declaration form报关单
Three steps—declaration, examination of goods and relea of goods, are taken by the Customs to exerci control over general import and export goods.海关对进出境货物的监管一般经过申报、查验和放行三个环节。
the person in charge of the declaration
ocean bill of lading提单
air waybill空运提单
packing list或packing specification(装箱单) 怎样炸油条
shipping order(装货单)
丹东克隆 letter of credit(L|C)(信用证)
insurance policy(保险单)
sales confirmation售货确认书
contract(合同)(commodity, quantity, unit price, total amount, country of origin and manufacturer, packing, shipping mark, date of shipment, port of shipment, port of destination, insurance, payment, shipment, shipping advice, guarantee of quality, claims, force majeure, late delivery and penalty, arbitration)
certificate(commodity inspection certificate商检证
animal or plant quarantine certificate 动植物检疫证
certificate of origin原产地证
import进口 export出口
import & export corporation(Corp.)
import & export business(enterpri entitled to do import and export business)
export drawback出口退税
import & export licence
processing with imported(supplied) materials进(来)料加工
buyer买方 ller卖方怎么修图
The buyer requests his bank to issue a letter of credit in favor of the ller.
goods(import& export goods , All import and export goods shall be subject to Customs
cargo (bulk cargo,cargo in bulk, air cargo, a cargo,bonded cargo, cargo-owner佳能大三元镜头
What cargo is inside the container?
The cargo is now relead.)
Commodity(commodity inspection)
article(smuggled goods and articles, inward and outward goods and articles)
luggage 行李物品
postal items 邮递物品
You don’t have to pay duty on personal belongings, but the other one is subject to duty.
means of transport(conveyance)运输工具(vesl, aircraft, train, vehicle):All inward and outward means of transport shall be subject to Customs control on arriving in or departing from the Customs territory.
魔芋烧鸭子ocean vesl船名
packing(bag袋, bale包, bottle, coil圈,ca, crate板条箱,dozen, package件:total packages合计件数, piece, roll, t, unit辆,台,单位,drum桶, carton纸箱, wooden cas木箱, pallet托盘, container ,in bulk)
简单的手抄报模板 weight重量
gross weight毛重 net weight净重
quantity数量:The minimum quantity of an order for the goods is 500 cas.
description of goods货名
name and specifications of commodity品名及规格
mode (term)of trade贸易方式
name of trading country贸易国
date of importation进口日期
total value of the contract commercial value, duty-paying value
The duty-paying value of an import item shall be its normal CIF price and the duty-paying value of an export item shall be its FOB price, minus the export duty.
The duty-paying value of an inward or outward article shall be fixed by the Customs.
price价格unit price单价 total price总价
total amount总价
二年级上册手抄报 consignor发货人 consignee收货人
While the examination is being carried out, the consignee of the import goods or the consignor of the export goods shall be prent and responsible for moving the goods, opening and restoring the packing
Declaration of import goods shall be made to the Customs by the consignee within 14 days of the declaration of the arrival of the means of transport; declaration of export goods shall be made by the consignor 24 hours prior to the loading unless otherwi approved by the Customs. 进口货物的收货人应当自运输工具申报进境之日起14日内,出口货物的发货人除海关特准的外应当在货物运抵海关监管区后装货的24小时以前,向海关申报。
carrier承运人(a person or business that carries goods orn pasngers from one place to another for payment)
notifyn party通知方