47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–01 Edition)§65.830
(i) Multiply the average lag days for interstate expens (i.e., cash operating expens plus interest) paid in arrears by the percentage of interstate ex-pens paid in arrears.
(ii) Multiply the average lag days for interstate expens paid in advance by the percentage of interstate expens paid in advance. (Note: an expen lead should be shown as a negative lag.) (iii) Add the results of paragraphs (e)(2) (i) and (ii) of this ction to de-termine the weighted average expen lag days.
(3) Compute the weighted net lag days by deducting the weighted aver-age expen lag days from the weighted average revenue lag days.
(4) Compute the percentage of a year reprented by the weighted net lag days by dividing the days computed in paragraph (e)(3) of this ction by 365 days.
(5) Compute the cash working capital allowance by multiplying the inter-state cash operating expens (i.e., op-erating expens minus depreciation and amortization) plus interest by the percentage computed in paragraph
(e)(4) of this ction.
[54 FR 9048, Mar. 3, 1989, as amended at 60 FR 12139, Mar. 6, 1995]
兰州旅游景点大全§65.830Deducted items.
(a) The following items shall be de-ducted from the interstate rate ba. (1) The interstate portion of deferred taxes (Accounts 4100 and 4340).
(2) The interstate portion of cus-tomer deposits (Account 4040).
(3) The interstate portion of other long-term liabilities (Account4310) that were derived from the expens speci-fied in §65.450(a).
(4) The interstate portion of other de-ferred credits (Account 4360) to the ex-tent they ari from the provision of regulated telecommunications rv-ices. This shall include deferred gains related to sale-leaback arrange-ments.
(b) The interstate portion of deferred taxes, customer deposits and other de-ferred credits shall be determined as prescribed by 47 CFR part 36.
(c) The interstate portion of other long-term liabilities (Account 4310) shall bear the same proportionate rela-tionships as the interstate/intrastste expens which gave ri to the liabil-ity.
[54 FR 9049, Mar. 3, 1989, as amended at 62 FR 15118, Mar. 31, 1997]
Subpart A—General
68.4Hearing aid-compatible telephones.
68.6Telephones with volume control.资本形成总额
68.7Technical criteria for terminal equip-
Subpart B—Conditions on U of Terminal
68.102Terminal equipment approval re-
68.105Minimum point of entry (MPOE) and
demarcation point.
68.106Notification to provider of wireline
68.108Incidence of harm.
68.110Compatibility of the public switched
telephone network and terminal equip-ment.
法国铁塔68.112Hearing aid-compatibility.
68.160Designation of Telecommunication
分离焦虑期Certification Bodies (TCBs).
68.162Requirements for Telecommunication
Certification Bodies.
Subpart C—Terminal Equipment Approval
68.201Connection to the public switched
telephone network.
68.211Terminal equipment approval revoca-
tion procedures.
68.213Installation of other than ‘‘fully pro-
tected’’ non-system simple customer premis wiring.
68.214Changes in other than ‘‘fully pro-
tected’’ premis wiring that rves fewer than four subscriber access lines. 68.215Installation of other than ‘‘fully-pro-
tected’’ system premis wiring that rves more than four subscriber access lines.
68.218Responsibility of the party acquiring
equipment authorization.
68.224Notice of non-hearing aid compat-
Federal Communications Commission§68.2
Subpart D—Conditions for Terminal
Equipment Approval
68.300Labeling requirements.
68.316Hearing aid compatibility: Technical
宋朝刘娥68.317Hearing aid compatibility volume
control: technical standards.
68.318Additional limitations.
68.320Supplier’s Declaration of Conformity.
68.321Location of responsible party.
68.322Changes in name, address, ownership
or control of responsible party.
68.324Supplier’s Declaration of Conformity
68.326Retention of records.
68.346Description of testing facilities.
68.348Changes in equipment and circuitry
subject to a Supplier’s Declaration of Conformity.
68.350Revocation of Supplier’s Declaration
of Conformity.
68.354Numbering and labeling requirements
for terminal equipment.
Subpart E—Complaint Procedures
68.402Amended complaints.
68.404Number of copies.
68.408Answers to complaints and amended
68.410Replies to answers or amended an-
68.412Defective pleadings.
68.414Hearing aid-compatibility: E nforce-
68.415Hearing aid-compatibility and vol-
ume control informal complaints.
68.417Informal complaints; form and con-
68.418Procedure; designation of agents for
68.419Answers to informal complaints.
68.420Review and disposition of informal
68.423Actions by the Commission on its
own motion.
Subpart F[Rerved]
Subpart G—Administrative Council for
Terminal Attachments
68.602Sponsor of the Administrative Coun-
cil for Terminal Attachments.
68.604Requirements for submitting tech-
nical criteria.
68.608Publication of technical criteria.
68.610Databa of terminal equipment.
68.612Labels on terminal equipment.
68.614Oppositions and appeals.
A UTHORITY: 47 U.S.C. 154, 303.
Subpart A—General
A UTHORITY: Secs. 4, 5, 303, 48 Stat., as amended, 1066, 1068, 1082; (47 U.S.C. 154, 155, 303).
S OURCE: 45 FR 20841, Mar. 31, 1980, unless otherwi noted.
The purpo of the rules and regula-tions in this part is to provide for uni-form standards for the protection of the telephone network from harms caud by the connection of terminal equipment and associated wiring there-to, and for the compatibility of hearing aids and telephones so as to ensure that persons with hearing aids have reasonable access to the telephone net-work.
(47 U.S.C. 151, 154(i), 154(j), 201–205, 218, 220, 313, 403, 412, and 5 U.S.C. 553)
[49 FR 21733, May 23, 1984]
(a) E xcept as provided in paragraphs
(b) and (c) of this ction, the rules and regulations apply to direct connection of all terminal equipment to the public switched telephone network for u in conjunction with all rvices other than party line rvices.
(b) National defen and curity. Where the Secretary of Defen or au-thorized agent or the head of any other governmental department, agency, or administration (approved in writing by the Commission to act pursuant to this rule) or authorized reprentative, cer-tifies in writing to the appropriate common carrier that compliance with the provisions of part 68 could result in the disclosure of communications equipment or curity devices, loca-tions, us, personnel, or activity which would adverly affect the na-tional defen and curity, such equip-ment or curity devices may be con-nected to the telephone company pro-vided communications network with-out compliance with this part, provided that each written certification states that:
(1) The connection is required in the interest of national defen and cu-rity;
(2) The equipment or device to be connected either complies with the
47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–01 Edition)§68.3
technical criteria pertaining thereto or will not cau harm to the nationwide telephone network or to employees of any provider of wireline telecommuni-cations; and
(3) The installation is performed by well-trained, qualified employees under the responsible supervision and control of a person who is a licend profes-sional engineer in the jurisdiction in which the installation is performed. (c) Governmental departments, agen-cies, or administrations that wish to qualify for interconnection of equip-ment or curity devices pursuant to this ction shall file a request with the Secretary of this Commission stat-ing the reasons why the exemption is requested. A list of the departments, agencies, or administrations that have filed requests shall be published in the F EDERAL R EGISTER. The Commission may take action with respect to tho requests 30 days after publication. The Commission action shall be published in the F EDERAL R EGISTER. However, the Commission may grant, on less than the normal notice period or without notice, special temporary authority, not to exceed 90 days, for governmental departments, agencies,
or administra-tions that wish to qualify for inter-connection of equipment or curity devices pursuant to this ction. Re-quests for such authority shall state the particular fact and circumstances why authority should be granted on less than the normal notice period or without notice. In such cas, the Com-mission shall endeavor to publish its disposition as promptly as possible in the F EDERAL R EGISTER.
[66 FR 7580, Jan. 24, 2001]
As ud in this part:
Demarcation point (also point of inter-connection). As ud in this part, the point of demarcation and/or inter-connection between the communica-tions facilities of a provider of wireline telecommunications, and terminal equipment, protective apparatus or wiring at a subscriber’s premis. Esntial telephones. Only coin-oper-ated telephones, telephones provided for emergency u, and other tele-phones frequently needed for u by persons using such hearing aids.
Harm. E lectrical hazards to the per-sonnel of providers of wireline tele-communications, damage to the equip-ment of providers of wireline tele-communications, malfunction of the billing equipment of providers of wireline telecommunications, and deg-radation of rvice to persons other than the ur of the subject terminal equipment, his calling or called party. Hearing aid compatible. Except as ud at §§68.4(a)(3) and 68.414, the terms hearing aid compatible or hearing aid compatibility are ud as defined in §68.316, unless it is specifically stated that hearing aid compatibility volume control, as defined in §68.317, is in-tended or is included in the definition. Inside wiring or premis wiring. Cus-tomer-owned or controlled wire on the subscriber’s side of the demarcation point.
Premis. As ud herein, generally a dwelling unit, other building or a legal unit of real property such as a lot on which a dwelling unit is located, as de-termined by the provider of tele-communications rvice’s reasonable and nondiscriminatory standard oper-ating practices.
Private radio rvices. Private land mobile radio rvices and other com-munications rvices characterized by the Commission in its rules as private radio rvices.
Public mobile rvices. Air-to-ground radiotelephone rvices, cellular radio telecommunications rvices, offshore radio, rural radio rvice, public land mobile telephone rvice, and other common
carrier radio communications rvices covered by part 22 of Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Responsible party. The party or par-ties responsible for the compliance of terminal equipment or protective cir-cuitry intended for connection directly to the public switched telephone net-work with the applicable rules and reg-ulations in this part and with the tech-nical criteria published by the Admin-istrative Council for Terminal Attach-ments. If a Telecommunications Cer-tification Body certifies the terminal equipment, the responsible party is the holder of the certificate for that equip-ment. If the terminal equipment is the subject of a Supplier’s Declaration of Conformity, the responsible party shall
Federal Communications Commission§68.5
be: the manufacturer of the terminal equipment, or the manufacturer of pro-tective circuitry that is marketed for u with terminal equipment that is not to be connected directly to the net-work, or if the equipment is imported, the importer, or if the terminal equip-ment is asmbled from individual component parts, the asmbler. If the equipment is modified by any party not working under the authority of the re-sponsible party, the party performing the modifications, if located within the U.S., or the importer, if the equipment is imported subquent to the modi-fications, becomes the new responsible party. Retailers or original equipment manufacturers may enter into an agreement with t
he asmbler or im-porter to assume the responsibilities to ensure compliance of the terminal equipment and to become the respon-sible party.
Secure telephones. Telephones that are approved by the United States Govern-ment for the transmission of classified or nsitive voice communications. Terminal equipment. As ud in this part, communications equipment lo-cated on customer premis at the end of a communications link, ud to per-mit the stations involved to accom-plish the provision of telecommuni-cations or information rvices.
[66 FR 7581, Jan. 24, 2001]
§68.4Hearing aid-compatible tele-phones.
(a)(1) Except for telephones ud with public mobile rvices, telephones ud with private radio rvices, and cordless and cure telephones, every telephone manufactured in the United States (other than for export) or im-ported for u in the United States after August 16, 1989, must be hearing aid compatible, as defined in §68.316. Every cordless telephone manufactured in the United States (other than for ex-port) or imported into the United States after August 16, 1991, must be hearing aid compatible, as defined in §68.316.
(2) Unless otherwi stated and ex-cept for telephones ud with public mobile rvices, telephones ud with private radio rvices and cure tele-phones, every telephone listed in §68.112 must be hearing aid compatible, as defined in §68.316.
(3) A telephone is hearing aid-com-patible if it provides internal means for effective u with hearing aids that are designed to be compatible with tele-phones which meet established tech-nical standards for hearing aid compat-ibility.
(4) The Commission shall revoke or otherwi limit the exemptions of paragraph (a)((1) of this ction for telephones ud with public mobile rvices or telephones ud with pri-vate radio rvices if it determines that (i) such revocation or limitation is in the public interest; (ii) continuation of the exemption without such revoca-tion or limitation would have an ad-ver effect on hearing-impaired indi-viduals; (iii) compliance with the re-quirements of §68.4(a)(1) is techno-logically feasible for the telephones to which the exemption applies; and (iv) compliance with the requirements of §68.4(a)(1) would not increa costs to such an extent that the telephones to which the exemption applies could not be successfully marketed.
[54 FR 21430, May 18, 1989, as amended at 55 FR 28763, July 13, 1990; 57 FR 27183, June 18, 1992; 61 FR 42186, Aug. 14, 1996]
The Commission may, upon the ap-plication of any interested person, ini-tiate a proceeding to waive the require-ments of §68.4(a)(1) with respect to new telephones, or telephones associated with a new technology or rvice. The Commission shall not grant such a waiver unless it determines, on the basis of evidence in the record of such proceeding, that such telephones, or such technology or rvice, are in the public interest, and that (a) compli-ance with the requirements of §68.4(a)(1) is technologically infeasible, or (b) compliance with such require-ments would increa the costs of the telephones, or of the technology or rvice, to such an extent that such telephones, technology, or rvice could not be successfully marketed. In any proceeding under this ction to grant a waiver from the requirements of §68.4(a)(1), the Commission shall consider the effect on hearing-impaired individuals of granting the waiver. The
47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–01 Edition)§68.6
Commission shall periodically review and determine the continuing need for any waiver granted pursuant to this ction.
[54 FR 21430, May 18, 1989]
§68.6Telephones with volume control. As of January 1, 2000, all telephones, including cordless telephones, as de-fined in §15.3(j) of this chapter, manu-factured in the United States (other than for export) or imported for u in the United States, must have volume control in accordance with §68.317. Se-cure telephones, as defined by §68.3 are exempt from this ction, as are tele-phones ud with public mobile rv-ices or private radio rvices.
[62 FR 43484, Aug. 14, 1997]
§68.7Technical criteria for terminal equipment.
(a) Terminal equipment shall not cau harm, as defined in §68.3, to the public switched telephone network. (b) Technical criteria published by the Administrative Council for Ter-minal Attachments are the presump-tively valid technical criteria for the protection of the public switched tele-phone network from harms caud by the connection of terminal equipment, subject to the appeal procedures in §68.614 of this part.
[66 FR 7581, Jan. 24, 2001]
Subpart B—Conditions on U of
Terminal Equipment
In accordance with the rules and reg-ulations in this part, terminal equip-ment may be directly connected to the public switched telephone network, in-cluding private line rvices provided over wireline facilities that are owned by providers of wireline telecommuni-cations.
[66 FR 7581, Jan. 24, 2001]
§68.102Terminal equipment approval requirement.
Terminal equipment must be ap-proved in accordance with the rules and regulations in subpart C of this part, or connected through protective circuitry that is approved in accord-ance with the rules and regulations in subpart C.
[66 FR 7582, Jan. 24, 2001]
§68.105Minimum point of entry (MPOE) and demarcation point. (a) Facilities at the demarcation point. Carrier-installed facilities at, or con-stituting, the demarcation point shall consist of wire or a jac
k conforming to the technical criteria published by the Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments.
(b) Minimum point of entry. The ‘‘min-imum point of entry’’ (MPOE) as ud herein shall be either the clost prac-ticable point to where the wiring cross a property line or the clost practicable point to where the wiring enters a multiunit building or build-ings. The reasonable and nondiscrim-inatory standard operating practices of the provider of wireline telecommuni-cations rvices shall determine which shall apply. The provider of wireline telecommunications rvices is not precluded from establishing reasonable classifications of multiunit premis for purpos of determining which shall apply. Multiunit premis include, but are not limited to, residential, com-mercial, shopping center and campus situations.
(c) Single unit installations. For single unit installations existing as of August 13, 1990, and installations installed after that date the demarcation point shall be a point within 30 cm (12 in) of the protector or, where there is no pro-tector, within 30 cm (12 in) of where the telephone wire enters the customer’s premis, or as clo thereto as prac-ticable.
(d) Multiunit installations. (1) In mul-tiunit premis existing as of August 13, 1990, the demarcation p
oint shall be determined in accordance with the local carrier’s reasonable and non-dis-criminatory standard operating prac-tices. Provided, however, that where there are multiple demarcation points within the multiunit premis, a de-marcation point for a customer shall not be further inside the customer’s premis than a point twelve inches from where the wiring enters the cus-tomer’s premis, or as clo thereto as practicable.