Question 1 If a is 50% larger than c, and b is 25% larger than c, then a is what percent larger than b?
Question 2 Find the sum of all prime numbers betwee n 1 and 100 that arc simultaneously 1 greater than a multiple of I less than a multiple of 5.
Question 3 The figure below shows four equal circles, each circle touches two adjacent circles, if the radius of each circle is 10cm, what is the area of the shaded regions?
Question 4 If w is a positive integer, and if the units* digit of i? is 6 and the units* digit of (n-1)2 is 9, the units' digit of (zr+l)2 is 病毒的传播途径
9 12 27 36 54
, the minimum number i$
Question 6 In a triangle, if measures of three angles are x, 2x and 3x respectively, then the measure of the largest angk is
恰同学少年读后感Question 7 If we let <a> be the greatest prime number not more than a. then the result of the expressionvv3>x<25>y30»is
fl 8 The sum 0?^? f _
Qugion 9 L2 a be -he average of a=
numbers is -ess -han 50・ The greatest possib-c vaco0「3
g.d prime numberscrss -han 50・ The
imegnh most cosc to a
Ques=on 11 coo二he fo-owing diagram so thaf any ?0 neighboring RSLds are diftreni colors.修复伤口的最快方法
How many coors do you need the 一 eas-2
Question 12 The perimeor of a triangCFis 285 i- The longest sidcis 33Q cm _on«r than the middpwhich is 332cm -ongn 二 han -?shortest si de・ Howong are i_s sides〉