名称 | name | 烤土豆的做法日期(beginning) |
立春 | The beginning of spring(1st solar term) | Feb.3,4 or 5 |
雨水 | Rain water(2nd solar term) | Feb.18,19 or 20 |
惊蛰 | The waking of incts(3rd solar term) | Mar.5,6 or 7 |
春分 | The spring equinox(4th solar term) | Mar.20,21 or 22 |
清明 | Pure brightness(5th solar term) | Apr.4,5 or 6 |
谷雨 | Grain rain(6th solar term) | Apr.19,20 or 21 | 花甲的做法大全
立夏 | The beginning of summer(7th solar term) | May 5,6 or 7 |
钻山洞教案小满 | Lesr fullness of grain(8th solar term) | May 20,21 or 22 |
芒种 | Grain in beard(9th solar term) | Jun.5,6 or 7 |
夏至 | The summer solstice(10th solar term) | 励志文言文Jun.21 or22 |
小暑 | Lesr heat(11th solar term) | Jul.6,7 or 8 |
大暑 | Greater heat(12th solar term) | Jul.22,23 or 24 |
立秋 | The beginning of autumn(13th solar term) | 班级情况Aug.7,8 or 9 |
处暑 | The end of heat(14th solar term) | Aug.22,23 or 24 |
白露 | White dew(15th solar term) | Sept.7,8 or 9 |
秋分 | The autumn equinox(16th solar term) | Sept.22,23 or 24 |
寒露 | Cold dew(17th solar term) | Oct.8 or 9 |
霜降 | Frost’s descent(18th solar term) | Oct.23 or 24 |
立冬 | The beginning of winter(19th solar term) | Nov.7 or 8 |
伤感微信名小雪 | Lesr snow(20th solar term) | Nov.22 or 23 |
大雪 | wsprintfGreater snow(21st solar term) | Dec.6,7 or 8 |
平方米到公顷的进率 冬至 | The winter solstice(22nd solar term) | Dec.21,22 or 23 |
小寒 | Lesr cold(23rd solar term) | Jan.5,6 or 7 |
大寒 | Greater cold(24th solar term) | Jan.20 or 21 |
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