The entrepreneur and the entrepreneurial spirit outlines
First, Entrepreneur's definition
May divide into 4 kinds regarding entrepreneur's definition and the description:
(1)System economical school of thought “technical structure social stratum”;he system economical school of thought embarks from “the technical determinism”, the system economical school of thought embarks from “the technical determinism”, thought “the most important element of production” the decision society power forward and the social system evolution, in the feudal period most important productive forces esntial factor is “the land”, in the capitalism time most important productive forces esntial factor is “the capital”, when deposits surpass the investment, the capital decision strength drops,After marches into the capitalism time (modern capitalism), the most important productive forces esntial factor turns “the specialized knowledge as well as the orga nization form which adapts with it”, the theory knowledge becomes the social core, becomes policy-making the dependence, by now the authority also changed “the technical social stratum” from the capitalist, the technical social stratum was refers to the technical personnel, the management social stratum.American economic wife and chi宽带接入服务器
ldren Hall Buddha Redd•The money forces called this is “manager revolutionizes”; In 1973, American economist Douglas•Nour studies from the A.D. 900-1700 west economic history, propod the system production is the source in transaction cost economy, the enterpri system design into economical educational world focal point.At the same time, Costs "Enterpri's Nature" enables us to be possible from the property right decision angle rearch enterpri and the entrepreneur, in recent years Our country State-owned enterpri reformed the goal establishes the modern enterpri system, hoped solved enterpri questions and so on operator's drive, restraint, surveillance from the property right relations; Separate according to the property right theory right of management and the property rights, produce the principal-agent to relate, entrepreneur's role is the property agent, has the business entity property rights; “The entrepreneur” this word 16th century appears in French, namely direction military expedition person.In 1755, French economist Richard The ridge abundant dragon defines the entrepreneurial spirit for “undertakes the uncertainty”; In 1815, Zaire "Political economy Introduction" first time included the entrepreneur one of economical
development esntial factors, although Zaire has neglected the capital formation creativity and the n of responsibility - - entrepreneurial spirit important two wings.
(2)Schumpeter “the innovation function said”;in 1942 “father of the innovation principle economic” th
e American nationality Austria economist bear bit in "Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy", caud “the entrepreneur” this unique productive forces esntial factor to become the most important esntial factor.The bear bit pointed out that, the so-called innovation is the entrepreneur the control which to the new product, the new market, the new production method, the new organization's development as well as the new raw mat erial originates mixes; the entrepreneur is called “the innovation soul”.The bear bit "Economical Development Theory" pointed out in it that, the economical development is dynamic, is to the extant balanced condition change. The economical development is not becau the population, the desire condition, the economical and production organization's change the are called “exterior factor which the production expands”, the entrepreneur to the element of production again combination is the basic power which the economy grows, is the intrinsic factor which the economy grows, in other words, the innovation is the growth soul, the innovation is the company grows the rapid reason.The innovation is the company grows the rapid reason. In today, the traditional industry time is specially progressive to the information age, the innovation spirit full small company develops surpass traditional the big company, the American Small business Bureau's statistics indicated, the new company creates new product compared to big enterpri many 250%.A US National Science Foundation's rearch believed, new company each US dollar the rearch and development expen obtain the innovation profit is big e
nterpri's 4 times, the new company innovates enters the market is equally 2.2 years, but the big enterpri is 3.1 years.
写周记的正确格式(3)Cai sson “the entrepreneur judges (Entrepreneurial judgments) to say”; Caisson (Casson.Mark) to entrepreneur and entrepreneur function limits.Casson believed that, entrepreneur's function is the entrepreneur judges (Entrepreneurial judgments), the entrepreneur is specially the human who makes the judgment for the scarce resources coordination.In the entrepreneur function, besides affirmed Schumpeter “the innovation function”, propod: 1st, arbitrage function;2nd, creates the market the function. The entrepreneur reduces the transaction cost through intermediary and the internalization two ways, the improvement transaction system, urges the market the formation.
(4)In our country practical life entrepreneur definition, is Manager (Manager) regards as operator like factory manager entrepreneur (Entrepreneur).If the Chine
business owners state-owned enterpri's reform cour, discovered the state-owned enterpri operator's choice ud to appoint, enterpri systems and so on the appointment, contract, has not had the satisfying effect.Our country scholars thought Chine Enterpri is radically “the entrepreneur vacancy”, the operator only is “the national cadre”; Some scholars thought if does not h
ave the ope rator to choo the mechanism the establishment, in fact our operator equally business capacity cannot compared to total population average ability high how many,Our country State-owned enterpri loss reaches above 40%, besides other factors, operator's choice does not work as is the most major problem, take state-owned enterpri's operator as the example, did not have operator's turnover mechanism, the elimination mechanism, the operator troop still to maintain at one kind the level which made one satisfy with difficulty. Synthesizes veral kind of classifications: Below the authoritative source obtains the quite accurate definition: The economic theory and the economical practice development clue all cloly is connected with the entrepreneur, the entrepreneur has the special human capital, is most important, the scarcest social resources. From entrepreneur's characteristic, the function and the function realization explores the analysis,has the possibility to obtain the theory the coordination entrepreneur to define the answer with the practice in. Entrepreneur's characteristic is refers to the entrepreneurial spirit and ability esntial attribute, entrepreneur's function is by the entrepreneur market function, the resources function, manages the function, the innovation function for the main body function system. Entrepreneur's full esntial condition is, has the entrepreneur substantive characteristics, under certain environmental condition restraint, maximum limit realizes the entrepreneur function, and obtains the remarkable achievement operator.
Second, the entrepreneurial spirit definition
I n this terminology connotation analyzes from “the entrepreneurial spirit”, the spirit first is one energetic quality, “the spirit first is one thought form, is ideology which one kind of actuation wisdom exercis the mind,” but “the spirit is incompletely indicated merely individual consciousness condition or the process psychology, the subjective concept, the spirit is opposite in consciousness, it as if should be is abstract to the consciousness one kind of value.”The entrepreneurial spirit also is indicated entrepreneur this special community has the common characteristic, is the unique individual quality, the value orientation as well as the thought pattern abstract expression which they have, is to the entrepreneur rationality and non-rational logical organization one kind of surmounting, the sublimation.The entrepreneur community is
in sole posssion of the remarkable energetic characteristic distinguishes on and other community characteristic, the people daily also regard as it are successful entrepreneur personally intrinsic management consciousness, the idea, the courage and the charm, and may distinguish, choo and assigns the entrepreneur by this rod. The entrepreneurial spirit is an extremely broad concept is containing the extremely rich content, very difficultly to its next standard, eternal definition. Says from the narrow n, entrepreneurial spirit (entrepreneurship) is entrepreneur this special community fo
rms in long-term production management and operation, take entrepreneur own unique individual quality as the foundation, take innovates the spirit as the core, take risk load bearing spirit as symbol one comprehensive energetic quality.
In the people daily economic society life, the entrepreneurial spirit is symbolizing one kind individual talent which differentiates obviously with the average person, but how much height manifests not merely for the actual wealth or status, this kind of talent enables the entrepreneur naturally to become the main undertaker who the social welfare promotes the responsibility, becomes the impetus economy development and the system vicissitude formidable power. The entrepreneur is the enterpri personification symbol; the entrepreneurial spirit is entrepreneur's rod.爱的教育读书卡