静秋误译:The navy frigate that had stranded in the waters around the Banyue Shoal of China’s Nansha Islands succeeded in refloating.
正译:The navy frigate that had been stranded in the waters around the Banyue Shoal of China’s Nansha Islands succeeded in refloating.
解释:to strand 的意思是to make a boat, fish, whale, etc. be left on the shore and unable to return to the water. 即“使搁浅,”为及物动词。“搁浅”要用被动语态表示,应改为to be stranded。
“搁浅”的第一个意思是“船只进入水浅的地方,不能行驶”。英语可以译为to strand, to be /get/lie stranded, to run / go aground, to take the ground, to run ashore, to pile up, to get piled up. 例如:
1. 这艘船在一个沙洲上搁浅了。
The ship was stranded on a sandbank.
“搁浅” 的第二个意思是“水生动物(如鲸和鱼类)陷在浅滩上”。英语可译为to strand, to be / become stranded, to run ashore. 例如:
2. 落潮使这头鲸鱼搁浅了。
The receding tide stranded the whale.
“搁浅”的第三个意思是比喻“事情遇到阻碍而停顿,不能进行。”英语可译为to come to / reach a deadlock, to be at a deadlock, to run aground, to be held up. 例如:
3. 这个计划由于经费问题而搁浅。
The plan came to a deadlock over the funds.
搁浅自制简易乐器 [gē qiǎn] v. strand
1. pile up
2. run aground
3. take the ground
4. ground
处女座狮子座Relative explainations:
to ground, stranding, strand, going aground, beach, grounding, to run aground, strike aground, high and dry, be stranded, to beach, to run aground [ships]
船搁浅了The ship ran aground.
The tanker was/went/ran aground.
Our ship grounded in shallow water/on a sandbank.