Habit refers to a behavior or practice that is often done without thinking.The following books are powerful when they come to building habits you need to succeed.
The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg
The interesting thing about habits is that once we develop them,they go totally unnoticed in our day-to-day activities.You just do it.That's a habit.The Power of Habit teaches you how to build better habits that rve you both in life and work.
The ONE Thing by Gary Keller,Jay Papasan
qq背景图片One of the biggest reasons why most people fail at keeping their New Year's resolutions is that they t too many of them to begin with.The key to continuous success is actually simple:家长对老师的寄语focus on one thing and e it through for long enough that you achieve your goals.Success is step by step.You must learn to walk before you run.
Meditations (冥思录) by Marcus Aurelius
This book was written over 1800 years ago.Guess what?The powerful rules,written in the cond century,remain just as practical today.Marcus Aurelius was known for going for excellence with strong determination,which was built by way of habit.
30 Days By Marc Reklau
The purpo of the book is to provide you with a 30-day challenge to build habits.What's nice about this book is that it provides step by step instructions.The book encourages you to learn and apply every single day.It's easier to do that when you are reading one step every single day for the next 30 days.Of cour,you can read them all in one sitting if you like.
钧窑茶具1.Who advis you to form better habits both in life and work? ______
A. Charles Duhigg. B. Gary Keller and Jay Papasan.
惠普打印机怎么用C. Marcus Aurelius. D. 狂欢派对之夜Marc Reklau.
2.Which book is most possibly the oldest of the following four? ______
A. The Power of Habit B. The ONE Thing
C. 梦见流水Meditations D. 30 Days
3.What does the book The ONE Thing have in common with 30 Days?Both of the books believe ______ .
显卡内存不足A. once developed,all habits are good
B. we develop habits easily and quickly
C. 30 days is enough to form a new habit
元宵贺词D. only gradually can we achieve success