Cross-cultural Learning of English
(The obstacles of English learners under the influence of Chine culture) Abstract: Culture plays an important role in learning of a foreign language, English learners always face the cultural obstacles when they learn to speak English as the native English speakers do. This rearch paper focus on the relationship between culture and language, some cultural differences and similarities, analyzing the cultural obstacles which English learners always confront during the process of learning English, then makes a statement about the importance of cross-cultural learning of English if English learners can study English well.
Keywords: Culture differences, Obstacles, English learners
Foreword: As we all know, there is a clo connection between language and culture. More often than not, the effect of language expressions is carried out between any two language speakers through the understanding of a certain culture, therefore, most of the obstacles the language learners might meet are the basic understandings of the culture behind the native language speakers. Some English learners might
understand what the native English speakers talk about, but just to a certain degree, not completely an
d specifically. Take watching English movies as an example, sometimes it could be very hard for some English learners to understand every episode of the whole movie which was carefully designed by the movie maker. It is becau they know little about the background information of the movie, and the major part of the background information belongs to the culture of that country in which the story was written.
并且春色满园造句1: The definition of culture
We always talk about culture, but what is culture? It could be a little difficult to give a specific definition of culture since there are many different definitions of culture. In the book A new conci cour on linguistics for students of English, the writer tells us that: “culture, in a broad n, means the total way of life of people, including the patterns of belief, customs, objects, institutions, technique, and language that characterizes the life of human community. In a narrow n, culture may refer to local or specific practice, beliefs or customs, which can be mostly found in folk culture, enterpri culture or food culture etc.” Culture is such aCAI是什么
comprehensive concept that it could refer to any part of people’s usual life in a country, in a district, and even in community. People do different activities and say different words becau of their differe
nt patterns of culture of the country in which the foreign language is spoken, so he or she may know what he or she should say, hoe to say, and say differently according to the different places.
三周年祭日敬辞2: The relationship between language and culture
How does culture relate to language? And how does it affect the specific us of a certain language? Also in the book A conci cour on linguistics for students of English, the writer tells us that: “culture is a wide system that completely includes language as a subsystem, language, as an integral part of human being ,permeates his thinking and way of viewing the world, language both express and embodies cultural reality. On the other, language, as a product of culture, helps perpetuate the culture, and the changes in language us reflect the cultural changes in return.” In China it is quite normal for people to greet each other by saying words like: “Have you eaten yet?”, or “Where are you heading for?” If a native English speaker knows nothing about Chine culture, he or she may think it is
weird for an English learner to greet people like this, what is more, it might cau some misunderstandings between the English learners and the native English speakers. For instance, if a Chine English learner greet a native a English speaker by saying: “Have you eaten yet?”. The nati
ve English speaker might think that you want to invite him or her to eat with you, but you actually don’t have that kind of meaning, if someone asks why English learners can’t gre et people by saying something according to the ways people usually greet each other in China, the answer could be easy, it is all becau the culture in China and the culture in English speaking countries are different. But if someone asks which part of the culture decides native English shouldn’t greet people like this, the answer could be complicated. Is it custom, religion, or other aspects of culture? It is hard to say.
3: Factors of religion
3.1: Religion
One important factor which decides the specific us of language is religion, and religion is one of the important parts which make up the comprehensive culture in a country. Many people in western countries are Christians. Great works created
by famous writers are full of characteristics of religions. In the book European culture: An introduction, the writer tells us that: “Dante Alighierie(1265-1321)was the greatest poet of Italy and also a pro writer, literary theorist, moral philosopher as well as political thinker. His masterpiece: The Divine Comedy, is one of the landmarks of world literature. The poem while itlf is the greatest
Christian poem with a profound vision of the medieval Christian world. In his poem, Dane meets Pope Nicholas3, he mentioned words like God, Heaven, Hell, baptize, sin, sinners for many times, and all of such words are frequently mentioned in the Bible. English learners may know the Chine meaning of such words when they read such works created by Christian writers, but the images in English learners’ mind might be qui te different form the images in the original writers’ mind if they know nothing about Christian, about Bible, anyway anything related to this kind of religion. So this could become one of the obstacles for English learners to appreciate the works created by tho Christian writers. Though the influence of the religion in nowadays is not as important as it was in the past, it still plays an important role in peoples’ usual lives. In the book Images of British and American Culture and Society, the writer said that though