Accession | Molecule | Method @ | 启动u盘怎么制作Note | |
AC_123456 | 单位之间的进率Genomic | Mixed | Alternate complete genomic molecule. This prefix is ud for records that are provided to reflect an alternate asmbly or annotation. Primarily ud for viral, prokaryotic records. | |
AP_123456 | Protein | Mixed | Protein products; alternate protein record. This prefix is ud for records that are provided to reflect an alternate asmbly or annotation. The AP_ prefix was originally designated for bacterial proteins but this usage was changed. | |
NC_123456 | Genomic | Mixed | Complete genomic molecules including genomes, chromosomes, organelles, plasmids. | |
NG_123456 | Genomic 加盟店的利弊 | Mixed | Incomplete genomic region; supplied to support the NCBI genome annotation pipeline. Reprents either non-transcribed pudogenes, or larger regions reprenting a gene cluster that is difficult to annotate via automatic methods. | |
NM_123456 NM_123456789 | mRNA 整存整取利率 | Mixed | Transcript products; mature mesnger RNA (mRNA) transcripts. | |
NP_123456 NP_123456789 | Protein | Mixed | Protein products; primarily full-length precursor products but may include some partial proteins and mature peptide products. | |
NR_123456 | RNA | Mixed | Non-coding transcripts including structural RNAs, transcribed pudogenes, and others. | |
NT_123456 | Genomic | Automated | Intermediate genomic asmblies of BAC and/or Whole Genome Shotgun quence data. | |
NW_123456 NW_123456789 | Genomic | Automated | 宝时捷卡宴Intermediate genomic asmblies of BAC or Whole Genome Shotgun quence data. | 恋爱假期下载|
NZ_ABCD12345678 | Genomic | Automated | A collection of whole genome shotgun quence data for a project. Accessions are not tracked between releas. The first four characters following the underscore (e.g. 'ABCD') identifies a genome project. | |
XM_123456 XM_123456789 | mRNA | Automated | Transcript products; model mRNA provided by a genome annotation process; quence corresponds to the genomic contig. | |
XP_123456 XP_123456789 | Protein | Automated | Protein products; model proteins provided by a genome annotation process; quence corresponds to the genomic contig. | |
XR_123456 | RNA | 鸡蛋葱花饼Automated | Transcript products; model non-coding transcripts provided by a genome annotation process; quence corresponds to the genomic contig. | |
YP_123456 YP_123456789 | Protein | Mixed | Protein products; no corresponding transcript record provided. Primarily ud for bacterial, viral, and mitochondrial records. | 厌恶的英文|
ZP_12345678 | Protein | Automated | Protein products; annotated on NZ_ accessions (often via computational methods). | |
NS_123456 | Genomic | Automated | Genomic records that reprent an asmbly which does not reflect the structure of a real biological molecule. The asmbly may reprent an unordered asmbly of unplaced scaffolds, or it may reprent an asmbly of DNA quences generated from a biological sample that may not reprent a single organism. | |
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