
更新时间:2023-05-15 03:16:13 阅读:21 评论:0

Procrastination(犹豫不决) is a dia of the mind. A scientific study in recent years has shown that it is a clo relative(:相对的亲属亲戚⽐较的)of sadness(悲哀)and attention disorder; that procrastinators tend to(趋向于)be the result of low lf-confidence(消沉的⾃信⼼)and are likely to experience anxiety(焦虑) The rearch has shown, what is more,that the illness has become quite common. Susan Robert, a behavioral psychologist who has written a book called Living With Procrastination, says that about a quarter of the adult population of the United States and Canada is reported to have rious problems with procrastination. “when we say ‘rious’ we mean people for whom procrastination caus great discomfort and suffering. We’ve found that such people are more troubled by daily life than others,that possibility of anxiety is much higher among them than in the rest of the population.”
In a society driven by achievement, it is little wonder that not being able to work at full steam will bring people sadness. Surely,in the land of opportunity, this anxiety has produced an industry of experts
offering solutions. Many books and specialist solutions have appeared. In exchange for $19.95, Dr. Jerome Murray will nd out an audio-castte(盒式录⾳磁带) called “Protect your future from the thief of procrastination.”Dr. Murray promis that if you follow his step-by-step rules you will be empowered to “turn lf-defeat into lf-realization”. “Since the start of the 1990s, procrastination has been taken more and more riously,” said Dr. Roberts, who has been treating patients troubled by the condition for more than 20 years. “It is now recognized as a true mental health problem and is being en more as a psychological problem and less as a moral issue.”
研究结果显⽰,⽽且,这种疾病已经变得⾮常普遍。Susan Robert,是⼀位⾏为⼼理学家,曾经写了⼀本书名叫“Living with Procrastination”。书上写到美国,加拿⼤⼤图额四分之⼀的成年⼈报告已经患了严重的犹豫不决的问题。“当我们说‘严重’的时候,我们意思是⼈们对于那些犹豫不决的⼈产⽣了不舒服和痛苦的感觉。我们已经发现这样的⼈在⽇常⽣活中⽐其他⼈更容易有⿇烦。那种焦虑的可能性也⽐其他亲⼈要⾼很多。”
41. What is the main topic of this passage?(C)⽂章的主题
A. Don’t hesitate to give up smoking. 不要犹豫戒烟。
B. Don’t regard depression as not important.不要在乎不重要的忧愁
C. Delay can be a sign of illness. 延迟可能是某种疾病的征兆的疾病。
D. Don’t work too hard to stay healthy. 不要⼯作得太⾟苦来保持健康。
42. Which statement is NOT true according to the passage? (C)哪个叙述是不真实的
A. Procrastination is a dia of the mind.犹豫不决是⼀种思想上得病。
B. Procrastination is likely to cau a great discomfort and suffering.犹豫不决可能使⼈痛苦不安。
C. Procrastination is not considered as a psychological problem but moral issue.(道德问题)犹豫不决不是⼼理学原因是道德问题。
D. Dr. Jerome Murray provides some ways to get rid of procrastination. 博⼠杰罗姆·默⾥提供⼀些⽅法来摆脱犹豫不决。
43. How does the author look at procrastination?(b)作者如何看你的犹豫不决?
A. It is something like running.
B. It is a dia of mind.
C. It is not a permitted(允许) act.
D. It is not full of stress.
44. The are the signs of procrastination except _______.(C)
A. discomfort(不安)
B. suffering(受难)
C. pleasure (快了)
D. sadness (悲哀)
45. What’s the main idea(主旨) of Dr. Murray’s castte “Protect your future from the thief of procrastination”?(d)
A. Turn defeat to lf-realization.由击败到⾃我了解
B. Turn depression into enthusiasm.由沮丧转变成热⼼
C. Procrastination has been taken more and more riously.
D. Turn lf-defeat into lf-realization由⾃我攻击转变成⾃我认识
Parrots are becoming one of the most popular pets in America for good reasons. The parrot is an extraordinary bird that can be taught to talk, can be easily cared for, and can create a lively atmosphere anywhere. With the help of an energetic parrot owner, a parrot can develop an enormous vocabulary. In addition, a parrot can be trained to say “Pretty boy”or “Polly wants a cracker,”and it also can learn to whistle or sing. No matter what an owner decides to teach a bird, training a parrot takes much patience, but the reward is a stream of chatter. Another reason for the parrot’s popularity is that this pet does not require much care. For example, even a spoiled parrot does not need a hou-sitter for the purpo of daily walks and daily feeding. In fact, a parrot owner may leave his or her pet with enough food for five days and have no fear that the parrot will overeat. Still another advantage of owning a parrot is its inexpensive food, including eds, nuts, corn, and grain—along with an apple, banana, or carrot. Perhaps the most likely reason the parrot is becoming such a well-liked pet is that it is a combination of tameness and wildness. Bec
au the parrot can live in almost any environment, it makes a fine,tame companion for many people. In addition, becau it can be easily trained, it is a delightful performer. At the same time, its colorful feathers give it an air of the mystery of the parrot’s native home, the jungle. Thus, the parrot,once a highly valued gift prented to kings and noble families, is now appreciated by a growing number of people.
46. A parrot can be trained to do all the following but ____B___.
A. talk 谈话
B. help its owner帮助他的主⼈
C. sing 唱歌
D. create a lively atmosphere创造⼀个活泼的⽓氛
47. Which of the following is NOT a reason for the easy raising of
the parrot?A下列哪项不是鹦鹉的优势。
A. It eats very little.吃的少
B. Its food is inexpensive.它的⾷物很便宜
C. It does not need a hou-sitter.它并不需要⼀个看房⼦的⼈。
D. It does not require daily walks as dogs do.
48. The word “tameness(温顺)”in the passage means ___D____. Tameness在这个短⽂⾥边是什么意思……
A. the quality of being brave(勇敢) or unafraid
B. the quality of being kind or warm-hearted和蔼和热⼼的特性。
C. the quality of being uncontrolled or fierce
D. the quality(特性) of being gentle or trained
49. The word “jungle”(密林,危险地带)probably means ____C___. Jungle的⼤概意思是
A. boundless dert with very little plant life
B. large apartment building with pleasing surroundings
C. wild land overgrown with thick bushes and trees
D. snow-covered mountain top in very cold areas
50. The writer ___A____.这个作者……
A. likes the parrot 喜欢鹦鹉
B. dislikes the parrot讨厌鹦鹉
C. doesn’t care about the parrot不关⼼鹦鹉
D. values the parrot highly⾼度重视鹦鹉
In my long life I have en many changes in our habits and customs and conditions in general. I think that you might be interested if I told you some of them.
The world I entered at the age of eighteen when I became a medical student was a world that knew nothing of such advanced things as planes,films, radios or telephones. It was a very cheap world. Prices were stable. When I entered St. Thomas’ hospital I rent a t of rooms in Vincent Square for which I paid 18 shillings a week. My landlady provided me with a very good breakfast before I went to the hospital and a dinner when I came back at half past six. I only had to pay for the breakfasts and dinners twelve shillings a week. For four-pence I lunched at St. Thomas’ on bread and butter and a glass of milk. I could be able to live very well, pay my fees,
buy my necessary instruments, clothe mylf, and have a lot of fun on fourteen pounds a month. And I could always pawn (当掉) my microscope for three pounds.
I spent five years at St. Thomas’ hospital. I was a bad student,for my heart, as you might have guesd, was not in it. I wanted, I had always wanted to be a writer, and in the evenings, after my dinner,I wrote and read. Before long, I wrote a novel called “Liza of Lambeth”,which I nt to a publisher and was accepted. It came out during my last year at the hospital and it was successful. It was of cour an accident,but I didn’t know that. I felt I could afford to give up medicine and make writing my profession; so, three days after I graduated from the school of medicine, I left for Spain to write another book. I did not realize, at that time, that I was taking a great risk.
是个低消费的世界,价格稳定,那时我进⼊托马斯的医院学习,我在⽂森平⽅租到⼀间每周18先令的房⼦。在我去医院之前我的⼥房东给我提供了很美味早餐,当我6点半从医院回来时还提供美味的晚餐。我只须⽀付早餐和晚餐费,每个星期12先令。我在托马斯的中餐,4个便⼠只能买些⾯包和⼀杯⽜奶。我在那能⽣活得很好,⽀付我的学费,买我需⽤的仪器, 给⾃⼰买⾐服,每个⽉14磅的花销还给
51. The text is a talk given by the author when ___D____.
A. he was 18 他18岁
B. his first novel was published他的第⼀部⼩说出版
C. he graduated from the school of medicine 他毕业于医学院
D. he was at an advanced age 他⾼龄时候
52. The author graduated from the school of medicine when he was ____C___.
A. 18
B. 28
C. 23
D. 30
53. “And I could always pawn my microscope for three pounds” means the author could always ___A____.
A. exchange(换取) his microscope for three pounds ⽤他的显微镜换取3磅
B. borrow his microscope and pays three pounds⽤三镑的钱借⽤他的显微镜
汽车壁纸C. have his microscope repaired with three pounds⽤三镑的钱修理他的显微镜
D. lend his microscope for three pounds借给他的显微镜三磅钱。
54. In the ntence “I could be able to live very well, pay my fees,buy my necessary instruments, ”, the word “clothe”means _____D__.
在这个句⼦⾥“我能⽣活得很好,⽀付我的学费,买我的必备仪器,……”clothe 这个词是什么意思?
A. wear clothes 磨损⾐服
B. make clothes for 制作⾐服
C. wash clothes for 洗⾐服
D. buy clothes for给⾃⼰买⾐服。
55. The author wanted to be a writer becau ___C____.
A. he liked to take risks 他喜欢冒险
B. he found it easier to make a living by writing
C. he was interested in writing他感兴趣的是写作
D. he could not study medicine well在医学⽅⾯他学不好。
How often one hears children wishing they were grown-up, and old people wishing they were young again. Each age has its pleasures and its pains, and the happiest person is the one who enjoys what each age gives him without wasting his time in uless regrets.
Youth is a time when there are few tasks to make life difficult. If a child has good parents, he is fed, looked after and loved whatever he may do. It is impossible that he will ever again in his life be given so much without having to do anything in return. In addition, life is always prenting new things to the children—things that have lost their interest for older people becau they are too well-known. But a child has his pains: he is not so free to do what he wishes to do; he is continually being told not to do things, or being punished for what he has done wrong.
When the young man starts to earn his own living,he can no longer expect others to pay for his food,his clothes,and his room,but has to work if he wants to live comfortably(舒服). If he spends most of his time playing about in the way that he ud to as a child,he will go hungry. And if he breaks the laws of society as he ud to break the laws of his parents,he may go to prison. If,however,he works hard,keeps out of trouble and has good health,he can have the great happiness of building up for himlf his own position in society.
当年轻⼈开始过⾃⼰的⽣活,他再也不能指望别⼈⽀付他所需⽤的⾷物、⾐服、他的房间, 如果他想过的很舒服就要去⼯作。如果他像⼩时候⼀样花太多的时间去玩,他就要挨饿。如果像过去违背⽗母规定那样违反社会法律,,他可能会去坐牢。但是,如果他努⼒⼯作,不断⾛出困境,具有良好的健康,在社会中他可以有⾃⼰建⽴⾃⼰的地位和莫⼤的幸福。
56. People can experience happiness if they __B_____.

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