IEEE International Workshop on Performance
Evaluation of Tracking and Surveillance(PETS)2001(IEEE跟踪和监控性能评估国际专题讨论会(PETS)2001)
PETS'2001 consists of five parate ts of training and test quences, i.e. each t consists of one training quence and one test quence.
All the datats are multi-view (2 cameras) and are significantly more challenging than for PETS'2000 in terms of significant lighting variation, occlusion, scene activity and u of multi-view data.
Outdoor people and vehicle tracking (two synchronid views; includes omnidirectional and moving camera) (annotation available).
PETS2001 Datats
PETS'2001 consists of five parate ts of training and test quences, i.e. each t consists of one training quence and one test quence.
All the datats are multi-view (2 cameras) and are significantly more challenging than for PETS'200
0 in terms of significant lighting variation, occlusion, scene activity and u of multi-view data.
The annotation (ground truth) for the datats is available here.
Datat 1 (training = 3064 frames, testing = 2688 frames): Moving people and vehicles. The camera calibration may be found here.
Datat 2 (training = 2989 frames, testing = 2823 frames): Moving people and vehicles. The camera calibration may be found here.
Datat 3 (training = 5563 frames, testing = 5336 frames): Moving people. This is a more challenging quence in terms of multiple targets and significant lighting variation. The camera calibration may be found here.
Datat 4 (training = 6789 frames, testing = 5010 frames): Moving people and vehicles (catadioptric vision) - one narrow field of view, one panoramic. The camera calibration may be found here.
Datat 5 (training = 2866 frames, testing = 2867 frames): Moving vehicle (forward and rear views). The camera calibration may be found here.
For each datat
∙the training directory contains a training t of frames in both QuickTime movie format with Motion JpegA compression and as individual Jpeg
images. The directory contains frame synchronid images for the two cameras.
黄豆浆∙the test directory contains a training t of frames in both QuickTime movie format with Motion JpegA compression and as individual Jpeg
images. The directory contains frame synchronid images for the
two cameras.
The annotation (ground truth) for the datats is available here.
The tracking results that you report in your paper submission
我喜欢的书∙should be performed using the test quences, but the training quences may optionally be ud if the algorithms require it for
learning etc.
∙may be bad on a single camera view of the scene (CAMERA1), or using the dual-view data (the approach ud must be clearly stated in
the paper).
The tracking can be performed on the entire test quence, or a portion of it. The images may be co
nverted to any other format as appropriate, e.g. subsampled to half-PAL, or converted to monochrome. All results reported in the paper should clearly indicate which part of the test quence is ud, ideally with reference to frame numbers where appropriate.
The tracking results must be submitted along with the paper, with the tracking results generated in XML format.This will be straightforward and should not add a significant overhead to your effort. The results you provide will be ud to perform automatic performance evaluation.
The paper that you submit may be bad on previously published tracking methods/algorithms (including papers submitted to the main CVPR conference). The importance is that your paper MUST report results on tracking using the datats supplied.
The recommendation is that:
∙you attempt to track the objects (people or vehicles or both) in Datats
1 or
2 first and report tracking results on the test quences for the
datats in the paper. (note that you need only u single-view data
but you may u both views of the same scene (frame synchronid) if your algorithms/methods of tracking allow it.) The pre-requisite for
submitting your paper to the workshop is that you minimally report
tracking results on either OR both of datats 1 and 2.
∙if you have been successfully completed the above, attempt Datat 3 & possibly 4 (if you are interested in catadioptric vision) which are
significantly longer in length and include significant lighting variation.
∙Datat 5 is primarily included for tho people interested in moving cameras. Your paper may report results on this datat alone.
If you have any queries plea email