八级是通过考试发展的英语等级认证。英语专业八级考试 (TEM-8,Test for English Majors,Grade 8),全称为全国高等 学校英语专业高年级阶段统测。接下来为你专业英语八级复习资料, 希翼对你有匡助。
1. In area, the United States is the largest country in the world.
A 2nd B 3rd C 4th D 5th
2.The 50th state in America is
A Alaska B Texas C Hawaii D Rhode Island
3. Mauna Loa, the world’s largest active volcano, is located 练拼音in
A Hawaii B Alaska C Texas微微一笑很倾城剧照 D Perth
4. Richard Nixon resigned in 1974 becau of .
A the Great Depression B the Black Power Movement C the Watergate Scandal D the Isolation policy
5.All the following universities are located in New England EXCEPT
A Yale B Harvard C MIT D Berkeley
6.The United States has less than 6% of the world’s population; yet it produces about of the total world output.
A 20% B 25% C 30% D 35%
7.What forms a natural boundary between Mexico and the United States?酱油拉面
A The 迷魂记歌词Rio Grande 翡翠鉴定River B The southern Rocky Mountains
C The Colorado River D The Gulf of California
8. The US formally entered the Second World War in
A 1937 B 1939 C1941 D 1943
9. The Presidents during the American Civil War was .
A Andrew Jackson B Abraham Lincoln
C Thomas Jefferson D George Washington
10 The emblem of the Democratic Party is .
A elephant B donkey C bear D bull
1.C 按领土面积计算:美国是继俄罗斯,加拿大,中国之后的 第四名。
2.C 1959 年, Alasica 和Hawaii 分别为第四十九个和第五十个 参加美国的州。
3.A Mauna Loa (摩纳罗亚山)是世界上最大的活火山。位于美 国 Hawaii (夏威夷)。
4.C 尼克松总统辞职是由于哄动一时的丑闻“水门事件”。水 门事件指美国共和党政府在 1972 年总统竞选运动中的非法活动暴露 后的政治丑闻。
5.D Berkeley (伯克利),是加利福尼亚大学分院,位于美国 加利福尼亚西部。而新英格兰地区包括美国的六个州,由北至南分 别为:缅因州、新罕布夏州、佛蒙特州、麻萨诸塞州、罗德岛、康 乃狄克州。
6.B 美国人口低于世界人口总值的 6%,但是美国经济生产总值 占世界 25%,是高度工业化国家。
7.A The Rio Grand River (格兰德河)形成为了美国与墨西哥的 自然分界限。
8.C 1941 年的珍珠港事件把美国带入了第二次世界,与苏联, 英国共同对战法西斯。
9.B Abraham Lincoln 是美国第十六届总统,带着美国人走过 美国内战,解放奴隶,但是
10.B 19 世纪 70 年代,在美国的《哈泼斯周刊》上,曾经先后出 现了政治漫画家托马斯 ·纳斯特的两幅画,分别以长耳朵的驴和长 鼻子的象比较美国民主党和共和党。后来,纳斯特又在一幅画中同 时画进了象和驴,比喻当时的两党竞选。自那以后,驴和象就逐渐 成为美国两大党的象征,两党也分别以驴、象作为党徽的标记。
描写性格的词语1.refers to some contrast or discrepancy between appearance and reality.
A Allegory B Conflict C Irony D Flashback
2.was recognized as the greatest poet of Victorian England.
A Tennyson 冰壶运动员B Robert Browning C Mrs.Browning D Robert Burns
3.James Joyce is the author of all the following novels EXCEPT
A Dubliners B A Potrait of the Artist as a Young Man
C Jude the Obscure D Ulyss
4.Which 猝不及防的近义词of the follwing poets is different from the others?
A John Donne B John Keats C Lord Byron D Percy Bysshe Shelley
5.William Wordsworth is an English
A poet B novelist C playwright D critic
6.The piler of A Dictionary of the English Language is
A Joph Addison B Richard Steele C Samuel Johnson D Laurence Stern
7.My Last Duchess is a monologue poem written by
A William Shakespeare B Robert Browing C Ben Jonson D Robert Herrick
8. "Beauty is truth, truth beauty" is an epigrammatic line by
A John Keats B William Blake C William Wordsworth D Percy Bysshe Shelley
9.Paradi Lost is a masterpiece by
A Christopher Marlow B John Miltom C William Shakespeare D Ben Johnson
10. James Joyce mostly wrote about his hometown
A London B Dublin C New York D Edinburgh
1.D irony 是指“反讽”,提醒事物外表与真象的差异。
2.A Aflred Tennyson 被称为维多利亚时代最出色的英国诗 人。他的主要作品为: The Princess,Maud 和短诗 Break, Break,Break。