⼀位英国⼥作家安妮·勃朗特在《荒野庄园的房客》⼀书中写道:“在这个不完美的世界上,总有⼀个‘但是’存在”。这⼀句话⽆⽐正确!对于学术论⽂⽽⾔,这样的道理同样适⽤。“But”是essay中最常见到的英⽂连接词(甚⾄有时会被滥⽤),主要⽤来对⽐两件事实或两种观点。“But”连接词简短好记,确实便于使⽤,但是,如果⼀篇⽂章中多次重复使⽤它,难免会显得啰嗦,让读者产⽣疲劳感。这时候使⽤它的替代词(⽐如 “however”)就可以⼤⼤提⾼essay的流畅度。所以在这⾥⼩编为⼤家整理了⼀些可以代替“but”的essay连接词与副词,供⼤家今后参考使⽤。
连词是⽤来连接⼀个句⼦的两个部分,如 “but”、“and”和 “becau”。“But”不仅连接了⼀个句⼦的两个部分,同时也构成了前后部分的对⽐(例如,“这道菜好吃,但是⽤料不是很好”)。那么在此情况下,“but” 可以⽤以下词来代替:
Although, ⽐如: Tom doesn’t want to be a doctor, although he’s very good in science.
Though, ⽐如: She knew this for certain, though she hardly heard his voice through the clod doors.
Yet, ⽐如: I haven’t read the book, yet I already know the ending.”
广东省信宜市连词对⽐: Tom doesn’t want to be a doctor, but he’s very good in science.
副词对⽐: Tom doesn’t want to be a doctor. However, he’s very good in science.
Tom has money. However, he’s not all that happy.
The concert was short; however, it was very good.
Nonetheless, ⽐如: There was still a long way to go. Nonetheless, some progress had been made. Nevertheless, ⽐如: The news may be unexpected; nevertheless it is true.
Despite this, ⽐如: She was not very social. Despite this, she was a bright child and did well at school.
Having said that, ⽐如: Of cour he derves prison. Having said that, I don’t think any good will come of locking him up forever.
还有⼀点,“but”的另⼀种说法是“on the other hand”。不过,⼀般它与“on the one hand”搭配使⽤,例如:
On the one hand, if the body doesn’t have enough cholesterol, we would not be able to survive. On the other hand, if the body has too much cholesterol, the excess begins to line the arteries.
By contrastwith the Treaty of Rome, the Stockholm Convention was quite modest, in both length and ambition.
In comparisonto other recent video games, this one isn’t very exciting.
The stock lost 60 cents a share,in contrastto last year, when it gained 21 cents.
“By contrast/in comparison”放在句⾸,⽤逗号隔开。 “In contrast to”放在句中。
2) THEN AGAIN (话说回来)华罗庚数学
The drink and food was a bit on the high side.Then again, I was on business and expend it anyway.
“Then again”也需要放在句⾸,后⾯也要跟逗号。
花开时节又逢君3) ON THE CONTRARY (正好相反)
Yet small-business owners are no less honest than most people.On the contrary, they are generally more honest.“On the contrary”常常⽤在⼝语中,它⼀般位于句⾸,也需要⽤逗号隔开。
科技的名言名句You can relax on the beach or,alternatively, try the bustling town center.
“Alternatively”可以放在句⾸,但是后⾯也需要⽤逗号来隔开。“Alternatively”也可以放在句中。当它放在句⼦中时,它常常跟 “or”⼀起使⽤,并且词的前后都需要加逗号。
5) EVEN THOUGH (即使)吊兰的观察日记
Even thoughhe was getting angry, his voice remained level.
“Even though”放在句⾸,需要⽤逗号来隔开。
6) DESPITE(尽管)
They had a wonderful holiday,despitethe bad weather.古风图片唯美
“Despite” 可以放在句⾸或者句中,其后⾯只能跟名词或者名词短语,不能跟句⼦。当它放在句⾸时,名词或名词短语的后⾯要加逗号。
Despitehis lack of experience, he got the job.
He is an ordinary bloke,despitebeing famous.
需要注意的是,如果“despite”后⾯加的是从句,需要⽤“despite the fact that”这⼀短语来连接。如:
Despite the fact that he is famous, he is an ordinary bloke.
7) IN SPITE OF (尽管如此)
In spite ofhis age, he still leads an active life.
“In spite of”的⽤法和“despite”的⽤法⼀致。这⾥不再多讲。