
更新时间:2023-05-16 08:23:27 阅读:25 评论:0

浅谈最优化理论在实际生活中的应用 Application of The Optimization Theory in Actual Life 最优化理论The optimization theory
翻译研究词语1.表情功能expressive function 2.词类转换conversion of word class 3.词义空缺mantic zero 4.词义相符mantic correspondence 5.词义相异mantic non-correspondence 6词语层面 word level 7达 expressiveness 8段落层面paragraph level 9对应correspondence 10 翻译,笔译translation 11翻译标准translation criteria 12翻译策略translation strategy 13翻译腔translatione 14翻译学translation studies/translatology 15翻译原则principles of translation 16分析性analytic 17符际翻译intermiotic translation 18惯用法意识n of good usage 19归化domestication 20含义implicature/implied史记故事
meaning 21呼唤功能vocative function 22化境sublimation 23话语discour 24回指anaphori
c 25加注法annotation 26减省法omission 27句法syntax 28句子层面ntence level 29科技文本text of science and technology 30可读性readability 31可译性translatability 32口译interpretation/interpreting 33口译译员interpreter 34跨文化交际cross-cultural
communication 35连贯coherence 36连贯意识n of coherence 37逻辑思维logical thinking 38美感功能aesthetic function 39目的性intentionality 40内指endophoric 41篇章层面discour level 42情景语境context of situation 43认知功能cognitive function 44上下文co-text 45社会学符号sociomiotics 46神似similarity in spirit47省略ellipsis 48释义法paraphra 49述位 rheme 50 体裁 genre 51外指 exophoric 52文本/语篇 text 53文本类型 text type 54 文化语境 context of culture 55文化意识n of culture 56文体/风格style 57衔接cohesion 58衔接结cohesive tie 59显性overtness 60校核proofreading 61信faithfulness/fidelity 62信息功能informative function 63形合hypotaxis 64形似similarity in form 65形象思维figurative thinking 66修辞层面rhetorical level 67雅elegance 68异化foreignization /alienation 69译文target text 70译文读者target-text readers 71译者translator 72意合parataxis 73意境ideorealm 74意译liberal translation 75音译transliteration 76隐性covertness 77语法意识n of grammar 78语际翻译interlingual tra
建筑施工手册nslation 79语境context 80语内翻译intralingual translation 81语文学philology 82语言学linguistics 83语义学mantics 84语音层面phonetic level 85语用学pragmatics 86语域register 87翻译语言的功能metalingual function 88原文source text/original text 89原文读者source-text readers 90蕴含意义connotation 91増词amplification/addition 92照应anaphora 93直译literal translation 94指称意义denotation 95主体性subjectivity 96主位theme 97转换transformation/transfer 98综合性synthetic 99作者writer/author
愁成语>坝址中国文化特色词语英译1.拜年pay a New Year call 2.财运luck in making money 3.禅宗Chan Sect/Zen Sect 4.出家人ascetic 5.祠堂memorial temple 6.倒春寒an unusually cold spell in an otherwi warm early spring 7.道教Taoism 8.道士Taoist priest 9.法师Master 10.方丈Buddhist abbot 11.佛教Buddhism 12.恭喜发财May you be prosperous!/Wish you all the best!13.和尚Buddhist monk 14.红包red envelope containing money as a gift;(贬义用法)bribe/kickback 15.红运 good luck 16.华表ornamental column/cloud pillar/stele 17.华盖canopy 18.回教Islam 19.慧根the organ of wisdom 20.基督教Christianity 21.甲骨文inscriptions on oracle bones 22.江南水乡the south of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River 23.戒 precept/discipline 24.金刚经Diamond Sutra 25.京剧票友Peking Opera fan 26.
京剧人物脸谱types of facial make-up in Peking Opera 27.景泰蓝cloisonné 28.旧教/天主教 Catholicism 29.坎儿井karez 30.空emptiness 31.喇嘛Lama 32.老字号an old and famous shop/enterpri 33.尼姑Buddhist nun 34.涅槃Nirvana 35.旗袍cheongsam 36.三藏经Triptaka 37.三教(儒、释、道)Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism 38.时运luck/fortune 39.四大皆空 all space directions being valid 40.新教,耶稣教 Protestantism 41.真人Taoist pure man 42.族人clansman 43.坐禅sitting in meditation
节假日1.春节Spring Festival 2.党的生日Party’s Birthday 3.端午节Dragon-Boat Festival 4.国庆节National Day 5.建军节Army Day 6.教师节Teachers’ Day 7.清明节Pure Brightness Day 8.国际儿童节International Children’s Day 9.三八妇女节International Working Women’s Day 10.五一International Labor Day 11.元旦New Year’s Day 12.元宵节Lantern Festival 13.中秋节Mid-Autumn Festival 14.重阳节Double-Ninth Festival
政治经济活动1遵纪守法to obrve discipline and abide by the law 2.走共同致富的道路to take the road to common prosperity 3.自留地individual farm plots 4自负盈亏to be responsible for one’s own profit and loss 5专业户specialized houhold 6重复建设to build
redundant project 7治理整顿to improve the economic environment and rectify the economic order 8治理三乱to put to a stop/eliminate indiscriminate fines,charges and levies 9政企分开 to parate government functions from enterpri management 10宰人rip-off 11有经济头脑的人commercially minded people 12优生优育to promote good prenatal and postnatal care 13以权谋私to abu power for personal gains 14移风易俗to transform outmoded habit and custom 15依法治国to rule the country in accordance with law 16一切向钱看money-mania 17一国两制one country,two systems 18一刀切 sweeping approach 19严防死守 life-and-death defen 20严打to crack down on crimes and social evils 21亚运村Asian Games Village 22姓社姓资问题distinction of what is socialism and what is capitalism 23 星火计划 Spark Program 24信息高速公路 information highway 25小商品市场smalls fair 26小康生活to lead a relatively comfortable life 27乡镇企业 township enterpri 28下硬功夫 to make intensive efforts 29下海to take the plunge into private business 30下岗人员the laid-off 31物质文明material progress 32五讲四美运动the movement of “five stress and four points of beauty”:to promote civility,courtesy,tidiness,orderliness and integrity 33五讲四美三热爱five stress,four points
of beauty and three aspects of love 34五好家庭 five-virtue family 35温饱问题the problem of inadequate food and clothing 36晚婚晚育 late marriage and postponement of childbearing 37歪风邪气unhealthy practices and evil phenomena 38脱贫to shake off poverty 39退居二线to leave the leading post 40四有公民citizens who have high ideals,moral integrity,a good education and a strong n of discipline 41十年规划和“八五”计划纲要the guidelines of the Ten-Year Programme and the Eighth Five-Year Plan 42十年**the ten chaotic years 43涉外婚姻Chine marriage with foreign nationals 44扫黄anti-pornography drive 45三资企业enterpris in the “three forms of ventures”:Sino-foreign joint ventures,cooperative business
and exclusively foreign-owned
简笔山水画enterpris 46三峡工程Three Gorges Straits 47三通 three direct links of trade,mail and air and shipping rvices across the Taiwan Straits 48三角债 debt chains 49权力下放to delegate 50全民所有制public ownership 51勤俭建国to build the country with industry and thrift 52农转非agricultural people to be given non-agricultural status 53南水北调工程proje
cts to divert water from the south to the north 54 磨洋工to dawdle along 55民工out-of-town laborer 56乱涨价 unauthorized price ri 57 乱摊派indiscriminate levies 58龙头 to play a leading role in 59 领导班子leading body 60廉政建设 construction of a clean government 61 亏损企业enterpris running in the red 62跨世纪工程a trans-century project 63可持续发展 sustainable development 64科教兴国战略 the strategy of developing the country by relying on science and education 65科技是第一生产力 Science and technology constitute a primary productive force 66康居工程 the Affordable Housing Project 67开展扫黄打非斗争 to crack down on pornography and other illegal publications 68军转民 military conversion 69九年义务教育 nine-year compulsory education 70纠正不正之风 to rectify unhealthy tendencies and malpractices 71纠风办State Council Office for Rectification 72精神文明建设to promote cultural and ethical progress 73精简机构to streamline government organs 74经济特区 special economic zone 75经济开发区economic development zone 76戒急用忍 to overcome impetuosity and exerci patience 77解放生产力to emancipate the productive forces 78讲学习,讲政治,讲正气的党性党风教育 to educate the cadres in the Party spirit and style through the promotion of the three
emphas on theoretical studies,political awareness and integrity 79讲文明礼貌to promote civilized behavior 80减员增效,下岗分流 to cut down the size of workforce for efficiency and get the layoffs re-employed elwhere 81坚持两个文明一起抓 to ensure that efforts are made to build a society that is advanced both materially and culturally and ideologically 82假日经济 holiday economy 83计划生育 family planning 84集体主义 community spirit 85基本国情 fundamental realities of the country 86火炬计划Torch Program(a plan to develop new and high technology)87

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