NPI (New Project Implement) Project全过程各阶段定义,特性,要点:
BCA (Business Ca Approval) 阶段: 项目立项可行性评审阶段
项目商务事项认可过程,项目可行性评估,确定是否同意进行立项,确认立项后,项目启动,召开Kick Off Meeting,组建项目小组.
重点: 确认项目是否立项 (规划层经营层)
PD (Product Definition) 阶段: 产品详细定义评审阶段
产品系统框架确立完成并被评审,项目Development Schedule确立.
重点: 项目产品定义是否合理,Development Schedule确立.
简单点歌词PS: 一般情况下,满多公司不会对BCA和PD阶段做太明确的阶段区分,一般整合到一个阶段,即项目立项可行性评审阶段.
EVT (Engineering Verification Test) 阶段: 工程样品验证测试评审阶段
Identify design problems and solving them as early in the design cycle, verify the design meets pre-determined specifications and design goals. Consists of Basic Functional Tests, Parametric Measurements, Specification Verification.
重点: Ensures basic unit performance to design goals and specifications.
PS: 此阶段一般要完成如下资料/事项:
Product /Engineering Specification
Design Verification Test Plan (Basic Test, Compatibility Test, EMI)
Test Equipment and Tooling
Test Process, Test Guideline and Test Program
Circuit Schematic
PCB Layout
3D & 2D & Exploded Drawing
Surface & Artwork & Packaging
Cost Review
Failure Analysis and Corrective Actions
DVT (Design Verification Test) 阶段: 设计样品验证测试评审阶段
Design refinement. Revi and improve the design to meet performance and design requirements and specifications. Deliver objective, comprehensive testing verify all product specifications, interface standards and diagnostic commands. Consists of Functional Testing (including Usability), Performance Testing, Climatic Testing, Reliability Testing, Compliance Testing.
重点: 确认是否合符产品定义要求,可否批量生产.
PS: 此阶段一般要完成如下资料/事项:
Design Verification Test Complete (Basic Test, Compatibility Test, EMI)
Basic Test包括:讲座新闻稿
a:此女 Function Test
b: Safety Test (主要包括: Hit-Pot, 绝缘电阻测试, Current Leakage, 接地测试)
c: Environment Test
d: Mechanical Test (主要包括: Vibration Test, Drop Test)
Compatibility Test包括:
a: 硬件与软件之兼容性
b: 硬件与硬件之兼容性
EMI Test: 抗静电,电磁干扰
Safety Certification
Design Change (according to the design change information, modify all related design ...)
Modify BoM
AVL (Approved Vendor List)
Failure Analysis and Corrective Actions
PVT (Production/Process/Pilot Run Verification Test) 阶段: 小批量过程/生产验证测试评审阶段
Verify design has been correctly implemented into production, consists of Compatibility Verification Testing and Reliability Testing.
重点: 能否量产
PS: 此阶段一般要完成如下资料/事项:
Failure Analysis and Corrective Actions连连看20合1
Engineering Change
Tooling Verification
Approval Sheet / File
Compatibility Verification Test群名称大全搞笑
Reliability Test
PP Approval Meeting
Golden Sample
MVT (Mass Production Verification Test) 阶段: 量产验证测试阶段