Snacks and desrts点心甜点儿童的诗句>烈的成语
1. biscuit:饼干
2. crackers:薄脆饼干
3. nuts:坚果
4. cake:蛋糕
5. chocolate:巧克力
6. cupcake:纸杯蛋糕
7. sugar:食糖;方糖
作文小标题格式8. chocolate cake:巧克力蛋糕
一次远行9. crisps:炸薯片
10. ice cream:冰激凌
11. pie:馅饼;派
1. Which three are usually salty?
A. biscuits
B. crackers
C. crisps
D. nuts
E. pie
2. Which three are made in an oven?
A. cake
B. cupcake
C. chocolate
D. pie
E. sugar
3. Which two can you usually eat at birthday parties in the UK?
A. cake
B. crackers治过敏的药有哪些
C. ice cream
D. nuts
E. sugar
cake crackers ice cream cupcake biscuit nuts crisps sugar pie chocolate
彩色小泡泡1. In the UK, a ______ is an important part of many birthday and wedding parties.
2. ______ is sweet. It’s in many desrts and some people put it in coffee and tea.
3. ______ are like biscuits, but are usually salty instead of sweet. In the UK, people often eat them with chee.
4. To make ______ you need thin slices of potato and hot oil.
5. ______ is cold and is made from milk.
6. When they are for desrt, ______ usually have some kind of fruit inside them.
7. ______ is made from cocoa beans and sugar.
8. A ______ is a small cake. It looks like a muffin.
9. In the USA, ______ are called “cookies”.
10. ______ are the hard fruits or eds of a plant.
1. B C D
2. A B D
3. A C
1. cake
2. Sugar
3. Crackers孔家家谱
4. crisps
5. Ice cream
6. pies
7. Chocolate
8. cupcake
9. biscuits 10. Nuts