Rheology Additives
For Water Bad and Solvent Bad Systems
Prented by 主讲人 Axel Woocker Product Group Manager Rheology 流变助剂经理 July 2009
Rheology Additive Characterisation
7/21/2009, Page 2, Rheology July 2009
BYK-410, BYK-411, BYK-420 Liquid thixotrope family – Viscosity profile 液体触变-粘度曲线一览图
η 粘度
viscosity (Pa·s) η (Pa·s)
Storage 贮存 Transportation 运输 Stirring 搅拌 Production 生产 Application 施工
Leveling 流平 Settling 沉降
Sagging 流挂 Rotational viscometer 旋转粘度计
Flow cup 4 mm 涂4杯 Krebs / Stormer ICI cone/plate 椎板粘度计
0,1 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000
shear rate 剪切速率 D (1/s) LOW SHEAR
7/21/2009, Page 3, Rheology July 2009
Definition of Terms - Newtonion Flow Behavior Viscosity Curve 术语的定义 – 牛顿型流动:粘度曲线
Viscosity 粘度η
viscosity curve 粘度曲线 newtonian flow: η = const.牛顿型流动: η =常数.
shear rate 剪切速率 D
花生红衣7/21/2009, Page 4, Rheology July 2009
Viscosity Profile with Pudoplastic Flow Control Additives 含假塑性流动控制助剂的粘度范围
Higher molecular weight bad products 高分子量产品e.g.: 高分子量产品 Polyamides 聚酰胺 聚酰胺(e.g. BYK-430 / 431) Castor oil derivatives 蓖麻油衍生物 Polyurethane 聚氨酯 聚氨酯(e.g. BYK-425) Alkaline swellable emulsions 碱溶胀性乳液 Cellulosic 纤维素
珍惜时间的名言名句viscosity η (Pa·s) 粘度
higher molecular weight chains at rest, tangled, structure builds up via assoziation with resin and pigments 高分子量链在静止时缠结,通过树脂和颜料间 的缔合形成结构
high molecular weight chains at high shear, untanglement, oriented in flow direction 高分子量链在高剪切力下互相纠缠,按流动方向定向
Settling 沉降 – leveling / sagging 流平/流挂 流平 流挂 Storage 贮存 Transportation 运输 Stirring 搅拌 Grinding 研磨 Application 施工
0,1 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000
shear rate 剪切率 (1/s) 剪切率D
7/21/2009, Page 5, Rheology July 2009
卫生间地砖Thixotropic Flow Behavior - Time Dependency 触变性流动 – 与时间有关
Viscosity 粘度η求财的句子
sol curve 溶解曲线
gel curve 胶凝曲线
shear rate 剪切速率D
7/21/2009, Page 6, Rheology July 2009