1,Analy the application of behaviorism in cond language learning?
这是自由的感觉 Defination: The defination about behaviorism is the dominant psychological theory of the 1950s and 1960s. It is a general theory of learning and views learning as the formation of habits. A habit is a stimulus-respon connection, habits are formed when learners respond to stimuli in the environment and subquently have their respons reforced so that they are rememberd. Behaviorism emphasizes environmental factors as oppod to internal, mental factors.
Application: It was believed that all behaviour including the kind of complex behaviour found in language acquisition, could be explained in terms of habits.Acquisition is controlled by external factors, and the learner is viewed as a passive medium. Learning took place when learners had the opportunity to practi making the correct respon to a given stimulus. Learners imitated models of correct language and received positive reinforcement if they were correct and negative reinforcement if they were incorrect. Learning in behaviorism is a process of stimulus,imitation, respon and reinforcement. T
he differences between the first and cond language create the learning difficulty which results in errors, while the similarities between the first and cond language facilitate learning.Taking the dialogue drills for example, Learners tend to learn by rote, but ignore their own mind.
Disadvantages: Behaviourism cannot adequately account for L2 acquisition. Learning is not just a respon to external stimuli and language is not just a collection of reinforced habits:The wolf child can't u humans language and couldn't adopt to the humans environment, becau not only the stimuli and habits but also the internal factors will influence the language acquisition. Language is not a t of habits but a structure defined by rules.The rules go beyond the input, allowing the learner to create and comprehend novel utterances.
行为主义不能充分解释说明二语习得机制,学习并不仅是对外部刺激的反应,语言也不单是习惯的强化过程。语言习得机制受到刺激、习惯和内部因素的影响,狼孩不会使用人类语言,也不能适应人类环境。 语言不是一系列习惯而是一规则定义的结构。该规则超出输入,允许学习者来创造和理解口头说话方式。
2尘螨过敏怎么办韩非子难一,Analy the application of mentalism in cond language learning地皇?
Defination:The defination of mentalism is emerged in the 1960s and 1970s. From a preoccupation with the role of " nurture" that how environment factors shape learning, rearchers switched their attention to"nature" that how the innate properties of the huma
n mind shape learning. Mentalism emphasize the learner's innate mental capacities for acquiring a language, and minimize the contribution of the linguistic environment.
Application:It was believed that language as a cognitive system. The Universal Grammar, existed as a t of innate linguistic principles which comprid the "initial state" and which controlled the form which the ntences of any given language could take. Error analysis can also be regarded as the application of mentalism, the goals of Error analysis were pedagogic-errors provided information which could be ud to quence items for teaching or to devi remedial lessons.
Disadvantages: Mentalism is a kind of idealism, it emphasizes too much on the internal and mental factors. Error analysis is a limited tool for investing SLA. It can provide only a partial picture, becau it focus on only part of the language that L2 learners produce and it examines language-learner language at a single point in time, it does not cast much light on the development route learners take.
3,What are the qualities of good cond language learner?
Learning a cond language involves variety of social, cognitive, affective and educational tting factors. To decipher the esnce of good language learners' qualities the two familiar concepts of "learners variables" and " learning variables" should be taken into consideration. Among the learners variables one can refer to motivation, age, learnin
g styles, personality traits, gender, beliefs, and aptitude of good language learners. The learning variables which can be labeled as the linguistic or language part of the discussion could be also studied in terms of language skills and language components. The qualities of good language learner should reflects the personal and general factors that have been en to be important in SLA.
For the personal factors, learners should be capable of adapting to different learning conditions and make their own opportunities for practice in using the language inside and outside the classroom,be prepared to experiment by taking risks, even sometimes this makes the learners appear foolish. They should be able to respond to the group dynamics of the learning situation so as not to develop negative anxiety and inhibitions, they should poss a strong reason, motivation for learning the L2. At the same time, they should be creative, developing a “feel” for the language by experimenting with its grammar and words, and learn to make intelligent guess.
For the general factors, be an adolescent or an adult rather than a young child, at least
as far as the early stages of grammatical development are concerned. They can u linguistic knowledge, including knowledge of their first language, in learning a cond language and u certain production strategies to fill in gaps in their own competence.