The Means or the Way? Hegel’s Criticism of the Methodical Epistemology and his Paradigm-Revolution
of Philosophical Method
—An Interpretation of Paragraphs 1 to 8 from the ﹡Introduction﹢
of Phenomenology of Spirit
Jing-Jong Luh
The purpo of this essay is to systematically interpret the first part of Hegel‟s own ﹡Introduction﹢of his Phenomenology of Spirit, i.e. paragraphs 1 to 8. The thesis of this interpretation is that Hegel not only meta-methodically criticizes the methodical epistemology and its epistemological methodology, i.e. with the “mean s”as its method-paradigm (paragraph 1 to 4); but also, corresponding to this criticis m, introduces a new method-paradigm, the “way” (paragraph 5 to 8) , in order to create a basis for his reasoning of the exposition and the structure of the argumentation. This essay points out that Hegel first critically reflects the presupposition-structure of the methodical epistemology and disclos its problem-complex, especially the crucial point of this complex, i.e. this method as the intermediate-instrumental means and the crisis of the truth-paradox concluding from this complex. But then, he deduces the logical possibilities of the crisis-resolving project in the deep-dimension of pure thinking. The author explains that Hegel, following this line of thought, can only conclude that the only realizable framework is the “exposition of the appearing knowledge” which takes the “way” as the method-paradigm for the thought pattern of the exposition and the structure of the argumentation. Afterwards, Hegel determines the starting point of this way - the “exposition of the appearing knowledge” –as the “way of doubt”, or more precily as the “way of despair” and char
acterizes this way as “the thoroughgoing skepticism” by which dynamics of progress are the “determinate negation”. Finally, Luh points out in this essay that Hegel believes one can also anticipates the goal of this way. This essay methodologically interprets paragraphs 1 to paragraph 8 of the﹡Introduction﹢in Hegel‟s Phenomenology of Spirit and thus provides a framework for the systematic understanding of the rest of Hegel‟s first epoch-making work.
Key-Words: means, instrument, medium, way, cognition, knowledge, the Absolute, truth, doubt (skepticism), determinate negation.
黑格爾首部哲學經典鉅著《精神現象學》之〈導論〉的效應歷史至廿一世紀初的今天乃在迴響著。學界長期以來一直將注意焦點置於〈導論〉中自第九段落起黑格爾自己對《精神現象學》一書本身論述思路之方法、特別是第十一段至第十五段中此書之基本論證結構的介紹部分1。然而,〈導論〉之前半部,亦即第一段至第八段,實乃後半部之論述基礎︰黑格爾對自笛卡爾、洛克、休謨至康德所形成近代哲學特徵–方法式認識論及其所產生認識論式方法觀,亦即「工具」(Werkzeug) 或「手段」(Mittel) 之為方法典範–進行批判,並依此提示新的方法典範–「道路」(Weg)2,以作為《精神現象學》論述思路及論證結構之模式所本。此不但在哲學的效應歷史中影響高達美(H.-G. Gadamer) 對工七星瓢虫
具化、客觀化科學方法論典範之批判3,在雅思培(K. Jaspers) 以「道路」為其存在主義式哲學方法,亦即其所謂存在釋明之方法(Methoden der Existenzerhellung) 4開啟先導,也在海德格的哲學,尤其是在其「轉向」(Kehre) 後以「道路」為哲思典範
1本文對《精神現象學》〈導論〉部分之詮釋性探討乃以下列版本為主: G.W.F.Hegel, Phänomenologie des Geistes, in: Gesammelte W erke, Bd. 9, hrsg. von W. Bonsiepen u. R. Heede, Hamburg: Meiner, 1980, pp.53-62; Phänomenologie des Geistes, neu hrsg. von H.-F. Wesls u. H. Clairmont, Hamburg: Meiner, 1988, pp.57-68。以下之引文均以PhG附加頁數以表引自W. Bonsiepen 及R. Heede出版之Gesammelte W erke, Bd. 9, 並在此引註頁數後加上括弧內註明引自H.-F. Wesls 及. H. Clairmont 版本內之頁數。本文對《精神現象學》〈導論〉之分段以版本原文中行文之段落為依據,共區分為十七段。
2一位匿名評審指出德文中Gang 的概念;在黑格爾《邏輯科學》(Wisnschaft der Logik)最後一章〈絕對理念〉(die absolute Idee)中對思辨辯證法的綜理中具方法學上關鍵性意義。在《精神現象學》〈導論〉中則仍一以Weg為典範指涉精神由其現象面向發展至本質面向的必經過程。參〈導論〉第五段及第六段。
3參H.-G. Gadamer, W ahrheit und Methode. Grundzüge einer philosophischen Hermeneutik, Gesam
操出白桨melte W erke, Bd.1, Tuebingen: Mohr, 1986, pp.4f, 73f, 189f, 201f, 238f, p.344, p.346, 特別是pp.23f, 240-246, 286f, 303f, 306f, 314f, 319, 330, 352-355. 364f, 463-478; 亦參﹡Wahrheit in den Geisteswisnschaften﹢, in: Gesammelte W erke, Bd.2, Tuebingen: Mohr, 21993, 38, ﹡Was ist Wahrheit?﹢同前引書, p.47f, ﹡Sprache und V erstehen﹢, 同前引書, p.186f, ﹡Die Universalität des hermeneutischen Problems﹢同前引書, p.226。昆虫记内容简介
1. 方法式認識論預設結構:認識論式主體性循環結構及中介性基红薯叶的功效
黑格爾開宗明義地指出一種「自然的想法」(eine natürliche V orstellung),此顯然指涉當時流行的﹟認識論式意識﹠6︰高中数学学什么
4Jaspers, K.: Philosophie II. Existenzerhellung, Berlin: Springer, 31956, pp.9-15。
力關係, 參M. Heidegger, Hegels Phänomenologie des Geistes (Freiburger Vorlesung W intermester 1930/31, hrsg. von I. Görland), Gesamtausgabe, II. Abteilung: Vorlesung 1923-1944, Bd. 32, Frankfurt a.M.: Vittorio Klostermann, 1988。亦參Gadamer:﹡Hegel und Heidegger﹢(1970), 見於Hegels Dialektik: Sechs hermeneutische Studien, p.102f, 又參同作者:﹡Heidegger und Sprache der Metaphysik﹢(1968),見Kleine Schriften, Bd. III, 213 (或Gesammelte W erke, Bd. 3, p.230) 及同作者:﹡V om Anfang des Denkens﹢(1986), 見於Gesammelte W erke, Bd. 3, p.388。高達美對於後期海德格的研究集冊於命名為《海德格之諸道:對後期作品之研究》(Heideggers W ege: Studien zum Spätwerk, Tübingen: Mohr, 1983); 事實上,高達美更認為,海德格的哲思之道, 由所謂前期經「轉向」至後期, 誠乃一條道路也; 參﹡Der eine Weg Martin Heideggers﹢(1986), Gesammelte W erke, Bd. 3, pp.417-430, 特別是pp.420, 423。