Introduction About Debate
1. ‘Matter’ relates to the issues in debate, the ca being prented and the material ud to substantiate argumentation.
2. The issues under debate should be correctly prioritized (by teams) and ordered (by individuals), dealing with the most important/pertinent first.
3. Matter should be logical and well reasoned.
4. Matter should be relevant, both to the issue in contention and the cas being advanced.
5. Matter should be persuasive.
wNo ‘new matter’ is to be introduced during Reply Speeches. The Reply Speech prents teams with an opportunity to focus on the major issue(s) in the debate and the way in which both teams approach that ‘point of Clash’. The Reply Speech should also give an ‘optimistic overview’ of the general approach to the debate by both sides and focus on the relative merits of the ca by the side Replying, and the relative weakness in the ca of the opposing team.
wAll speakers should develop ‘positive matter’ in advancing their respective cas. While an Opposition team may win by demonstrating that the Government has not proved the motion true, they should not rely purely on their rebuttal of the Government ca and will likely benefit from prenting positive matter in opposition to the motion.
高中化学必修一a) Vocal Style: Volume, clarity, pronunciation, pace, intonation, fluency, confidence, and authority.
b) Language: Conversational.
c) U of notes: Should not distract, should not be read.
d) Eye Contact: With audience.
e) Gesture: Natural, appropriate.
f) Sincerity: Believability.
g) Personal Attacks: (derogatory comments are not to be tolerated).
h) Humor: Effectiveness, appropriateness.
The major influence on an adjudicator must be: ‘Is the speaker’s and team’s Method EFFECTIVE in advancing the ca?’
a) Organization: The structuring of individual arguments and ordering of collective arguments in the speeches .
b) Issue Selection: The identification of relevant points of clash in the round.
c) Perspective: The ability to explain the relevance of individual arguments to the motion being argued.
d) Refutation: The willingness and ability to engage and critique the points offered by the opposing team.
e) Teamwork: The degree to which the members of a team work together to collectively a
dvance a strategy.
How to Choo Motions?
Prioritization of 3 Motions Given Bad on:
a) Knowledge Resource of Team members
How much do we know of this issue?
b) Debating Positions of Your Team
What advantage will we have with this motion as Government/Opposition team?
c) Knowledge of Opposing Team’s status
What are the strengths/weakness of our Opponents in this debate?
Ca Construction involves:
Defining the Motion & Creating Arguments that support it:
Defining the Motion means
a) Clearly stating meanings of “key terms”
E.g. “This Hou believes that professional athletes are good role models for Chine youth.”
b) Establish Team Line (Ba Line) & Split:
(THBT the world is a global village)
Team Line/Ba Line/Stance
蒜苗炒腊肉的做法Becau of the existence of interdependence and common interest
Spilt/Ca Division
This is true in the a) social arena, b) geopolitical realm and c) economic sphere
c) Creating Arguments that support it
wPrioritize the Arguments with the strongest prented first to prove global interdependence and growing common interest:
wArgument 1 (1stSpeaker)
wSocial Arena --evidence, ca studies, statistics, trend analysis, etc好记者讲好故事
纸衣服的折法wArgument 2 (1stSpeaker)
wGeopolitics --ditto
wArgument 3 (2ndSpeaker)
wGlobal Economics --ditto
w3rd Speakers must not carry new arguments
Setting Opposition Ca
wProposing “Status Quo”
“Why change when things are fine now …”
wOffering a “Counter Proposal”
“Our plan works better than yours ….’
wProvide “Positive Objections”
“Yours does not work and will be harmful to…”
w** Oppn needs to have team line, split, prioritized arguments in 1stand 2ndSpeakers too!
Refutation Strategies
wWhat are Rebuttals?
Arguments raid in respon to Oppn’s arguments. Compris analysis of why Oppn is wrong, is consistent with own ca, as well support/reinforce own team line
wHow to do it?
State what argument is rebutted, explain flaw(s) in argument, support it with evidence. examples, ca studies, and finally linking it relevantly to your side of the topic.