The Future of the English
1. The English people may hotly argue and abu and quarrel with each other but there still exists a lot of natural sympathetic feeling for each other.
2. What the wealthy employers would really like to do is to whip all the workers whom they consider to be lazy and troublesome people.
3. There are not many snarling shop stewards in the work-shop, nor are there many cruel wealthy employers on the board of managers (or governing board of a factory).
4. The contemporary world demands that everything be done on a big scale and the English do not like or trust bigness.
5. At least on the surface, when Englishness is put against the power and success of Admass, English ness ems to put up a rather poor weak performance.
6. Englishness is not against change, but it believes that changing just for changing and for no other uful purpo to be very wrong and harmful.
7. To regard cars and motorways as more important than hous ems to Englishness a public stupidity~
8. I must further say that while Englishness can go on fighting, there is a great possibility of Admass winning.
9. Englishness draws its strength from a rervoir of strong moral and ethical principles, and soon it may be asking for strength which this rervoir of principles cannot supply.
10. The people probably believe, as I do, that the 'Good Life' promid by Admass is fal and dishonest in all respects.
创业板上市标准 11. He will not even find much satisfaction in his untidy and disordered life where he manages to live as a parasite by sponging on people. This kind of life does not help a person to build up any lf-respect.
12. The people think of the Hou of Commons as a place rather far away where some people are always quarreling and arguing over some small matter.
13. If a dictator comes to power, the people then will soon learn in the worst way tha
t they were very wrong to ignore politics for they can now suddenly and for no reason be arrested and thrown into prison.
4.相形之下,至少从表面上看,英国人特性似乎只是一场微不足道的影子戏——就像是五彩缤纷的广告 画旁边贴着的一幅淡色的铅笔素描——它实际上属于不可见的内 心世界,不能为人们提供那品类繁多的物质用品,而只能提供精 神上的境界。(para.4)
5.然而,值得顺便提一下的是,在多年 来一直是商业广告推销的主要倡导者的美国,我们看到有太多太 多的伤透了脑筋的经理人员过早地跌进了坟墓;有太多太多的筋疲力竭的推销员躲进酒吧借酒浇愁,弄得家庭破裂;还有许许多多的工人成天忍受着单调乏味的时间一动作研究的苦楚,心中在 纳闷:不知自己究竟是怎样陷入这些坑人的陷井的。(para.5)
6.再说英国人特性,因与潜意识相关联,又依赖于本能和直觉而存 在,故不能割断与过去的联系:它根深蒂固。源远流长。(para.5)
7.而且,尽 管英国人并不反对变革,但对于为变革而变革的做法却深怀疑虑, 对那种认为我们现在必须无条件地欢迎机械化的进步的观点也拒 不接受。(para.5)
The Discovery of What It Means to Be an American
1. The fate of an American is complicated and hard to understand.
2. They were uneasy and uncomfortable in Europe as I was.
3. They were all trying to find their own special individualities.
4. I don't think I could have accepted in America my Negro status without feeling ashamed.
5. It is easier in Europe for people of different social groups and occupations to intermingle and have social intercour.
6. In Europe a good waiter and a good actor are equally proud of their social status and position. They are not jealous of each other and do not live in fear of losing their position.
7. I was born in New York but have lived only in some small areas of the city.
8. The reconsideration of the significance and importance of many things that one had taken for granted in the past can be very painful, though very valuable.
9. The life of a writer really depends on his accepting the fact that no matter where he goes or what he does he will always carry the marks of his origins.
投影仪排行 10. American writers live in a mobile society where nothing is fixed, so they do not have a fixed society to describe.
11. Every society is influenced and directed by hidden laws, and by many things deeply felt and taken for granted by the people, though not openly spoken about.
4.一旦我能够接受自己在美国这出不同寻常的戏剧中所扮演的角色——应该指出,这里说的角色是就我的“地位”而言——我便从仇恨美国的幻觉中清醒过来了。 (para.8)
5.只有等到他摆脱了要靠屈伸肌肉亮出本领来证明自己是个“正常人”的习惯之后,他才会认识到这一习惯是多么的有害. (para.10)
Disappearing Through the Skylight
1. 杜甫被后人称为什么Science is engaged in the task of making its basic concepts understood and accepted
by scientists all over the world.
2. The car model, called Fiesta, ems to have disappeared completely.
3. The idea of a world car is similar to the idea of having a world style for architecture. /As architecture was moving toward a common International Style, it was natural for the automobile to do the same.
4. Things that are happening in auto making are similar to tho happening in architecture.
5. The modern man no longer has very distint individual traits shaped by a special environment and culture.
6.稍的组词The disadvantage of being a cosmopolitan is that he los a home in the old n of the world.
7.The benefit of being a cosmopolitan is that he begins to think the old kind of home probably restricts his development and activities.
8.The compelling force of technology to universalize cannot be resisted.
9.When every artist thought it was his duty to show his contempt for and objection to th
e Eiffel Tower which they considered an irreverent architectural structure. 热情的新郎我爱你
10.陈楚生原创歌曲People ud to firmly believe that the things they saw around them were real solid substances but this has now been thrown into doubt by science,