Core Catalysis of the Reductive Glycine Pathway
Demonstrated in Yeast埃及出土木乃伊
期刊名称: ACS Synthetic Biology
爱的颜色作者: Gonzalez de la Cruz, Jorge,Machens, Fabian,Mesrschmidt, Katrin,Bar-Even, Arren
年份: 2019年
关键词: glycine cleavage system;tetrahydrofolate;carbon labeling;one-carbon metabolism;synthetic biology;metabolic engineering你不在我不在
男生纹理烫摘要:One-carbon (C1) compounds are attractivemicrobial feedstocks asthey can be efficiently produced from widely available resources.Formate, in particular, reprents a promising growth substrate, asit can be generated from electrochemical reduction of CO2 and fed to microorganisms in a soluble form. We previously identifiedthe synthetic reductive glycine pathway as the most efficient routefor aerobic growth on formate. We further demonstrated pathway activityin strain remained roughl
郑和是哪个朝代的yconstant over a very wide range of formate concentrations, 1–500mM, indicating both high affinity for formate u and high tolerancetoward elevated concentration of this C1 feedstock. Our results, aswell the availability of endogenous NAD-dependent formate dehydrogena,indicate that yeast might be an especially suitable host