课程中文名称:《综合英语IV》/ An Integrated English Cour IV
课程总学时/学分: 80/5 (其中理论 80 学时,实验 学时,课程设计 周)
1. Gee, J.P. 最大的乌龟An Introduction to Discour Analysis: Theory and Method. Foreign Language Teaching and Rearch Press. 2000
2. Hornby, A. S. Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chine Dictionary (6稻盛和夫经典名言th edition). Oxford University Press. 2004
新款美甲图片大全3. Littlewood, W. Communicative Language Teaching甜蜜近义词. Foreign Language Teaching and Rearch Press. 2000
4. Richards, J. The Context of Language Teaching. Foreign Language Teaching and Rearch Press. 2001
5. 邓炎昌 刘润清《语言与文化》,外语教学与研究出版社,1995
6. 杜学增 《中英文化习俗比较》, 外语教育与研究出版社,1999
7. 何兆熊 主编 《综合教程》,上海外语教育出版社,2005
8. 夸克,戈林鲍姆 著,宋玉梅,王宁,王世斌 译《朗文英语语法》,吉林教育出版社,2004
9. 王佐良 丁往道 《英语文体学引论》, 外语教育与研究出版社, 1987
序号 | | 学时 |
Unit 1 | Never Give In, Never, Never, Never | 8 |
Unit 2 | Space Invaders | 8 |
Unit 3 | Alienation and the Internet | 8 |
Unit 4 | A View of Mountains | 8 |
Unit 5 | The Tapestry of Friendship | 8 |
Unit 6 | A French Fourth | 8 |
Unit 7 | The Selling of the President | 8 |
Unit 8 | The Monster | 建议和意见 8 |
Unit 9 | The Discuss Thrower | 8模拟法庭心得 |
Unit 10 | How I Found My Voice | 8 |
| | |
1. 考核方式:闭卷考试
2. 成绩核定办法:平时成绩占30%,包括课堂听写,写读书报告以及课堂回答问题的情况。期末考试成绩占70%
Unit 1 Never Give In, Never, Never, Never
1. Teaching content: introducing background information; analyzing text and discussing each part of the text; language points; the stylistic features of a speech.
2. Teaching requirements:
After learning the unit, the students should be able to:
1) grasp the speaker’s purpo of making the speech;
2) understand the related background information;
3) comprehend the speech through intensive reading and paraphra the important ntences;
4) get a list of new words and structures and u them freely in conversation and writing; get to know the stylistic features of a speech.
3. Key points:
Language points: deceptive, conviction, overwhelming, ups and downs, clo an account, throw one’s mind back to.
Analyzing the text in detail; understanding the purpo of the speech; analyzing the rhetoric features of the speech
4. Teaching Method: students-centered communicative teaching.
5. Teaching prevision: reading Text 1; collecting information on Britain in the Second W
orld War and Winston Churchill.
6. Time allotment and teaching procedures
1st class hour: Warming-up discussion: WWII (students contribute ideas and then teacher summarizing); general introduction of the text
2nd class hour: structural analysis (group work); discussing the main idea of the text; analyzing the style and the rhetorical features and style of the text
3rd-4th class hours: analyzing the text in detail (teacher guided intensive reading)
5th-6th class hours: analyzing the exercis attached to the text; Text 2
Analyzing exercis attached the text on pages 6-10.
Unit 2 Space Invaders
1. Teaching content: analyzing Text 1 and discussing each part of the text; language points; notice the author’s choice of words in describing
2.水兵舞基本步Teaching requirements:
After learning the unit, the students should be able to:洗澡花
1) grasp the author’s purpo of writing and make clear the structure of the whole passage through an intensive reading of Text 1;
2) comprehend the difficult ntences in Text 1 thoroughly and be able to paraphra them;
3) get a list of new words and structures and u them freely in conversation and writing.
3.Key points:
Language work: penetrate, gratify, stake a claim, be proportional to, sidle up, plow into, tread on, carve out, breathe down sb’s neck
Analyzing the text in detail; understanding the writing purpo of the text; understand the author’s way of developing ideas
4.Teaching Method: students-centered communicative teaching.
5.Teaching prevision: reading Text 1; collecting famous saying on time; reading stories on how the famous people arrange their time.
6.Time allotment and teaching procedures