1: Match the expression on the left with the best meaning on the right. 找出下列各词的意义。(1*20)
1.明察秋毫 d Rerve a. able to be ud
2. c Rate b. to tell sb. that a possible arrangement, date, time etc. is now definite
3. e Guarantee c. a fixed standard room charge or payment
4. a Available d. to arrange for a place in a hotel, restaurant, plane etc. to be kept for sb.
5. b Confirm e. to promi to pay for the room even if it is not ud
6. b Claim a. information
7. d Postal rvice b. to take something that belongs to you
8. e Respectively c. cau physical harm to something or to part of someone’s body
9. c Damage d. the public rvice for carrying letters, parcels etc
10. a Info e. each parately in the order mentioned
11. c Transfer a. examine in order to learn whether something is correct
12. d Charge b. cross out; say that something already arranged or decided upon will not be
done, will not take place, etc.
13. b Cancel c. change position, move
14. e Passport d. ask as a price, ask in payment
15. a Check e. government document to be carried by a traveler abroad, giving personal
16. e Rerve a. (of a at, space) not being ud or occupied
17. a Vacant b. a comfortable room for sitting in, having a drink in the hotel
18. 孙悟空的照片 c Full c. be fully occupied; be filled completely徒手体操
19. b Lounge d. a place where meals are sold and eaten
20. d Restaurant e. to book in advance; to keep for special purpo
2: Complete the following with words or expressions from the dialogues. 用所学到的词汇或短语完成下列句子。(1*15)
1.Credit card guaranteed rervations are the most common form of guaranteed rervation.
2.A guaranteed rervation assures the guest that the hotel will holda room until a specific time of the day following the guest’s planned arrival date.
3.A prepayment rervation requires that a payment in full be received in advance.
4.If a guest stays until the night of the 12th and leaves on the morning of the 13th, the departure date is the 13th, not the 12th.
5.He telephones the hotel to book eight single rooms for three nights in the name of Erica Travel.
6.Could you tell me where to deposit my valuables?
7.Would you plea go over to pay at the cashier desk?
8.Your luggage can be claim right after you arrive in Shanghai.
9.Guests can get all kinds of information at the Reception Desk.
10.Guests are advid to leave their valuables in the hotel safe.
11.The country codes are listed in the Service Directory in your room.
12.A person-to-person call can only be accepted by the particular person you are calling.
13.Shall I connect you with the Overas Operator?
14.From the Shenzhou-V(神州五号), astronaut Yang Liwei told his family he felt “very good” in space. That was really a Long Distance Call.
15.Hold on, plea. I’ll put you through right now.
3: Complete each ntence with the correct form of the word given. 用所给单词的正确形式填充。(1*5)
1.Customers usually make a phone call or nd a fax to make a rervation. (rerve)
2.They made a booking for twenty people but it isn’t a confirmative booking yet. (confirmation)
3.I’m sorry, but there is no availability for the banqueting room for the date you require. (available)
4.There’s no one in Table 2 at the moment and Table 4 is also unoccupied. (occupy)
5.The receptionist will return any valuables which have been deposited for safekeeping. (return)
4: Translate the following words and expressions into Chine. 将下列单词或短语翻译成汉语。(5)
Frying, deep-frying, boiling, grilling
煎、炒 油炸 煮 烧烤(用下火)
Aperitif, starter, main cour
开胃酒 第一道菜(开胃菜) 主菜
烈火如歌演员表Roast lamb, boiled potatoes, fresh orange juice.
烤羔羊肉 煮土豆 新鲜橙汁
5: Complete the dialogue with the Chine prompts. 根据汉语提示,完成对话。(20)
Staff: Good morning. I’m Julia from the Reception Department. 踢毽子比赛What can I do for you? (早上好,我是预订部的Julia.有何吩咐?)
Guest: This is Henry Smith calling from Australia. I’d like to rerve a room, plea.
Staff: OK, Mr. Smith. Which date do you want your room? (好的,史密斯先生。您要订哪天的房?)