AAMOF as a matter of fact
ABFL a big fat lady
ABT about
ADN any day now
AFAIC as far as I’m concerned
AFAICT as far as I can tell
AFAICS as far as I can e
AFAIK as far as I know
AFAYC as far as you’re concerned
AFK away from keyboard
AH asshole
AISI as I e it
AIUI as I understand it
AKA also known as
AML all my love
ANFSCD and now for something completely different
ASAP as soon as possible
ASL assistant ction leader
ASL age, x, location
ASLP age, x, location, picture
A/S/L age/x/location
ASOP assistant system operator
ATM at this moment
AWA as well as
AWHFY are we having fun yet?
AWGTHTGTTA are we going to have to go trough this again?
AWOL abnt without leave
AWOL away without leave
AYOR at your own risk
AYPI? and your point is?
B4 before
B4N bye for now
BAC back at computer
BAG busting a gut
BAK back at the keyboard
BBIAB be back in a bit
BBL be back later
< be back later but not to soon
BBR burnt beyond repair
BBS be back soon
BBS bulletin board system
BC be cool
B/C becau
BCnU be eing you
BEG big evil grin
BF boyfriend
B/F boyfriend
BFN bye for now
BG big grin
BION believe it or not
BIOYIOB blow it out your I/O port
BITMT but in the meantime
BM bite me
BMB bite my bum
BMTIPG brilliant minds think in parallel gutters
BKA better known as
BL belly laughing
BOB back off bastard
BOL be on later
BOM bitch of mine
BOT back on topic
BRB be right back
BRBB be right back bitch
BRBS be right back soon
BRH be right here
BRS big red switch
BS big smile
BS bull shit
BSF but riously folks
BST but riously though
BTA but then again
BTAIM be that as it may
BTDT been there done that
BTOBD be there or be dead
BTOBS be there or be square
BTSOOM beats the shit out of me
BTW by the way
BUDWEISER becau you derve what every individual should ever receive BWQ buzz word quotient
BWTHDIK but what the heck do I know
BYOB bring your own bottle
BYOH Bat You Onna Head
C&G chuckle and grin
CAD ctrl-alt-delete
CADET can’t add, doesn’t even try
CDIWY couldn’t do it without you
CFV call for votes
CFS care for cret?
CFY calling for you
CID crying in disgrace
CIM CompuServe information manager
CLM career limiting move
CM@TW catch me at the web
CMIIW correct me if I’m wrong
CNP continue in next post
CO conference
CRAFT can’t remember a f**king thing
CRS can’t remember shit
CSG chuckle snicker grin
CTS changing the subject
CU e you
CU2 e you too
CUL e you later
CUL8R e you later
CWOT complete waste of time
CWYL chat with you later
CYA e ya
CYA cover your ass
CYAL8R e ya later
CYO e you online
DBA doing business as
DCed disconnected
DFLA dinhanced four-letter acronym
DH darling husband
DIIK darn if i know
DGA digital guardian angel
DGARA don’t give a rats ass
DIKU do I know you?
DIRTFT do it right the first time
DITYID did I tell you I’m distresd
DIY do it yourlf
DL download
DL dead link
DLTBBB don’t let the bad bugs bite
DMMGH don’t make me get hostile
DQMOT don’t quote me on this
DND do not disturb
DTC damn this computer
DTRT do the right thing
DUCT did you e that?
DWAI don’t worry about it
DWIM do what I mean
DWIMC do what I mean, correctly
DWISNWID do what I say, not what I do
DYJHIW don’t you just hate
DYK do you know
EAK eating at keyboard
EIE enough is enough
EG evil grin
EMFBI excu me for butting in
EMFJI excu me for jumping in
EMSG email message
EOD end of discussion
EOF end of file
EOL end of lecture
EOM end of message
EOS end of story
EOT end of thread
ETLA extended three letter acronym
EYC excitable, yet calm
F female
F/F face to face
F2F face to face
FAQ frequently asked questions
FAWC for anyone who cares
FBOW for better or wor
FBTW fine, be that way
FCFS first come, first rved
FCOL for crying out loud
FIFO first in, first out
FISH first in, still here
FLA four-letter acronym
FOAD f**k off and die
FOAF friend of a friend
FOB f**k off bitch
FOC free of charge
FOCL falling of chair laughing
FOFL falling on the floor laughing
FOS freedom of speech
FOTCL falling of the chair laughing
FTF face to face
FTTT from time to time
FU f**ked up
FUBAR f**ked up beyond all recognition FUDFUCT fear, uncertainty and doubt
FUCT failed under continuas testing
FURTB full up ready to burst (about hard disk drives) FW freeware
FWIW for what it’s worth
FYA for your amument
FYE for your entertainment
FYEO for your eyes only
FYI for your information
G grin
G2B going to bed
G&BIT grin & bear it
G2G got to go
G2GGS2D got to go get something to drink
G2GTAC got to go take a crap
G2GTAP got to go take a pee
GA go ahead
GA good afternoon
GAFIA get away from it all
GAL get a life
GAS greetings and salutations
GBH great big hug
GBH&K great big huh and kiss
GBR garbled beyond recovery
GBY god bless you
GD&H grinning, ducking and hiding
GD&R grinning, ducking and running
GD&RAFAP grinning, ducking and running as fast as possible GD&REF&F grinning, ducking and running even further and faster GD&RF grinning, ducking and running fast
GD&RVF grinning, ducking and running very
GD&W grin, duck and wave
GDW grin, duck and wave
姑墨GE good evening
GF girlfriend
GFETE grinning from ear to ear
GFN gone for now
GFU good for you
GG good game
GGU2 good game you two
GIGO garbage in garbage out
GJ good job
GL good luck
GL&GH good luck and good hunting
GM good morning / good move / good match
GMAB give me a break
GMAO giggling my ass off
GMBO giggling my butt off
GMTA great minds think alike
GN good night
GOK god only knows
GOWI get on with it
GPF general protection fault
GR8 great
GR&D grinning, running and ducking
GtG got to go
GTSY glad to e you
H hug
H/O hold on
H&K hug and kiss
HAK hug and kiss
HAGD have a good day
HAGN have a good night
HAGS have a good summer
HAG1 have a good one
HAHA having a heart attack
HAND have a nice day
HB hug back
HB hurry back
HDYWTDT how do you work this dratted thing
HF have fun
HH holding hands
HHIS hanging head in shame
HHJK ha ha, just kidding
HHOJ ha ha, only joking
HHOK ha ha, only kidding
HHOS ha ha, only riously
HIH hope it helps
HILIACACLO help I lapd into a coma and can’t log off
HIWTH hate it when that happens
HLM he loves me
HMS home made smiley
HMS hanging my lf
HMT here’s my try
HMWK homework
HOAS hold on a cond
HSIK how should i know
HTH hope this helps
HTHBE hope this has been enlightening HYLMS hate you like my sister
IAAA I am an accountant
IAAL I am a lawyer
IAC in any ca
IC I e
IAE in any event
IAG it’s all good
IAG I am gay
IAIM in an Irish minute
IANAA I am not an accountant
IANAL I am not a lawyer
IBN I’m bucked naked
ICOCBW I could of cour be wrong
IDC I don’t care
IDGI I don’t get it
IDGARA I don’t give a rat’s ass
IDGW in a good way
IDI I doubt it
钢铁是怎样炼成的名言警句IDK I don’t know
IDTT I’ll drink to that
IFVB I feel very bad
IGP I gotta pee
IGTP I get the point
IHTFP I hate this f**king place
IHTFP I have truly found paradi
IHU I hate you
IHY I hate you
II I’m impresd
IIT I’m impresd too
IIR if I recall
青春是什么IIRC if I recall correctly
IJWTK I just want to know
IJWTS I just want to say
IK I know
IKWUM I know what you mean
ILBCNU I’ll be eing you
ILU I love you
ILY I love you
ILYFAE I love you forever and ever
IMAO in my arrogant opinion
IMFAO in my f***ing arrogant opinion IMBO in my bloody opinion
王明伟IMCO in my considered opinion
IME in my experience
IMHO in my humble opinion
IMNSHO in my, not so humble opinion IMO in my opinion
IMOBO in my own biad opinion IMPOV in my point of view
IMP I might be pregnant
INAL I’m not a lawyer
郑洞国简介INPO in no particular order
IOIT I’m on Irish Time
IOW in other words
IRL in real life
IRMFI I reply merely for information IRSTBO it really sucks the big one
IS I’m sorry
ISEN internet arch environment number ISTM it ems to me酿豆腐怎么做
ISTR I em to recall
ISWYM I e what you mean
ITFA in the final analysis
ITRO in the reality of
ITRW in the real world