*OPRC;International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Respon;and Co-operation, 1990 (OPRC Convention);[IMO; London, 29 Nov. 1990]; 1990年关于石油污染的防备、应付和合作的国际公约
*OPS; Office of Personnel Services (AFM/OPS; PS) [AFM]; 人事厅
*OPS; Office for Project Services [UNDP; replaced by OPE]; 项目事务厅
*OPS; operations; 业务;行动
*OPS; Pan-American Health Organization [PAHO]; Organizacion Panamericana de la Salud; 泛美卫生组织
*OPT; Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and;Political Rights [A/RES/2200 A(XXI)]; 公民权利和政治权利国际盟约任择议定书 [联合国人权文件汇编,p.22]
*OPT; outward processing trade; 出口加工贸易
*Opus Dei Prelature of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei; 天主事工会
*OR; open registry [Ships]; 开放登记
*ORC; open relief centres (ORCs); 开放性救济中心
*ORDEN; Organizacion Democratica Nacionalista [El Salvador]; 民族主义民主组织
*ORDINEX;International Organization of Experts; Organisation Internationale des Experts ; 国际专家组织(专家组织)
书到用时方恨少的下一句*ORIT;Organizacion Regional Interamericana de Trabajadores; 美洲区域工人组织
*ORMD;Organizacion Regional de la Mujer para el Desarrollo; 区域妇女争取发展组织
*ORPA;Organization of People in Arms [Guatemala]; Organizacion del Pueblo en Armas; 起义人民组织
*ORSC;open relief sub-centres (ORSCs) ; 开放性救济分中心
*ORSEC; ORganisation des SECours [France]; 救难组织 [属于国家民防局];ORSEC Plan; 国家民防局救难组织工作计划
*ORT; oral rehydration therapy; 口服液疗法(服液法)
*OS; outer space; 外层空间;外空
*OSAD;Outer Space Affairs Division [PSCA, UN Secretariat]; 外层空间事务司(外空司)
*OSAR;Central Swiss Office for Aid to Refugees [Switzerland]; 瑞士援助难民总办事处
*OSCAL; Office of the Special Co-ordinator for Africa and LDCs; 非洲和最不发达国家特别协调员办事处(特别协调员办事处)
*OSCE; Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe; 欧洲安全和合作组织(欧安组织)狐狸分奶酪
*OSCSEAP; Office of Special Co-ordinator for Special Economic Assistance; Programmes; 特别经济援助方案协调专员办公室
*OSFO;Office of Special Fund Operations; 特别基金业务处
*OSG; Offices of the Secretary-General [UN Headquaters]; 秘书长直辖各厅处; Office of the Secretary-General of UNCTAD; 贸发会议秘书长办公室罗志辉
*OSGAP; Office of the Secretary-General in Afghanistan and Pakistan; 驻阿富汗和巴基斯坦秘书长办公室
*OSI; on-site inspection; 现场视察
*OSK; Osaka Shon KK [Japan]; 大阪商船公司;Mitsui OSK; 三井大阪商船公司
*OSLR;Programme on Ocean Science in relation to Living Resources;[UNISCO/IOC/FAO]; 关于生物资源的海洋科学方案
*OSNLR; Programme on Ocean Science in relation to Non-Living Resources;[UNESCO/I中国美食之都
OC/FAO]; 关于非生物资源的海洋科学方案
*OSOCC; On-Site Operations Co-ordination Centre [DHA]; 现场业务协调中心
*OSP; Pan-American Sanitary Organization (PASO) [now PAHO]; Organizacion Sanitaria Panamericana; 泛美卫生组织
*OSPAA; Afro-Asian People's Solidarity Organization (AAPSO); Organisation de Solidarite des Peuples Afro-Afriques; 亚非人民团结组织(亚非团结组织)
*OSPQ;Office for Special Political Questions; 特别政治问题事务处
*OSRD;Office of Scientific Rearch and Development [USA]; 科学研究与发展局
*OSRO;Office for Sahelian Relief Operations; 萨赫勒区域救济业务处
*OSRO;Office for Special Relief Operations [FAO]; 特别救济业务处
*OSS; Obrvatoire du Sahara et du Sahel; 撒哈拉和萨赫勒观测所
*OSSECS; Office of Secretariat Services for Economic and Social Matters;(OSSESM) [UN Secretariat]; 经济和社会事项秘书处服务厅
*OSSESM; Office of Secretariat Services for Economicnd a Social Matters;(OSSECS) [UN Secretariat]; 经济和社会事项秘书处服务厅
*OST; Office for Science and Technology; 科学和技术处(科技处)
*OT; on truck (o/t) [Chartering and Shipping]; 卡车上交货
汽车电工电子*OT; overland transit empty [Container]; (空集装箱)从外地回运
*OTC; Office of Tecnical Co-operation; 技术合作处(技合处)
*OTC; over-the-counter (ref: OTCM); 场外交易(指不在证券交易所内进行的交易)
*OTCI;Overas Telecommunications International [Australia]; 海外电信国际
*OTCM;over-the-counter market (ref: OTC); 场外交易市场
*OTI; Organizacion de la Television Iberoamericana [Spanish]; 伊比利亚美洲电视组织
*OTIS;on-line technology information rvice; 联机技术资料服务
*OTL; overhead trust local; 当地间接费用信托基金
*OTRAMA; Organisation du Trafic Mediterranee-Afrique de l'Ouest; 地中海—东非航运公会
*OUSG;office of the under-cretary-general [UN Secretariat]; 副秘书长办公室
*OUSGPGAA Office of the Under-Secretary-General for Political and General;Asmbly Affairs [UN Secretariat]; 主管政治和大会事务副秘书长办公室
*OUSGSPA;Office of the Under-Secretary-General for Special Political;Affairs [UN Secretariat]; 主管特别政治事务副秘书长办公室
*OVE; the Danish Organization for Renewable Energy; 丹麦促进可再生能源组织
*OWLS;International Society on Optics within Life Sciences; 国际生命科学中光学学会
*OWSE;Operational WWW Systems Evaluation; 世界天气监测网业务系统评价
*OXFAM; Oxford Committee for Famine Relief; 牛津饥荒救济委员会(牛津救济会)