防护) - Control of changes(更改控制) - Relea of products and rvices(产品和服务的放行) - Control of nonconforming process outputs, products and rvices(不合格输出的控制) - Identification and traceability(标识与可追溯性) - Prervation(防护) | |||
17:30-18:00 | All | Communication audit result with top management 向最高管理层沟通审核结果 | / | |
Date 日期 | Time 时间 | Auditor 审核员 | Area / Department / Process / Function 区域/部门/过程/职能 | Key Contact 主要接触人 |
2016-07-29 | 09:00-12:00 | A | Production Dept. 生产部 - Actions to address risks and opportunities(应对风险与机遇的措施) - Quality objectives and planning to achieve them(质量 - 目标及其实现的策划) - Operational planning and control(运行策划与控制) - Control of production and rvice provision(生产和服务提供的控制) -Environment for the operation of process (过程运行环境) - Equipment management (设备管理) - Identification and traceability(标识与可追溯性) - Prervation(防护) - Control of changes(更改控制) - Relea of products and rvices(产品和服务的放行) - Control of nonconforming process outputs, products and rvices(不合格输出的控制) - Identification and traceability(标识与可追溯性) - Prervation(防护) | |
B | 继续质检部未完成部分 HR Dept.行政人事部 - Actions to address risks and opportunities(应对风险与机遇的措施) -Quality& Environmental objectives and planning to achieve them(质量目标及其实现的策划) -Resources (Including Knowledge management )(资源-包括知识管理) -Competence (能力) -Awareness (意识) -Communication(沟通) | |||
12:00-12:30 | All | Light working lunch 简便工作午餐 | / | |
12:30-13:00 | All | Auditor review in private审核员内部沟通 | / | |
13:00-15:45 | A | Top Management Interview 高层交流 -Internal audit/management review 内部审核/管理评审 -CAR clod (if applicable) 不符合项关闭(适用时) -Certificate & logo u (except initial) 认证证书标志使用 | ||
B | Warehou Dept.仓库 - Actions to address risks and opportunities(应对风险与机遇的措施) - Quality objectives and planning to achieve them(质量目标及其实现的策划) - Identification and traceability(标识与可追溯性) - Prervation(防护)- -- Property belonging to customers or external providers(顾客及外部供方的财产) | |||
15:45-16:00 | All | Communication audit result with top management (if necessary) 与高层沟通审核结果(必要时) | ||
16:00-17:00 | All | Summary and preparing report. 总结和准备报告 | ||
17:00-17:30 | All | Clo meeting 末次会议 | / | |
Plan Developed by 审核计划制定人: | 姓名 | Date日期 | |
Confirmed by Client 客户确认: | 客户签字 | Date日期 | 现场审核之前 |
Approved by TM 技术经理批准(仅CNAS证书): | 签字,仅适用CNAS证书 | Date日期 | 现场审核之前 |
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