Exercis for two-digit number comparing Class: Name: Ⅰ.Fill in the blanks.
(1) Which number is the most clo to 100 ? ( )
(2)67 is the most clo to 60 or 70? ( )三文鱼营养
(3)How about 62? ( )
Ⅱ.Fill in the blanks with“<”“>”or “=”.
48○45 68○78 69○69
57○56 80○90 98○89
Ⅲ.Try your best.
38 58 98 79 60
( ) <( ) <( ) <( ) <( )
Ⅳ. According to the requirement to finish the exercis.什么是风湿热
1.This numer is more than 30,but fewer than 60.
鹊桥仙一竿风月2.This number is fewer than 30.公文要求
3.This number is more than 60.