包括保险费及运费之货价 "cost
爱祖国的手抄报包括保险费及运费之货价 "cost
随身行李 cabin luggage; personal luggage
随身行李 cabin luggage; personal luggage
房舱乘客 cabin pasnger
房舱乘客 cabin pasnger
历月 calendar month
历月 calendar month
历年 calender year
历年 calender year
运河通行费 canal tool
运河通行费 canal tool
解约条款 cancelling clau
解约条款 cancelling clau
解约日 cancelling date
解约日 cancelling date
罐装货品;罐头类 canned goods
罐装货品;罐头类 canned goods
吊货钩索 cant hook
吊货钩索 cant hook
帆布吊兜 canvas sling
帆布吊兜 canvas sling
揽货 canvassion; freight solicitation; solicitation
揽货 canvassion; freight solicitation; solicitation
脱封 cap off; head off; al off
脱封 cap off; head off; al off
容量包装 capacity packing
容量包装 capacity packing
造船资金 capital construction fund
造船资金 capital construction fund
船长 captain; length of ship; ship-master
船长 captain; length of ship; ship-master
汽车运送船 car carrier
汽车运送船 car carrier
注意标志 care mark; caution mark; notice mark
注意标志 care mark; caution mark; notice mark
货载配额 cargo allotment
货载配额 cargo allotment
订载 cargo booking
订载 cargo booking
货载容积 cargo capacity; cargo capacity and measuremen plan
货载容积 cargo capacity; cargo capacity and measuremen plan
货物滑槽 cargo chute
货物滑槽 cargo chute
船舶所载重量货 cargo deadweight
船舶所载重量货 cargo deadweight
货物载重吨位 cargo deadweight tonnage
货物载重吨位 cargo deadweight tonnage
货载费用 cargo expens
货载费用 cargo expens
货载作业 cargo handling
货载作业 cargo handling
货物标志 cargo mark
货物标志 cargo mark
货网 cargo net
货网 cargo net
载货作业 cargo operation
载货作业 cargo operation
载货图;货物装载图 cargo plan [= cargo stowage plan; stowage plan]
载货图;货物装载图 cargo plan [= cargo stowage plan; stowage plan]
货量摊配 cargo pool; freight tons pool
货量摊配 cargo pool; freight tons pool
[装卸货]舷门;港埠货物;货物港 cargo port
[装卸货]舷门;港埠货物;货物港 cargo port
收货人 cargo receiver; consignee
收货人 cargo receiver; consignee
吊货索具 cargo sling; cargo wire runner; ship's tackle
吊货索具 cargo sling; cargo wire runner; ship's tackle
货物防护板 cargo sparring
货物防护板 cargo sparring
货物检验 cargo survey
货物检验 cargo survey 鼻窦炎有哪些症状
货载投标 cargo tender
货载投标 cargo tender
货柜 cargo van
货柜 cargo van
货物分配协定 cargo-sharing arrangement 日破苍穹
货物分配协定 cargo-sharing arrangement
装卸监督 cargo-watch
装卸监督 cargo-watch
适载性;适载能力 cargoworthiness
适载性;适载能力 cargoworthiness
木匠 carpenter
木匠 carpenter
海上货物运送法;海上货物[运送]条例 Carriage of Goods by Sea Act {= COGSA; C of G Act; C of GS Act}
海上货物运送法;海上货物[运送]条例 Carriage of Goods by Sea Act {= COGSA; C of G
Act; C of GS Act}
运送人;运送船;运输船;载波;载子;导轮 carrier {= CARR}
运送人;运送船;运输船;载波;载子;导轮 carrier {= CARR}
运送船保留额 carrier's allowance
运送船保留额 carrier's allowance
运送人载货证券 carrier's B/L
运送人载货证券 carrier's B/L
运送人负责内陆运输业 carrier's haulage
运送人负责内陆运输业 carrier's haulage
运送人免责事项 carrier's immunities
运送人免责事项 carrier's immunities
[装]载量;载运能力;养殖容量 carrying capacity 怕怎么写
[装]载量;载运能力;养殖容量 carrying capacity
承运船;搬运船;载货船舶 carrying vesl
承运船;搬运船;载货船舶 carrying vesl
搬运费 cartage; handling charges
搬运费 cartage; handling charges
数目;号数 ca number [= number]
数目;号数 ca number [= number]
箱装货 cad cargo
箱装货 cad cargo
副水手长 cassab; coxswain
副水手长 cassab; coxswain
乘船遭难者;乘船遇难者;流落荒岛;自动毁船 cast away [= castaway]
乘船遭难者;乘船遇难者;流落荒岛;自动毁船 cast away [= castaway]
船离岸边;遗弃之人或物 cast-off
船离岸边;遗弃之人或物 cast-off
牲畜运送船;牲口船 cattle carrier [= cattle ship]
牲畜运送船;牲口船 cattle carrier [= cattle ship]
运牲畜装置 cattle fittings
运牲畜装置 cattle fittings
牲畜船 cattle ship
牲畜船 cattle ship
填隙;填缝 caulking
填隙;填缝 caulking
不能控制之原因 cau beyond control
不能控制之原因 cau beyond control
水泥运输船;水泥运送船 cement carrier
水泥运输船;水泥运送船 cement carrier
完载证明 Certificate for completion
完载证明 Certificate for completion
消毒证明书 Certificate of disinfection
消毒证明书 Certificate of disinfection
所有权状;所有权证书;登记证书 certificate of ownership
所有权状;所有权证书;登记证书 certificate of ownership
签证舱单 certified manifest
签证舱单 certified manifest
责任终止及留置权条款 cesr & lien clau
责任终止及留置权条款 cesr & lien clau
止付佣船费条款 cesr of hire or off-hire clau