
更新时间:2023-05-16 12:39:20 阅读: 评论:0

1.A word will cover the following points:
1)A minimal free form of a language
2)A word is minimal free form of a language that has a given sound, meaning and syntactic function.
(A sound unity, A unit of meaning, A form that can function alone in a ntence);
3)A word is the smallest of the linguistic units which can occur on its own in speech or writing.
2.C lassification of words:
1)Basic and non-basic word stock or vocabulary
2)Content/ lexical /open class words and function/grammatical/clod class words
3.W hat is involved in knowing a word?
1)Form;/ structure;/
2)meanings and mantic features associated with that word;
3)grammatical or syntactic behavior associated with that word;
4)network of associations between that word and other words;/
collocations;/ 5) limitations impod on the u of word according to variations of function and situation;
6) the degree of probability of encountering that word in speech or print.
4.M orpheme can be classified as following:苏州免费景点
5.E nglish word-formation英语构词法
6.D erivation / Affixation 派生法/ 词缀
negative: a- dis- non- un-
privative: de-dis-un- pejorative: mal- mis- pudo
prefixation and suffixation. 前缀和后缀
Prefixation is the formation of new words by adding prefixes to bas. A prefix is a letter or group of letters placed at the beginning of a word to change its meaning. Prefixes are frequently ud to form new words.
7.C onversion 转类法
Conversion may be defined as a process by which a word belonging to one word class is transferred to another word class without any concomitan(t 伴随的) change of form. This process is also known as functional shift or zero-derivation. 零( 位派生) eg: bookstore was a must(v-n) for me. He
downed(adv-v) his tools for a rest. He is a native(a-n)
Functions of conversion: to achieve compactness and efficiency, accuracy and specificity, vividness and expressiveness, novelty and balance.
8.B ackformation逆生法
Backformation refers to an abnormal type of word-formation where a short word is derived by deleting an imagined affix from a long form already prent in the language. This process is considered to be the opposite
process of affixation. eg:bookkeeper<bookkeeping babysit<babysitting
burgle<burglar la<lar
鲜明9.A bbreviation: 缩略法Abbreviation refers to word formation through clipping, initialism and acronym. The short forms are quicker and more convenient in u and for this reason they are becoming more and more popular.
Clipping截短法Word formation by clipping part of a word, leaving only a piece of the old word. The shortening may occur at the beginning of the word, at the end of the word and at both ends of the word. The clipped form is normally regarded as informal. eg: phone(telephone), copter(helicopter), quake(earthquake) taxi(taxicab) appx.(appendix)
Initialism 首字母缩略词Words formed from the initial letters of words and pronounced as letters. VOA(Voice of America), p.c.(post card), VIP(very important person), BP(beautiful people)
Acronym 首字母拼音词ROM(read only memory), NATO(North Atlantic Treaty Organization), OPEC(Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries )
10.Blending 混词法Blending is the formation of new words by combining parts of two words or a wor
d plus a part of another word. Words formed as such are called blends. Blends tend to be more frequent in informal style in the registers of journalism, advertising and technical field. Eg:
head+tail :flaunt:flout+vaunt, blunt:blind+stunt, H-bomb:hydrogen+bomb, squash:squeeze+crash,
人生囧途hifi:high+fidelity/head+word:medicare:medical+care,/telequiz:telephone+quiz, / /word+tail:workfare:work+welfare,bookmobile: book+automobile
11.Imitation 基本拟声Zap! Crunch! Swoosh! The world is Whoa!
12.Borrowing 外来语Coinage 新生词Invention 创造法
is a phenomenon where two or more existing words are combined to construct a new word. Compounding are uful to express the same meaning shortly and briefly and it can help writer to avoid repeating. E.g. The boy who catches attention is my son. The eye-catching boy is my son. The latter one express the same meaning more briefly and avoid repeating when we want to mention the boy afterwards.
14.Kinds of meaning
Conceptual meanin g refers to the meaning of a word or lexical item that relates it to phenomena in the real world or in a fictional or possible world.
Associative meaning R eflected meaning and collocative meaning, affective meaning and social meaning: all the have more in common with connotative meaning than with conceptual meaning, they all have the same open-ended, variable character. They can all be brought together under the heading of associative meaning.
Connotative meaning refers to the overtones or associations suggested by the conceptual meaning, or the mental content attached to the core meaning. The associations show people ' s emotions and attitudes towards what the word refers to.
Stylistic meaning Many words have stylistic features, which form the variation in meaning from casual to formal according to the type of situation, the addresr or person addresd, the location, the topic discusd, etc. The distinctive features form the stylistic meaning of words. In some dictionaries, the stylistic features are clearly marked as formal, informal, literary, archaic, slang and so on.
Affective meaning reflects the speaker 'ems otions, feelings and attitudes towards the person or thin
g in question. This meaning is often expresd in terms of the conceptual, connotative or stylistic content of the right word or by using proper intonation, tone of voice, and interjections.
pejorative/derogatory; appreciative/commendatory
16.How to express affective meaning? Explain with examples.
The reflected meaning of a word is the total of all the other meanings a person thinks when hearing the word. The word has its suggestive power. Collocative meaning: Words may share the same meanings, but may be distinguished by the range of lexical terms they collocate with.
Thematic meaning It is about what is communicated by the way in which the message is organized in terms of order and emphasis.
Analyzing meaning M eanings of words can be analyzed into a number of features or components, such approach is called componential analysis or mantic features analysis.
17.Englishe uphemisms formation
1)Compounding, Clipping, Acronym: gents (gentlemen ' s room)
2).backslang, respelling of initials, phonetic distortion: elly-bay (belly)
3). Borrowing, substitution of synonyms, u of fuzzy word: nude (naked)
4). Metaphor, understatement, periphras, etc.: to sleep forever, adjustment downward, landscape architect, smelly
18.Five major mechanisms in mantic chang语e义s 转化
Broadening/widening/extending/generalization of meaning
Narrowing/restriction/reduction/specialization Amelioration/elevation Pejoration/degradation
Transfer of meaning 19.The polymy of the word一词多义  a word having two
or more cloly related
20.Semantic relations语义关系Words do not exist in isolation. Their
meanings are defined through their relations to other word, and it is
断绝关系协议书怎么写through understanding the connections that we arrive at our understanding
of words.
A. Synonymy W ords which have the same or nearly the same meanings as other
words are called synonyms and the relationship between them is one of
synonymy. Absolute and relative synonyms 绝对同义词和相对同义词
B. Antonyms Words opposite in meaning are generally called antonyms. Gradable
antonyms 层级反义词Complementary or contradictory antonym 互补反义词
Conver antonyms 逆行
Three types of antonyms: gradable antonyms, complementary or contradictory
antonyms, and convers.
C. Hyponymy and meronymy上下义关系和部分整体关系
Hyponymy-t-he kind of ' relation The relation of hyponymy rves to
structure large parts of a language ' s vocabulary. The organization of a
s Thesa work like Roget
suggests that it is perhaps an all-pervasive structuring relation.云河歌词
meronymy --the part of relation can similarly be reprented by a hierarchy
of superordinate and subordinate terms
D. Homonymy 同形同音异义词Homonyms refer to words which are written in
the same way and sound alike but which have different meanings. They can be
classified into two categories: homographs and homophones.
a. Homographs: 同形异义词words that have the same spelling but differ in
sound and meaning.
b. Homophones: 同音异义词words that have the same phonological form but
differ in spelling and meaning.
20.Semantic/lexical field:
It is the organization of related words and expressions into a system which
shows their relationship to one another. The mantic field arrangement
brings together words that share the same mantic space. It is a record of
the vocabulary resources available for an area of meaning, and it enables a
ur of the language to appreciate often elusive meaning differences between
21.The major features of idioms
1)Compositenes:s 复合性idioms consist of more than one word; They are
multiword lexical items as in bread and butter, spill the beans, let the cat
out the bag, etc.
2)Structural stabilit:y 稳定性idioms are fixed collocations by long usage.
Unlike free phras, idioms are frozen and conventionalized collocations
who components cannot be varied or varied only within definable limits.
3)Semantic unity: 统一性idioms are mantically opaque. Unlike free
phra, the meaning of an idiom is not the sum of its constituents. In other

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