编号 | 中文名称 | 英文名称 | |
CWA 14698-1-2003 | 建立非食品分类用标准化框架的原理 | Principles to create a standardized framework for the classification of non-food products | |
EN 1086-1995 | 食品运输袋 袋型选择和涉及包装物内袋的推荐规范 | Sacks for the transport of food aid - Recommendations on the lection of type of sack and the liner in relation to the product to be packed | |
EN 1104-1995 | 与食品接触的纸和纸板 抗微生物成份转移的测定 | Paper and board intended to come into contact with foodstuff - Determination of transfer of antimicrobic constituents | |
EN 1183-1997 | 与食品接触的材料和物品 热冲击和耐热冲击性的试验方法 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Test methods for thermal shock and thermal shock endurance | |
EN 1184-1997 | 与食品接触的材料和物品 陶瓷物品透明度的试验方法 | 婴儿拉绿屎的解决办法Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Test methods for translucency of ceramic articles | |
EN 1186-1-2002 | 与食品接触的材料和物品 塑料 第1部分:全部转移的条件和试验方法选择指南虎丘山 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics - Part 1: Guide to the lection of conditions and test methods for overall migration | |
EN 1186-10-2002 | 与食品接触的材料和物品 塑料 第10部分:全部转移到橄榄油中的试验方法(用于橄榄油不完全萃取情况发生时 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics - Part 10: Test methods for overall migration into olive oil (modified method for u in ca where incomplete extraction of olive oil occurs) | |
EN 1186-11-2002 | 与食品接触的材料和物品 塑料 第11部分:全部转移到C标签的合成甘油三酸脂混合物的试验方法 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics - Part 11: Test methods for overall migration into mixtures of C-labelled synthetic triglycerides | |
EN 1186-12-2002 | 与食品接触的材料和物品 塑料 第12部分:低温时全部转移的试验方法 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics - Part 12: Test methods for overall migration at low temperatures | |
EN 1186-13-2002 | 与食品接触的材料和物品 塑料 第13部分:高温时全部转移的试验方法 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics - Part 13: Test method for overall migration at high temperatures | |
EN 1186-14-2002 | 与食品接触的材料和物品 塑料 第14部分:使用试验媒体异辛烷和95%乙醇从与脂肪食品接触的塑料全部转移的 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics - Part 14: Test methods for "substitute tests" for overall migration from plastics intended to come into contact with fatty foodstuffs using test media iso-octane and 95 % ethanol | |
EN 1186-15-2002 | 与食品接触的材料和物品 塑料 第15部分:用快速萃取到异辛烷和/或95%乙醇的方法进行转移到脂肪食品模拟装 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics - Part 15: Alternative test methods to migration into fatty food simulants by rapid extraction into iso-octane and/or 95% ethanol | |
EN 1186-2-2002 | 与食品接触的材料和物品 塑料 第2部分:全浸入法全部转移到橄榄油中的试验方法 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics - Part 2: Test methods for overall migration into olive oil by total immersion | |
EN 1186-3-2002 | 毕业论文模板格式与食品接触的材料和物品 塑料 第3部分:全浸入法全部转移到含水食品模拟装置中的试验方法 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics - Part 3: Test methods for overall migration into aqueous food simulants by total immersion | |
EN 1186-4-2002 | 与食品接触的材料和物品 塑料 第4部分:细胞法全部转移到橄榄油中的试验方法 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics - Part 4: Test methods for overall migration into olive oil by cell | |
EN 1186-5-2002 | 与食品接触的材料和物品 塑料 第5部分:细胞法全部转移到含水食品模拟装置中的试验方法 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics - Part 5: Test methods for overall migration into aqueous food simulants by cell | |
EN 1186-6-2002 | 与食品接触的材料和物品 塑料 第6部分:使用一个小袋全部转移到橄榄油中的试验方法 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics - Part 6: Test methods for overall migration into olive oil using a pouch | |
EN 1186-7-2002 | 与食品接触的材料和物品 塑料 第7部分:使用一个小袋全部转移到含水食品模拟装置中的试验方法 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics - Part 7: Test methods for overall migration into aqueous food simulants using a pouch | |
EN 1186-8-2002 | 与食品接触的材料和物品 塑料 第8部分:物品填充法全部转移到橄榄油中的试验方法 | 正面情绪Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics - Part 8: Test methods for overall migration into olive oil by article filling | |
EN 1186-9-2002 | 与食品接触的材料和物品 塑料 第9部分:物品填充法全部转移到含水食品模拟装置中的试验方法 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics - Part 9: Test methods for overall migration into aqueous food simulants by article filling | |
EN 12014-1-1997 | 食品 硝酸盐和/或亚硝酸盐含量测定 第1部分:概述 | Foodstuffs - Determination of nitrate and/or nitrite content - Part 1: General considerations | |
EN 12014-2-1997 | 食品 硝酸盐和/或亚硝酸盐含量测定 第2部分:蔬菜和蔬菜制品中硝酸盐含量的测定用HPLC/IC法 | Foodstuffs - Determination of nitrate and/or nitrite content - Part 2: HPLC/IC method for the determination of nitrate content of vegetables and vegetable products | |
EN 12014-5-1997 | 食品 硝酸盐和/或亚硝酸盐含量测定 第5部分:含蔬菜的婴幼儿食品中硝酸盐的酶解测定 | Foodstuffs - Determination of nitrate and/or nitrite content - Part 5: Enzymatic determination of nitrate content of vegetable-containing food for babies and infants | |
EN 12014-7-1998 | 食品 硝酸盐和/或亚硝酸盐含量测定 第7部分:镉还原后蔬菜和蔬菜制品中硝酸盐含量测定的连续流量法 | Foodstuffs - Determination of nitrate and/or nitrite content - Part 7: Continuous flow method for the determination of nitrate content of vegetables and vegetable products after cadmium reduction | |
EN 12041-2000 | 食品加工机械 制模机安全及卫生要求 | Food processing machinery - Moulders - Safety and hygiene requirements | |
EN 12043-2000 防汛抗旱 | 食品加工机械 对中间校准仪的安全及卫生要求 | Food processing machinery - Intermediate provers - Safety and hygiene requirements | |
EN 12267-2003 | 食品加工机械 圆锯床 安全和卫生要求 | Food processing machinery - Circular saw machines - Safety and hygiene requirements | |
EN 12268-2003 | 食品加工机械 带锯床 安全和卫生要求 | Food processing machinery - Band saw machines - Safety and hygiene requirements | |
EN 1230-1-2001 | 与食品接触的纸和板 感官分析 第1部分:气味 | Paper and board intended for contact with foodstuffs - Sensory analysis - Part 1: Odour | |
EN 1230-2-2001+AC-2002 | 与食品接触的纸和板 感官分析 第2部分:香味偏移(变质) | Paper and board intended for contact with foodstuffs - Sensory analysis - Part 2: Off-flavour (taint) | |
EN 12355-2003 | 食品加工机械 去壳、去皮及除膜机 安全和卫生要求 母爱如什么 | Food processing machinery - Derinding-, skinning-, and membrane removal machines - Safety and hygiene requirements | |
EN 12393-1-1998 | 不含脂肪食品 农药残留物气相色谱测定用多残留物法 第1部分:总则 | Non-fatty foods - Multiresidue methods for the gas chromatographic determination of pesticide residues - Part 1: General considerations | |
EN 12393-2-1998 | 不含脂肪食品 农药残留物气相色谱测定用多残留物法 第2部分:萃取和净化方法 | Non-fatty foods - Multiresidue methods for the gas chromatographic determination of pesticide residues - Part 2: Methods for extraction and clean-up | |
EN 12393-3-1998 | 不含脂肪食品 农药残留物气相色谱测定用多残留物法 第3部分:测定和验证试验 | Non-fatty foods - Multiresidue methods for the gas chromatographic determination of pesticide residues - Part 3: Determination and confirmatory tests | |
EN 12396-1-1998 | 不含脂肪食品 二硫代氨基甲酸盐和二硫化四烷基秋兰姆残留物的测定 第1部分:分光光度法 | Non-fatty foods - Determination of dithiocarbamate and thiuram disulfide residues - Part 1: Spectrometric method | |
EN 12396-2-1998 | 不含脂肪食品 二硫代氨基甲酸盐和二硫化四烷基秋兰姆残留物的测定 第2 部分:气相色谱法 | Non-fatty foods - Determination of dithiocarbamate and thiuram disulfide residues - Part 2: Gas chromatographic method | |
EN 12396-3-2000 | 不含脂肪食品 二硫代氨基甲酸盐和二硫化四烷基秋兰姆残留物的测定 第3 部分:紫外光谱黄原酸盐法 | Non-fatty foods - Determination of dithiocarbamate and thiuram disulfide residues - Part 3: UV spectrometric xanthogenate method | |
EN 12505-2000 | 食品加工机械 加工食用油和油脂的离心机 安全和卫生要求 | Food processing machinery - Centrifugal machines for processing edible oils and fats - Safety and hygiene requirements | |
EN 12546-1-2000 | 与食品接触的物品及材料 家用保温容器 第1部分:真空器皿、保温瓶和保温壶规范 | 职业愿景>华为来电铃声 Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Insulated containers for domestic u - Part 1: Specification for vacuum ware, insulated flasks and jugs | |
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