清洁鱼>邓锋Social studies from a care ethics perspective in an草什么莺什么
怎么做酱牛肉elementary classroom
期刊名称: Social Studies Rearch & Practice
巴黎景点作者: Rabin, Colette,Smith, Grinell,Sunal, Cynthia,Sunal, Cynthia
年份: 2017年
关键词: Moral education;Elementary education;Care ethics
偶的四字词语摘要:PurpoThe purpo of this paper is to explore social studies from the moral perspective of an ethic of care. Care ethics considers not only the cognitive skills but also the affective dimensions of educative experiences for how they might forward an ethical ideal of caring.Design/methodology/approachThis ca study was conducted in a cond-grade classroom at a small, diver, urban, independent K-8th grade elementary school. Data were gathered from six sources: notes from the participating cond-grade teacher's planning meetings over the cour of a tw
协调有序>加州欧文o and a half month unit of instruction about genealogy; lesson plans and obrvation notes; interviews of participating teachers; interviews with participating students; surveys of students; and the cond-grade teacher's reflective journal. The authors