dl是谁The kangaroo is one of Australia’s most iconic animals, and most species are endemic to Australia. There are over 60 different species of kangaroo and their clo relatives, with all kangaroos belonging to the super family Macropodoidea讲卫生手抄报内容 (or macropods, meaning ‘great-footed’). The super family is divided into the Macropodidae小鱼人连招技巧 and the Potoroidae families.
The Macropodidae (macropod) family includes kangaroos, wallabies, wallaroos, pademelons, tree-kangaroos and forest wallabies. Species in the macropod family vary greatly in size and weight, ranging from 0.5 kilograms to 90 kilograms. The Potoroinae (potoroid) family of kangaroos includes the potoroo, bettong and rat-kangaroo, which live only in Australia.
Kangaroos of different types live in all areas of Australia, from cold-climate areas and dert plains, to tropical rainforests and beaches.
Life and habitat
Kangaroos are herbivorous, eating a range of plants and, in some cas, fungi. Most are nocturnal but some are active in the early morning and late afternoon. Different kangaroo species live in a variety of habitats. Potoroids, for example, make nests while tree-kangaroos live above ground in trees. Larger species of kangaroo tend to shelter under trees or in caves and rock clefts.
Kangaroos of all sizes have one thing in common: powerful back legs with long feet. Most kangaroos live on the ground and are distinguished from other animals by the way they hop on their strong back legs. A kangaroo’s tail is ud to balance while hopping and as a fifth limb when moving slowly.
All female kangaroos have front-opening pouches that contain four teats. This is where the ‘joey’, or young kangaroo, is raid until it can survive outside the pouch.
Most kangaroos have no t breeding cycle and are able to breed all year round. Becau they are such prolific breeders, a kangaroo population can increa fourfold in five years if it has continuous access to plentiful food and water.
Kangaroo management and u
Kangaroos have long been important to the survival of Australia’s Indigenous peoples, who have hunted kangaroos for tens of thousands of years for both the meat and the skins. When Europeans arrived in Australia in the late eighteenth century, they too hunted kangaroos for survival.
Kangaroos continue to be ud as a resource, but only under strict government controls. All Australian states and territories have legislation to protect kangaroos. Only the four most abundant species of kangaroo and small numbers of two common wallaby species can be commercially harvested for export, and then only by licend hunters in accordance with an approved management plan. The species are the Red kangaroo, Eastern grey kangaroo, Western grey kangaroo, Common Wallaroo (Euro), Bennetts wallaby and Pademelon (a type of wallaby).
Kangaroo harvesting and the environment
The Australian rangeland environment is fragile and easily degraded. Kangaroos have evolved as part of the Australian ecosystem and, with their soft feet, cau no environmental degradation at natural population levels. However, kangaroo populations have incread dramatically since European ttlement in the areas due to the introduction of European farming methods and, for this reason, carefully controlled harvesting is required.
Kangaroo harvesting is carried out under the strict environmental controls provided by the Australian Government’s Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conrvation Act 1999西芹的做法大全家常菜. The commercial harvesting of widespread and abundant kangaroo species contributes to the sustainability of the Australian environment.
The four species of kangaroo that are commercially harvested have very large populations. None is threatened or endangered. The Red kangaroo, Eastern grey kangaroo and Western grey kangaroo are the most abundant species and make up over 90 per cent of the commercial harvest. Their combined population size has fluctuated bet
ween 15 and 50 million animals over the past 25 years in the harvested areas, depending on asonal conditions.
The harvesting of kangaroos is permitted on a quota basis that is reviewed annually and independent of market demand. Quotas are t on the basis of population size and trends, and long-term climate predictions. Conrvation of the species remains the foremost consideration. This approach ensures that the harvesting of kangaroos is managed in an ecologically sustainable way.
There is no farming of kangaroos in Australia. Kangaroos are harvested in the wild by licend hunters.
The kangaroo industry
Australia’s kangaroo industry began exporting kangaroo meat to Europe in 1959 in respon to interest from the European game meat industry. Today kangaroo meat and skins are exported all over the world.
The live export of kangaroos is prohibited under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conrvation Act. There are a few exceptions where the purpo is noncommercial, such as inter-zoo exchanges.