a book of rubbings, rubbing from stone拓本
a chronicle of somebody’s life 年谱
a horizontal inscribed board 匾额
a list of required reading 必读书目
a manuscript left unpublished by the修复u盘工具
author at his death, posthumous manuscript 遗稿
a rubbing from ancient tablets as a model of calligraphy碑帖
a Song Dynasty block-printed edition 宋刻本
a torn book 被撕毁的书
a variant form of a Chine character 异体字
absolute size 精确开本
absorbed rials,amalgamation of rials 期刊合并
abstract, digest 文摘
abstracting 编写摘要
academic authority 学术权威
academic bookstore 学术出版物书店
academic discussion,academic disputation,scientific conference,academy 学术团体
symposium,colloquium,minar 学术讨论会
academic library,learnedlibrary,scholarly library,rearch library 学术性图书馆
academic member 学术界人士
academic press,scholarly press 学术出版社
academic rearch 学术研究
academic thesis,rearch paper,scientific paper 学术论文
academic world,academic circles,schools 学术界
有前景的专业>家庭教育方法 according to historical records 据史书记载
added edition 补充版
added entry,condary entry 补充著录
additional bibliographical particulars 补充著录事项
administration of periodicals,management of magazine 期刊管理
alias,byname,nickname,another name 别名
all cloth,full cloth 全布面装
all rights rerved,copyright rerved,property in copyright,right of reproduction rerved 版权所有
allpublished 全部出版(指多卷本或系列书)
alphabetic system of writing,
alphabetic writing 拼音文字
amateur edition 私人收藏本
ambiguous term 歧义词
amorphous ries 不定型丛书
an inscription on a tablets, epigraph 碑文
ancient books 竹帛
annalistic style 编年体
annotating 编写注释
annotation explanatory notes 诠释
annual,annals,annual report,annual bulletin,annual issue 年报
annual asmbly,annual conference,annual meeting,general meeting年会
annual circulation 年流通量,年发行量
anonymous 佚名的
anonymous document 匿名文献
antiquarian,antiquary 文物工作者
apostrophe 省字符(')
append their explanations 系辞
apprai something through discussion 评议
approval process 审批手续
archaeological find, unearthed cultural relics,unearthed artifacts, unearthed objects 出土文物
archaeology 考古学
art of bookbinding 书籍装订术
association of documents 文献类族
author's correction 作者自行订正圆面积的推导过程
author ries 自著丛书,个人丛书
authoritative author 权威著者
authorized edition 审定版
autobiography 自传
auxiliary materials(for instruction) 补充教材
auxiliary subdivisions of period,auxiliary subdivisions of time 年代复分号
BA(Bachelor of Arts), bachelor of letters, bachelor of Literature 文学学士
back decoration 书脊装饰
back of a book,backbone,book back 书脊
back print 书脊印字
ballad, folk rhyme 民谣
bamboo carving ,bamboo engraving 竹刻
bamboo slips(ud for writing on during ancient times) 竹简
bamboo slips and silk (ud for writing on during ancient times);writing paper made from
bamboo 竹纸
banner word标题词
bC(Bibliographic Classification)书目分类法
be lost失传
biannual(publication) 半年刊
bibliographer 目录学家
bibliographic center 书目中心
bibliographic compilation 书目编制
bibliographic data ba 书目资料库
bibliographic description 书目著录,书目描述
bibliographic documentation 书目文献工作
bibliographical history 书目沿革,目录学史
bibliographic of bibliographies 书目的书目,书志目录
秋季古诗 bibliographic organization 目录组织
bibliographic structure,catalog structure 目录结构
bibliographic tools 目录工具书
bibliographical file 目录卡片档
bibliographical history 目录学史,书目沿革
bibliographical information,book trade journal 书汛