暂停收款 ×stop cashier √ clod 注意安全 ×notice safety√danger” 天天低价,每天都省钱
×low prices everyday, today and any day payless
√all sale every day. we save money for you”
不要进入绿地 × no entrance to greenland
酸辣莲藕 √ keep off the lawn.
司机一滴酒, 亲人两行泪
× one drink of alcohol on the part of the driver can result in two lines of tears for
his family
√ drink and drive cost your life
残疾人电梯lift for the disabled
√ lift for the under privileged
禁止喧哗 ×don’ t make noi√ quiet, plea
×don’t pick the flowers
√ take care of the flowers, plea
程式化翻译汉语:“禁止 /请勿 +动词 ”;英语:“no +动名词 ” 的形式
禁止钓鱼 no fishing
勿在此处倾倒垃圾 no dumping
禁止跑动 no running allowed
桥上禁止超车 no overtaking on
昼夜禁止停车 no parking day or
no+ 名词(+介词短语)
禁止吸食摇头丸“no drugs”
团队工作 禁止摆卖。 no venders.
珍惜文物古迹,勿乱刻乱涂。no graffiti!
禁止左/右转 no left/right turn
禁止掉头 no u-turn
谢绝入内 no admittance
卡车禁止通行 no trucks
此路不通 no through road
非公误入 no admittance except on business
请勿走此门 no entry by this door
no food or drink to be brought in shop / no drinks from outside
check the change before you leave. no refund for tickets sold.
单行道 one way street
免费上网 free internet access
前方人行横道 pedestrian crossing ahead
前方学校 school ahead
禁止停车,违者拖走。tow away zone!
六点停止入园。last admission: 6:00
当心触电。danger! high voltage.
湖区水深,注意安全。deep water! beware.
the walking of dogs,the
consumption of intoxicating
liquor and the playing of ball
games is not allowed in this park. 本公园禁止停车、打高尔夫球
parking of vehicles, playing of golf, is prohibited in this park. 非本园车辆禁止入内
unauthorized vehicles are
prohibited in this park.
汉语中表示“ 专用 ”
英语可采用“ 名词 + only”
员工专用 staff only;
公交车专用 bus only;
贵宾专用 vip only;
会员专用members only
公交专用道 bus only
专用停车位 authorized cars only警车专用停车位 police cars only 请绕行此路 arrow only
贵宾专用 distinguished guests
超车道 overtaking only
恰字组词 公共标示语和警示语的英译方法、模式举隅
1.“…+ only”
国内许多单位办公室的门上都标有“闲人免进”的牌子,看后总觉自己也有“闲人”的嫌疑,很是不舒服。如照直翻译大致可译成“admittance denied to idlers”之类,这无疑印证了外国人觉得中国人“老板气”(bossy)的猜想,显然不妥。后来,有些单位语调温和了不少,标牌变成了“非公莫入”,英文可译为“no admittance except on business”,语气也温和了许多。某一天看外国电视剧,忽见“staff only”,顿觉豁然开朗,这不正是“闲人免进”的绝好译法吗?依此模式进行翻译,示例如下:
美丽的珊瑚 公交专用道 bus only
专用停车位 authorized cars only
警车专用停车位 police cars only
请绕行此路 arrow only
会员俱乐部 members only
贵宾专用 distinguished guests only
超车道 overtaking only
2.“no + -ing分词”
桥上禁止超车 no overtaking on bridge
激情跳水梦 禁止钓鱼 no fishing
禁止吐痰 no spitting
禁止停车 no parking
昼夜禁止停车 no parking day or night
禁止跑动 no running allowed
勿在此处倾倒垃圾 no dumping
3.“no + 名词/介词短语”
禁止左/右转 no left/right turn
禁止掉头 no u-turn
此路不通 no through road
禁止通行 no thoroughfare
禁止携带食物、饮料进入商店 no food or drink to be brought in shop谢绝入内 no admittance
卡车禁止通行 no trucks
请勿走此门 no entry by this door
珍爱生命,拒绝毒品no to drugs yes to life
单行道 one way street
单道桥 one lane bridge
并道 form one lane
前方人行横道 pedestrian crossing ahead
请为残疾人让开此座 plea vacate this at for a disabled person if required
顾客止步 customers plea refrain from entering this area
请勿扶围栏 take your hands off the rails
门廊勿放自行车 keep this doorway free of bikes
请勿触摸 plea do not touch
请勿向河中投掷垃圾 plea do not throw rubbish into this river请勿跨越栏杆 plea do not proceed beyond rail
此处勿置个人物品 plea do not leave your belongings here
请勿乱丢垃圾 plea do not litter
游人止步 plea stop/ no entrance
行车过程中请不要与司机攀谈 plea do not speak to the driver while bus is in motion
请勿投喂动物 plea do not feed animals 我们的奥林匹克