
更新时间:2023-05-14 15:46:57 阅读: 评论:0

Education 类词汇
1) 培养(某种素质)cultivate/ foster/ nurture(vts)促进学生身心发展promote the student’s physical, mental ( 或者用intellectual) and emotional development 心理健康psychological soundness/ well-being/ welfare(nouns) 学习能力(先天就有的)aptitude/talent 学习能力(后天学习到的)ability/ skill 学生接受的学校教育(名词)schooling(noun) 儿童接受的家庭教育(名词)upbringing(noun) 给学生以动力give the students motivation to do something 或者motivate (vt) the student to do something 青少年adolescents/ youngsters/ youths
2) 传授知识impart(vt)/inculcate(vt) knowledge 灌输高尚的道德观念instill(vt) high moral values (注以values 复数比试价值观) 给学生以灵感stimulate the students; thought 或者give the students inspiration 家长教育子女的方式(名词)parenting/upbringing 教学法teaching methodology/ pedagogical methodology 适应(动词)adapt to do something/adjust onelf to do something/ become accustomed to do something 适应能力adaptability 学生对老师所教授的知识的掌握students’ grasp/ command(nouns) of what has been taught 就业技能employable/ marketable skill
3) 限制创造力的发展extinguish(vt)/ stifle(vt)/ constrain(vt) creativity(noun) 打击学生的积极性
dam pen/sap(vts) the students’ enthusiasm 或者frustrate the students 产生不不要的压力beget/ create undue pressure 塑造某人的性格mould(BrE,vt) one’s character 责任感a n of obligation 学生不应该只是被动的接收简单知识的容器student should not be treated as passive receptacles of predigested ideas. 死记硬背learn thing by rote.
4) 记忆方程式,公式,定理,定律memorize equations, formulas, theorems and laws(nouns) 应用apply (vt) 盲从follow something blindly/ indiscriminately(adv)用填鸭式教学教育学生force-feed(vt) the students 为了记忆而记忆memorize for memorization’ s own sake
5) 把学生分开教育(比如根据智力或者课堂上的表现)gregate(vt) students 来自于其他同学的压力peer pressure 逆境adver circumstances /adversity 团队精神team spirit(noun) 独立思考:think independently(adv)
6) 在理解的基础上学习learn things through understanding 鼓励学生用辨证的眼光看问题encourage students to think critically(adv) 学生的反馈students’ feedback 或者students’ input 学生评价老师的教学students apprai / evaluate their teachers’ performance
7) 学生学习的各门功课加在一起curriculum(noun) 具体的一门课的内容syllabus 课外活动extra-curricular activity 学校是社会的缩影A school is society in miniature 不遵守纪律(名词)indiscipline/
misbehavior/ mischief (nouns) 不遵守纪律的(形容词)学生disruptive/ unruly students
趣味智力题8) 理论只是theoretical knowledge 通才generalist 专才specialist 全面发展的well-rounded /versatile 为社会健康发展做贡献contribute to societal well-being/welfare (注意这里welfare 不是“福利”的意思)
9) 大学学科的分类可以分为:人文学科(包括文学、历史、语言学等)humanities 社会科学(包括政治、经济、社会学等)social sciences 艺术(包括音乐、雕塑等)arts 文科的总称也可以称为liberal arts 或者liberal studies 理科(包括物理、化学、生物等)sciences 工科(包括工程,自动化等)engineering 大学里的任何一个学科都可以叫做一个discipline 基础科学basic sciences 应用科学applied sciences 小学教育primary-level education 中学教育condary-level education 大学教育tertiary-leveleducation 职业教育vocational education/ training 青少年adolescents/ youngsters/youths
Technology & media 词汇
10) 尖端的技术cutting-edged(adj) technology 信息爆炸information explosion/information overload 信息时
代the information age/ the information era 无联网被广泛的使用the proliferation of the Internet 科技创新及发
展technological innovations/inventions/ advances/ progressions (nouns) 提高效率augment/ enhance/ boost(vts) efficiency 提高生产效率augment/ enhance/ boost(vts) productivity 减少人力的机器(计算机发明之前的技术)labor-saving machinery
上胸肌怎么练11) 取代人力的机器labor-replacing machinery 自动化automation (noun)/ automated(adj) 生物技术biotechnology 克隆cloning (noun) clone (verb) 远程通讯telecommunications(noun) 太空探索(名词)space exploration 人的基因构成one’s genetic make up/ one’s DNA programming
12) 实事current affairs 新闻界the press 印刷媒体(如报纸、杂志)the print media 报道新闻的机构news outlets 电子媒体the electronic media 无处不在的prevalent/ubiquitous/ pervasive 充斥着… be awash with/ be inundated with / be saturated with something 审查censor 删除delete/eliminate/ exci(vts) 过多的暴力与色情内容excessive/ gratuitous violent and pornographic contents
13) 有误导性的misleading/ misreprented/ distorted 诈骗性的fraudulent 虚假的fal/ bogus 报道非常详细的细节report something in graphic detail 媒体炒作media hype 夸大事实exaggerate things/ nsationalize things/ blow things out of all proportion(最后一个口语化说法,但作文也可用) 客观公正的objective and balanced 揭露expo/reveal
14) 侵犯隐私violate/intrude on/ infringe on /someone ‘ s privacy 毁坏某人的名誉tarnish/sully/smear/besmirch one’s reputation 狗仔队paparazzi(复数名词,不能加s)名人a celebrity/ celebrities(plural) 丑闻scandals 掩盖(丑闻或罪行等)cover up/gloss over/whitewash
15) 不客观的,不公正的biad/skewed/unobjective 如实描写factual accounts 可信的
reliable/trustworthy/dependable 及时的up-to-date/ up-to –the-minute (后者比前者更及时)信息量大的informative 娱乐性强的entertaining 有新闻价值newsworthy道德准则code of ethic 或者code of conduct
Tourism 类词汇
16) 旅游景点tourist attraction/ tourist spots/ places of interest 开阔眼界push back/broaden one’s horizon 游客与当地人互动Tourists can interact with the locals 促进文化交流promote cultural communication吸引draw/ attract/ appeal to (vts)/ be a magnet for somebody 亲身体验(名词)
first-hand experience(noun) 多种感观体验的(如听觉、触觉等)multi-nsory(adj) 冲突conflict(noun, vi+with) 争端discord/ disnsion
17) 把游客和当地人隔绝clude / isolate(vts) the tourists from the locals 商业化commercialize/ com
modify (vts)欺骗游客的手段tourist traps 间接体验(比如通过电视或者互联网,名词)cond-hand experience/ vicarious experience 文化遗产cultural heritage 互联网不会让旅游业过时The Internet will not render tourism obsolete.
Government 类词汇
18) 当局authorities 老百姓citizens/ the citizenry(全体公民,不可数) 规范,管理regulate/ administer/ overe(vts) 实施implement 立法legislate/make laws 严禁strictly prohibit/ ban altogether 严格的法律stringent laws/ legislation 监督scrutiny(noun)/ scrutinize(vt)/ monitor(vt)
北京新疆饭店19) 为…拨款allocate money to something/ subsidize(vt)/ be a patron of / invest in/finance(vt)/ fund(vt) dedicate money to something 预算budget 税收tax revenue 政府在某方面的开支the government spending/ expenditure on something 削减curtail 增加augment 当务之急priority 把…当成当务之急give priority to something. 责
任obligation/ responsibility
20) 军备竞赛arms race 自卫lf-defen 国土安全national curity/ homeland curity缺乏远见的政策short-sighted policy 扩张expansion/ aggression 谋求霸权ek/pursue(vts) hegemony 恶性循环a vicious circle 地区不稳定因素destabilizing factor规章制度rules and regulations
21) 太空竞赛space race 武器arms/ weapons/ armaments 下岗工人lay-off workers/downsize workers 失业
unemployment/ joblessness 基础设施infrastructure—比如public transport system 公共交通系统,power grid 电网pipelines 石油和天然气管道water supply and drainage system 给排水系统等,民主与开放的政府a democratic and progressive government
Animals 类词汇
22) 动物权益保护主义者animal rights activists 医学研究medical rearch 残忍的cruel/merciless/ inhuman/ callous/ brutal 活体解剖viviction 麻醉anaesthetic 减轻动物的痛苦alleviate/ ea animals’ pain 宠物是主人的伙伴pets are companions of their masters 给主人心理安慰afford their masters consolation and comfort
偷猎poach(vi,vt)/poaching(noun) 某一种事物是没有替代物的there are no replacement/ substitutes/ alternatives (单数则去掉s) for something.
Language & Culture 必备词汇
23) 一种可以通用的语言(比如英语)a lingua franca /a universal language/ a global language 英语
的广泛应用the proliferation of English 英语的统治地位the
dominant role/ the ascendancy / the hegemony of English 方言dialect/vernacular/the indigenous language 小语种将会消亡Lesr-known language will become
extinct/obsolete 小语种的消亡the extinction/ demi of lesr-known languages
24) 文化遗产包括有形跟无形两种,有形的入历史遗迹,无形的入风俗,仪式,传统道德观念等Cultural heritage can be divided into two groups, tangible cultural heritage, such
as historic sites and intangible heritage, such as customs, rites, rituals and mores, etc.
保护prerve 祖先forefathers/ ancestors 后代descendants/posterity(后一个是不
可数名词) 少数民族ethnic minorities
25) 民族团结the harmony between ethnic group/ race 文化融合cultural integration and synthesis 相互影响interaction 文化多元性cultural diversity 丰富enrich 狭隘的观
念insular/provincial/parochial mentality 贬低deprecated/ denigrate/minimize the
importance of /disparage/trivialize/discredit 某事不是一成不变的something is not
t/carved in stone
26) 生活节奏加速the tempo/pace of life has accelerated 疲劳fatigue 导致人与人的疏远create alienation between people 过于功利的materialistic/ mercenary/
money-worshipping 追求最大限度利润pursue maximum profit 交通堵塞traffic
jams/traffic congestions/grid block(最后一个是不可数名词) 阻碍impede/ hinder/
hamper/obstruct/inhibit(vts) 扶贫poverty alleviation 就业机会job opportunity/
employment opportunity 贫穷的needy/ poverty-stricken/ impoverished/ deprived/
destitute/ indigent 富裕的affluent/ wealthy/ well-off
27) 撞车car wrecks/ car accidents 行人pedestrians 交通肇事者traffic accident
perpetrators 违章横穿马路jaywalk(可以记忆为:周杰伦走路――不走寻常路――美特
斯邦威) 监控摄像头surveillance cameras
28) 有特殊审美价值的老房子old buildings of special aesthetic value (注意审美观的英文
说法是aesthetic values 复数) 有历史特殊意义的老房子buildings of historic
significance 民居vernacular dwellings 让城市更美观beautify the cities/ better the
cityscape 破旧的房子decrepit/rundown/rickety/dilapidated 拆除tear down a
building/demolish a building/raze a building/ knock down a building 高楼high-ri
building 摩天楼skyscrapers 城市化urbanization 城乡差距the disparity between the
city and countryside 城市的urban 乡村的rural 搬迁relocate(vi,vt)
29) 在家上班(动词)telecommute 休闲leisure/recreation 精神上的享受amument and enjoyment 娱乐entertainment/diversion 宽松的管理laisz-faire management 运营
成本operating costs/overhead costs 雇用recruit 会导致效率降低的
counterproductive 劳动力资源labor pool 抑郁症depression 失眠sleeplessness/
sleep-deprivation/insomnia 人口爆炸population explosion/population boom 控制人口
birth control/family planning 爱慕虚荣的pretentious/ ostentatious 缺少运动的生活方
式dentary lifestyle 营养过剩over nourishment、
Environment 类常用词汇
30) 生态平衡ecological balance / ecological equilibrium 可持续发展sustainable development 环保主义者environmentalists/ conrvationists 对环境无害的
environmentally-friendly 节约使用conrve(vt) 保护prerve 再利用(动词)reu/recycle 各国必须携手解决环境问题:Countries on this planet must join forces/
make a concerted effort /unite to combat/tackle/resolve/address environmental
problems. 增强公众关于…的意识rai/ elevate the public awareness of something
短缺shortage/ scarcity/ dearth/ lack 给资源造成很大压力put a strain on the already
stretched resource 破坏自然资源wreak havoc on natural resources 看法森林
deforestation 污染pollute/ contaminate 有毒的poisonous/ toxic
31) 增加农产品产量boost crop yield 可再生资源renewable resource 不可再生资源
non-renewable resource(包括金属metal, 矿产minerals, 石油petroleum, 天然气锐不可当造句
natural gas, 煤coal 等,后三种可以总称为fossil fuels) 消耗(某种资源)
consume/deplete 用尽u up/ exhaust 严厉的措施harsh action/ measures 生态系
统ecosystem/ ecological system 某一地区所有的生物的总称the wildlife in a region/
the biota(=flora + fauna) of a region 生物多样性biodiversity
32) 污水effluent/wage 排放discharge 温室效应greenhou effect /global warming 严风调雨顺是什么意思
重的vere /grave 白色污染产生的垃圾non-biodegradable garbage / wastes that
cannot decompo or break down/ inorganic trash 谴责而不是纵容condemn rather
than condone(vts) something 臭氧层ozone layer 肥沃的土壤fertile soil 贫瘠的土壤
鸭血炒韭菜infertile soil 耕地arable land/ farmland
Crime 类常用词汇
33) 触犯法律break/ violate/ flout/ disobey the law 犯罪commit a crime 罪行offences/
crimes/ criminal acts 罪犯criminal/ offender/ culprit /perpetrator 从犯accomplice /
accessory (noun)(后者指帮助犯罪单未直接参与的人) 憎恨社会rent society/ hold a
grudge against society 囚犯inmate/convicts 受害者victim 心理创伤trauma 牢房
cell 监禁imprison / incarcerate(vts) someone 被绳之以法be brought to justice
34) 宽容的lenient 改造罪犯reform/ rehabilitate criminals 执法部门law enforcement agencies 重罪heinous crime/ flagitious crime/ felony 轻罪petty crime /
misdemeanor 初犯的人first-time offender 惯犯hardened criminals/ repeat criminals
再次犯罪revert to crime 守法的公民law-abiding citizens 遵守法律abide by/ comply
with the law 无视… disregard 给某人造成心理创伤traumatize someone 抓捕track
down/ hunt down/ capture 犯罪倾向criminal tendency
Globalization 类常用词汇
35) (一个国家或者地区的)文化特性(national or regional)cultural identity 全球文化同一化过程(名词,即地区文化特征的消失)global cultural homogenization 文化同一性(或者叫文化均质性,名词)cultural homogeneity/cultural uniformity 全球化是一把双刃剑Globalization is a two-edge sword. 地球村the global village
Women & Family 类常用词汇
36) 两性平等gender equality 性别歧视xism/ gender discrimination 一个开明的社会
a progressive/ enlightened society 被家务事拖累be tied down by houhold chores
生育孩子child bearing(noun) 抚养孩子child rearing (noun) 母性的本能maternal instinct 家务houwork / houhold chores
37) 老年人elderly people/ nior citizens 家庭成员间的情感纽带family bonds/ family ties 归属感a n of belonging 对…的依恋an attachment to something/ an affinity
for something 贫穷的家庭deprived families 富裕的家庭affluent families 单亲家庭single-parent houhold 虐待mistreat/ abu 家庭暴力domestic violence 毒品上
瘾addiction to drugs/ be addicted to drugs

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