A comparison of the thermal adaptability of people accustomed to air‐conditioned environments and naturally ventilated environments 期刊名称: Indoor Air
作者: J. Yu,Q. Ouyang,Y. Zhu,H. Shen,G. Cao,W. Cui
年份: 2012年
期号: 第2期
关键词: Thermal comfort;Thermal adaptability;Physiological acclimatization;Air‐conditioned;Naturally ventilated;Heat shock
小买卖创业项目推荐摘要:It has been reported previously that people who are acclimated to naturally ventilated (NV) environments respond to hot and warm environments differently than people who are acclimated to air-conditioned (AC) environments. However, it is not clear whether physiological acclimatization contributes to this discrepancy. To study whether living and working in NV or AC environments for long periods of time can lead to different types of physiological acclimatization, and whether physiological a
合作意向函cclimatization has an important influence on peoples respons of thermal comfort, measurements of physiological reactions (including skin temperature, sweat rate, heart rate variability, and heat stress protein 70) and thermal comfort respons were conducted in a heat shock environment (climate chamber) with 20 people (10 in the NV group and 10 一步一步教你学化妆