湖的英语脑部疾病1. down to the wire: To the very last minute or the very end. 一直到最后一刻才解决。
梦见屎是什么意思相扑运动员图片2. down the drain: Wasted, gone to waste. 白费,破费。
3. down the line: In the future, in the long run. 未来,从长远来看。
4. down the hatch: Ready to be consumed. 準備好吞嚥。
6. down in the dumps: Feeling depresd or sad. 感到沮丧或难过。
六角恐龙寿命7. down and out: Poor or destitute. 贫穷或赤贫。
学前班安全教案8. down to business: Getting rious and ready to start working. 开始认真并准备开始工作。身体排酸
9. down the memory lane: To nostalgically remember happy experiences from the past. 悠游回忆美好的往昔。