秦杰、 田金平 外语教学与研究出版社
Chapter 1 Basic Concepts
4 A brief survey of english teaching methods
4.1 grammar-translation
4.3 the direct method
Material is first prented orally;
the mother tongue is never ud;
questions are answered in target language;
rules are generated from the practice and experience
4. 4 the audio-lingual method
Abundant u of laboratories, taped and visual aids
投标者4.6 silent way
The learner discovers rather than remember or repeats
4.9 communicative language teaching
Stress activities that engaged the learners in more meaningful and authentic language
Chapter 2 History of English teaching
1 main schools of english teaching in history
1.1 GT method
□Detial anaylsis of grammar rules, followed by application of this knowledge to the task of translating ntences and texts into and out of target language
博尔赫斯诗歌□Little or no systematic attention is paid to speaking or listening
1.2 direct method
Instruction was conducted exclusively in the target language (include question-and-answer exchange between teachers and students; grammar was taught inductively)
1.4 communicative language teaching
Focus not only on language but also on the learning process itlf
3 current trends in english teaching
3.1 teaching for communication
Weak version: provide learners with opportunities to u English for communicative purpos
S教育合同trong version: acquire language through communication
3.2 task-bad English teaching
Accomplish open-ended tasks which are not pre-determined
3.4 attention to learner difference
Content; process; time or age; goal
Since they have ever improving capabilities
Stretch the potential of all students
3.6 developing automaticity in English捉迷藏作文400字 teaching and learning
□Inductive rather than deductive teaching请不要生气
□Comprehensible and adequate input
□Attention to learners’ affective factors
□Task-bad approach
□Strategic training
4 a study ib task-bad language teaching
4.1 introduction
Traditional way: master the building blocks of the language; teacher prents the target language in ready-to assimilate pieces
By contrast: errors are not necessarily the result of bad learning
Engage in meaningful activities such as problem-solving, role playing, discussion
4.2.3 the feature of TBLT
discover rules of grammar;
focus on meaning rather than form;
bear remblance to activities people carry out in daily life
4.3 advantage of TBLT
Teaching is not the controller and sole knowledge source; create the kind of atmosphere which enhance participation; stimulate curiosity, rai interest and encourage students to practice
Chapter 4 Teaching of Different Language Skills
1 listening
listening skills: recognize stress and rhythm patterns; guess unknown words or phras; detect key words; predict what people are going to talk, etc
1.2.1 three stages of listening
Strategies: build necessary background to t purpo for listening (activate existing knowledge; build prior knowledge; establish purpo)
During listening:
While listening activities: clarify meaning; question; making predictions
Teacher’s help:
elicit summary at each stop;
ask for prediction and why students make particular predictions;
运动前吃什么review previous prediction and let them change their ideas
involve everyone by letting them show hands or take sides
After listening:
ask Q to clarify their understanding;
summarize a speaker牛肉酱拌面’s prentation orally, in writing;
review notes and add information
To sum up: give a clear lead in what they are going to hear; u visual backup for them to understand; give questions and tasks which help in learning, not confusing.
1.3Methodism teaching of listening
default method: pick out a particular grammar point or some difficult words to explain
integrated method: u veral skills within real context and communicative framework
Not just involve putting into practice the grammar and vocabulary skill or just pronouncing and reading aloud