Carboxylic Acids Produced Through Oxidative Cleavage of Aromatic Rings During Degradation of Lignin in Spruce Wood by Phanerochaete
天的成语期刊名称: Journal of Wood Chemistry and Technology
作者: Chen-Loung,Chen,Hou-Min,Chang,T.,Kent,Kirk
常温酸奶年份: 2007年
期号: 第1期
摘要:Pre-extracted spruce wood chips were decayed by Phanerochaete chrysoaporium to a 20% loss in lignin (8% loss in total weight), and extracted successively with petroleum ether, chloroform, acetone, methanol, and aqueous dioxane. The low molecular weight fraction of the methanol extract was analyzed
by gas chromatography/ high resolution mass spectrometry after acetylation and nethylation. Examination of the spectra resulted in structural assignments for 28 compounds, 10 of which were aromatic acids identified and reported previously (Holzforschung 36,3 (1982)). At least 13 of the remaining compounds were formed via aromatic ring cleavage. In addition to ring cleavages, the new structures revealed oxidation of α- and γ-hydroxyl groups, oxidative cleavage of CαCβ and Cβ–Cγbonds, and 3-O-demethylation. It is