Internal audit effectiveness, the extent to which an internal audit office meets its raison d'être, is arguably a result of the interplay among four factors: internal audit quality; management support; organizational tting; and attributes of the auditor. An internal audit function's capability to provide uful audit findings and recommendations would help rai management's interest in its recommendations. The management support with resources and commitment to implement the internal audit recommendations is esntial in attaining audit effectiveness. Also, the organizational tting in which internal audit operates, i.e. the organizational status of the office, its internal organization and the policies and procedures applying to each auditor, should enable smooth audits that lead to reaching uful audit findings. Further, the capability, attitudes and level of cooperation of the auditor impact on the effectiveness of audits.
Therefore, internal audit effectiveness should be viewed as a dynamic process that is continuously shaped by the interactions among the four factors mentioned above. This study examined, using ca
study analysis, the internal audit rvice of a large public ctor organization.
The paper is structured as follows. The next ction prents a review of the related literature; introduces a model for analyzing audit effectiveness; and provides the rearch question. The third ction prents the rearch methodology; fourth ction provides empirical analysis bad on a ca study; and fifth ction prents a summary of the findings. The paper then summarizes the conclusions, noting limitations of the study and suggesting avenues for future rearch.
钜细靡遗Internal audit effectiveness
The Institute of Internal Auditors IIA, 1999a defined internal auditing as: an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organization's operations. It helps an organization accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance process.
This definition signifies that internal audit has undergone a paradigm shift from an emphasis on accountability about the past to improving future outcomes to help auditors operate more effectively and efficiently Nagy and Canker, 2002; Stern, 1994; Goodwin, 2004. Since, the definition equally rves both the private and the public ctors Goodwin, 2004, it is ud in this study as a basis to an
alyze public ctor internal audit effectiveness.
Internal audit is effective if it meets the intended outcome it
is suppod to bring about. Sawyer 1995 states, “… internal
金属怪auditor's job is not done until defects are corrected and remain corrected.” Van
Hansberger 2005 explains that internal audit effectiveness in the public ctor should be evaluated by the extent to which it contributes to the demonstration of effective and efficient rvice delivery, as
this drives the demand for improved internal audit rvices. Bad on the results of a consultative forum that focud on improving public ctor internal audit [1], Van Hansberger 2005 identified perceptions and ownership; organization and governance framework; legislation; improved professionalism; conceptual framework; and also resources as factors influencing internal audit effectiveness. Effective internal audit undertakes an independent evaluation of financial and operating information and of systems and procedures, to provide uful recommendations for improvements as necessary.
The effectiveness of internal audit greatly contributes to the effectiveness of each auditor in particula
r and the organization at large Dittenhofer, 2001. Dittenhofer 2001 has also obrved that if internal audit quality is maintained, it will contribute to the appropriateness of procedures and operations of the auditor, and thereby internal audit contributes to effectiveness of the auditor and the organization as a whole. Using agency theory, Dingdong 1997 explained the role that internal audit plays in an economy and points out that internal audit has an
advantage over external audit in obtaining information quickly and finding problems at an earlier stage; and Sparkman 1997, applying the theory of transaction cost economics, demonstrated how internal audit recommendations are important to the management of government organizations.
Prior literature relating to internal audit effectiveness has either focud on the internal audit's ability to plan, execute and objectively communicate uful findings Dingdong, 1997 Sparkman, 1997;Dittenhofer, 2001; or taken a broader view and included factors that transcend the boundary of a single organization Van Hansberger, 2005. This paper attempts to introduce a new perspective for evaluation of internal audit effectiveness by identifying factors within an organization that impact on audit effectiveness. A model, which assumes that there is a common interest to achieve organizational goals for auditor management, top management and internal audit, is ud for analysis of this ca study. Since, audit effectiveness fosters the achievement of a common goal; the
鱼国re would be a natural incentive in an organization to improve it. The model considers four potential factors ? internal audit quality, management support, organizational tting, and auditor attributes to explain audit effectiveness, and shows how the interaction of the factors improves audit effectiveness.
Internal audit quality, which is determined by the internal audit department's capability to provide uful findings and recommendations, is central to audit effectiveness. Internal audit has
to prove that it is of value to the organization and earn a reputation
in the organization Sawyer, 1995. Internal audit has to evaluate its performance and continually improve its rvice .audit quality is a function of the level of staff experti, the scope of rvices provided and the extent to which audits are properly planned, executed and communicated.
Audit findings and recommendations would not rve much purpo屎尿多
unless management is committed to implement them. Adams 1994 ud agency theory to explain that it is in the interest of management to maintain a strong internal audit department. Implementation of audit recommendations is highly relevant to audit effectiveness Van Hansberger, 2
005 and the management of an organization is viewed as the customer receiving internal audit rvices. As a result, management's commitment to u audit recommendations and its support in strengthening internal audit is vital to audit effectiveness Sawyer, 1995.
道德情感>梦回红楼>白毛女的故事简介Organizational tting refers to the organizational profile,
internal organization and budgetary status of the internal audit office; and also the organizational policies and procedures that guide operation of auditors. It provides the context in which internal audit operates. Thus, organizational tting can exert influence on the level of effectiveness that internal audit could achieve. The auditor attributes relate to the capability of the auditor to meet its intended objectives. Auditor attributes with implications on audit effectiveness include the auditors' proficiency to efficiently and effectively meet