园 garden
园丁 gardener
园廊 veranda
园林 park and garden
园林驳岸 revetment in garden
园林布局 garden layout
园林陈设 garden furniture
园林底图 garden ba map
园林地形 garden topography
园林地形改造 topographic treatment of garden
园林雕塑 garden sculpture
园林工程 garden engineering
园林构图 composition of garden
园林管理 landscape management
园林规划 park and garden planning
园林化 gardenization
园林建设 park and garden construction
园林建筑 garden structure
园林空间 garden room
园林理水 water treatment of garden
园林绿地 garden green area
园林绿地布局 garden green area layout
园林绿化 landscaping
园林美学 garden aesthetics
园林苗圃 garden nurry
园林铺路 garden pavement
园林色彩 garden color
园林色彩构图 garden color composition
园林色彩调和 garden color harmony
园林色彩效果 garden color effect
园林色彩学 garden color chromaticstalk英语
园林设计 park and garden design
园林设计师 landscape architect
园林树木 landscape woody plant, landscape tree and shrub
园林四季色彩 asonal colors in gardening
园林小气候 garden microclimate
园林学 landscape architecture
园林养护 park maintenance
园林艺术 garden art
园林艺境 poetic imagery of garden
园林栅栏 garden fence
园林植物 garden plant
园林植物配置 planting arrangement
刘昌刚 园林植物育种 landscape plant breeding
园林种植设计 garden planting design
园林总平面图 garden general layout
园林总体规划 garden overall plan
园路 pave
园路工程 garden pavement engineering
园门 garden entrance
园墙 garden wall
园桥 garden bridge
园亭 garden pavilion
园屋 garden hou
园艺 horticulture
园用筛 garden sieve
古代园林 ancient garden, historical garden
古典建筑 classic architecture
古典式 classic style
古典党派 classical school
古树 age-old tree
古树名木 old tree and famous wood
现代园林 modern garden
花卉 flowers and plants
花卉布置 flowers arrangement
花卉干旱处理 floral draught treatment
花卉冷藏处理 floral cold treatment
花卉品种分类系统 systematic floricatta
洒脱随性淡然的句子花卉色谱 flower color chart
花卉业 florist industry
花卉园艺系 floriculture
花卉展览 flower show
花卉装饰 flower decoration
花架 flower trellis, pagoda
游戏名字符号花镜 flower border
花 ? splice
花篮 flower basket
花候 flowercence, flowering ason
花卉布置 flower arrangement
花被卷造式 aestivations
花部退化状态 antholysis
花色 flower color
花束 bouquet
花坛 flower bed
花坛植物 bedding plant
花萼 scape
花心 eye of flower
花形成 Flower formation
花型 flower form
花型同性 homogeny
花型异性 heterogamy
花序 inflorescence
花序轴 rhachic
花芽 flower bud
花芽分化 flower bud differentiation开店须知
花芽接 fruit bud grafting
花芽始?状态 ripeness of flower
花芽形成 flower bud formation
花样 pattern
花药 anther
花药培养 anther culture
花冠裂片 corolla lobe
花寇筒 corolla tube
中药黄精花萼 calix (pl. calices), calyx (pl. calyces)
花萼瓣化性 calycantheng
花萼裂片 calyx-lobe
花萼筒 calyx tube
花而不实 no ed after blossom
花粉 pollen
花粉败育 pollen abortion
花粉不育性 pollen xility
花粉培养 pollen culture
花梗 pedicel
花冠 corolla
花灌木 flowering shrub
花喉 gorqe
花环 floral hoop, garden
花药?化 anther ophylly
花药异常 anther omania
花颖 floriglume
花园 garden
花原端 floral apex
花原? Flower primordium
花运动 flower movement
花枝 flower branch
花柱 style
露地花卉 outdoor flower
宿根花卉 perennial flowers
球根花卉 bulb flowers
岩生花卉 rock flowers
水生花卉 aquatic flowers
草坪植物 lawn plant
地被植物 grand cover plant
温室花卉 greenhou flower
亚灌木花卉 sufruticosa flower
木本花卉 woody flowers
兰科花卉 orchid flower