黄瓜苹果汁ACCA F8备考Tips:审计各阶段及流程详解
F8(Audit and Assurance)是一门实务性很强的课程,要求大家熟悉审计工作流程,应用会计知识判断被审计单位的财务报告编制过程及结果是否有误。自2016年9月开始实施的新考试题型包括Section A和Section B两大部分,Section A(Objective Test Cas)共有三道Ca,每个Ca有五道选择题,每题两分,涉及范围包括大纲的方方面面;Section B共有三道大题,第一题30分,第二题和第三题各自20分,常见的题型包括auditrisk & auditor’s respon,internal controldeficiencies/strengths & TOCs,以及substantive procedures等。大题对大家书面表达的要求比较高,所以理解审计逻辑,勤加练习并学会总结对于大部分没有实务经验的同学们而言非常必要。
上图是完整的审计工作循环,始于engagement letter(业务约定书),终于audit report(审计报告),历经audit planning、auditperformance和completion三个阶段。
1.Beforeaudit process
为了签订最开始的engagementletter,审计师在接受业务委托时需要先“自我反省",看看注册会计师是否符合职业道德准则(Code of Ethics)的要求,如果有一些情况产生了对独立性(independence)的威胁(具体包括lf-interest, lf—review, familiarity, advocacy& intimidation threats),则应该考虑适用相对应的保卫措施(常见的safeguards包括dispo of interests/shares, independent/quality control partner review, remove the one from the engagementteam等).
2。Audit planning process
接受业务之后,首先进入审计计划阶段,在计划阶段最主要做的一项工作就风险评估(risk asssment),具体说来风险评估通过建立对被审计单位及其所处环境的了解(und
erstand the entity& its environment/KOB)来进行评估,主要使用的程序包括(Enquiry, inspect,obrve[1] & Analytical procedures)。
风险评估中的风险指的是auditrisk(the risk that auditors express an inappropriateopinion)。Auditrisk由inherent risk,controlrisk 和detection risk 共同组成.
交易事项本身的特殊性或者行业、企业经济环境等方面的原因导致该项交易事项出现重大错报的可能性被称为Inherent risk;在此基础上,企业自身基于公司治理(corporategovernance)的要求设计执行了一系列的Internal controls(内部控制)用以防范这些错报,也就是图中的漏斗型;但是由于设计执行不当或者是内部控制自身的局限性导致无法规避所有错报,从漏斗中漏出来的这些错报风险就是Control risk.Inherent risk和Control risk共同决定了被审计单位的财务报告中重大错报风险(ROMM)到底是高是低。审计师对被审计单位财务报告进行审计检查,若审计工作设计不当,这种风险被称为Detection risk。所以,Audit risk由inherent risk, control risk和detection risk 共同决定。
识别Audit risk的题目,大家要注意以下事项:
(a)千万不要分析business risk;
(b)如果是ROMM,描述审计风险时可以与财务报表的账户(accounts name)和认定(asrt
Audit risk | Auditor's respon |
There is a risk that receivables can not be recoverable and hence the balance on the financial statements may be overstated。 This may indicate that there are errors in receivables’ existence and valuation asrtions。 | Inspect after—date cash receipts and trace through to year-end balances to verify existence. Discuss with management whether there is a need to provide an allowance for receivables. |
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另一种情况是Detectionrisk,常见的情形包括:new client, tight deadline or budget,third party warehou等。
收益分析 Audit risk | Auditor’s respon |
The client is a new client for the auditor firm。 The auditors may lack of experience and knowledge about the client which then increas detection risk。 | More time and attention should be devoted to audit engagement. Assign more experienced audit staff to risk areas and make sure auditors maintain an attitude of professional skepticism during the auditing process。 |
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(C)对于识别audit risk和解释auditor’s respon这一类大题,考官推荐同学们使用两栏式的方式作答.答题时一定要避免模棱两可的回答(比如描述audit risk时,over- or under-stated 就比misstated好),一定要具体到案例中的事实情况(比如阐述auditor’s respon时,常常用discuss with management,但一定要描述清楚到底要讨论什么具体内容).
对于Audit risk这一部分的题目,大家还可以参考Wendy老师2016年6月份写的tip——《这才是F8的正确答题方式!——F8答题技巧解析》(点击题目即可查看),提醒大家一定要加强练习,多多归纳总结.
3。Audit performance process
在审计计划阶段之后,具体的审计工作包括两大部分:控制测试(Test of Controls)和实质性程序(Substantiveprocedures)。
电脑怎么还原Test of controls,顾名思义,测试的对象是internal controls,测试的目的:design properly & operate effectively,可用的程序包括EIO+Reperfom/test data.考试题型包括:deficiency& recommendation,strengths,testof controls.
(a) 常见的deficiency包括manual system(human error),not quentially numbered notes(cannotcompletely reflect transactions),inadequate gregationof duties(concentration of power or manipulation)等,常见的strength包括automatically generated codes,quentially numbered notes,restriped access和gregation of duties(implement,review,record & custody)。
(b) 同学们要熟悉常见的控制活动,并据此理解TOC怎么设计。下表总结了一些常用的控制活动和TOC,大家可以以此为基础再做更全面的总结。
Controls | TOC |
Authorisation and approval | Inspect for evidence of signature |
Segregationof duties | Obrve the process |
Sequentially-numbered notes | Sequence check to ensure if there are any omissions |
微信网名男Performance review (weekly report, etc) | Inspect the report and signature |
Reconciliation process | Reperform reconciliation and inspectreconciliation results |
Physical access | 显示器白屏Attempt to enter(physically or test data) |
Limit t(credit limit or inventory order level) | Test data (submit dummy data to take over the limit and inspect system’s respon) |
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Substantiveprocedures目的主要用于验证财务报告中的具体认定。可以应用在SP阶段的审计程序有EIO,Confirmation(also called circularisation),Recalculate,以及Analytical procedures。下图归纳了针对不同的认定有哪一些常用的审计方法。客服部岗位职责
Asrtions | Substantive procedures |
Existence for account balances Occurrence for transactions&events (both focus on overstatement) | Select a sample of balances; inspect the original invoices. (Trace back to verify if there are any supporting docs.) For tangible asts, inspect physical asts。 For transactions with 3rd party,perform confirmation。 |
Completeness for both headings | Obtain a breakdown/list, cast and agree to ledger and financial statements。 Select a sample of original invoices; inspect the balances on financial statements. (Trace through to verify if they are recorded.) |
Accuracy, valuation &allocation for account balances Accuracy for transactions &events (both focus on data) | Recalculate Perform analytical procedures (ratio /trend / proof in total) |
Rights& obligations for account balances | Inspect title deeds for property, purcha invoices/contracts for equipment, etc。 |
Cut—off for transactions & events | Inspect prior year end and after year end invoices to ensure they are recorded in the correct periods。 |
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